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  1. Hello friends, I would like to learn something from you if possible. The "Product Filter" (ps_facetedsearch module) module is running normally on my site. However, I can't filter in "Search Page" with ps_facetedsearch module. I opened the left column in Search Page and added the "Product Filter...
  2. Could someone please help me? From this evening to today, my site suddenly stopped working - it goes terribly slowly and the server slows down terribly. The server shows an awful lot of requests from the site, we found out that when I turn off the ps_facetedsearch module, the speed normalizes and no...
  3. Hello! I think I ran into a bug in Faceted Search module. My product stock filter looks like this (Im only using 1 language in my shop, Polish): (Niedostepne = Unavailable, W magazynie = In stock) So I'm getting proper fields in Polish, but there's also a random extra field and I...
  4. Hello, I want to make the Faceted search available not only on categories but also available on new products and search page. Does anyone knows what I have to do? thanks
  5. Que tal Pues no consigo poner la búsqueda por facetas (el modulo que viene por defecto) dentro de la sección de proveedor o marca, no en el directorio donde se enlistan los proveedores, sino ya dentro de cualquiera de ellos, y el problema es que tengo proveedores con 2000 productos y el único filt...
  6. Can someone help? I found bug in the module ps_facetedsearch (it appears exclusively - on the mobile version) Prestashop ps_facetedsearch v3.7.1 Details: On desktop version of site, when you mark some characteristic in the filter, the page is reloaded and the (clear all) button ap...
  7. Buenas, Tenemos configurado un Prestashop 1.7.5 con multitiendas. En este tenemos configuradas una facetas, pero en la web de Portugal desaparecen hasta que no actualizo un producto. Es muy extraño ya que en la web de España funciona perfectamente. Sin embargo la misma catego...
  8. Buongiorno, mi scuso se argomento trattato in altro topics... ma da una rapida ricerca non ho trovato aiuto anche perchè la 1.7.5 è appena uscita. Ho già un sito con presta 1.6 da svariati anni e conosco mediamente bene la piattaforma..... Però capita sempre la giornata no, la nuova r...
  9. Hi, Maybe someone can help me, I kept trying to solve the problem but in vain, I have a problem with ps_facetedsearch desktop version, it shows the writing but it doesn't show to select or the filters, if I enter the mobile it works and if I select and give the higher resolution it works again until...
  10. Hi! My PrestaShop version is and I am trying to use the Faceted Search module in order to filter my products. The thing is that the price filter that comes with the module by default, does not work properly. I understand that it should be a slider in which the user can choose the price range...
  11. Hi! My PrestaShop version is and I am trying to use the Faceted Search module in order to filter my products. The thing is that the price filter that comes with the module by default, does not work properly. I understand that it should be a slider in which the user can choose the price range...
  12. Salve, chiedo scusa in anticipo se non sto postando nella sezione corretta. Ho un problema con il modulo "Ricerca avanzata -ps_facetedsearch" su PS, vorrei visualizzare un "mostra di più/mostra di meno" quando le opzioni del filtro superano le 15 unità. Ad esempio nell'immagine...
  13. I have an serious error with my Prestashop website. My prestashop is 1.7. Here is my adress: https://tktmart.com/ and admin adress: https://tktmart.com/admintktmart/ My website run smoothly recently. But After i delete some old Features and replace with new features. And then i sign out and see...
  14. Good morning all I am asking for your help to solve this problem that I can not solve already more than 3 days on the faceted navigation module under PS 1.7.4 and PHP 7.2 I integrated the tc_pricefilter module on my site to display the price slider but it breaks all the design of my faceted n...
  15. Bonjour, Je souhaiterai ajouter le module navigation à facettes (ps_facetedsearch) dans la page des produits en promotion, y a t'il une option dans Prestashop ? ou comment puis-je faire si il n'y a pas d'option? ou au moins pouvoir trier par catégories les promos Prestashop 1.7.6...
  16. Bonjour, Sur une prestashop le module de navigation à facette n'affiche pas les filtres. (module natif PS) Ce qui a été fait : - produits saisis, actif, dont certains ont des attributs (finition,couleur et forme) - le module a ensuite été activé - un modèle été créé avec 4 fi...
  17. Hi, good evening, I configure the module ps_facetedsearch, i need in my website to search Brand instead of dropdown list, i need to search brand in input field. Really, I find myself blocked here. I need your help and I would be deeply grateful for your support.
  18. Hi, The filters on our site (faceted search module) shows both languages options no matter in which language someone is. How to we make EN option to show only EN filters and CZ (czech language) to show only the CZ filters. Thanks in advance Alex
  19. private static function getId_featureFilterSubQuery($filter_value, $ignore_join = false) { if (empty($filter_value)) { return array(); } $query_filters = ' AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'feature_product fp WHERE fp.id_product = p.id_product AND ';...
  20. Bonjour à tous, Tout est dans le titre, je souhaiterai empêcher le crawling du filtre à facette sous prestashop 1.7 , du moins pour certaines URLs qui n'ont pas de sens. Par expérience, quelle méthode me conseilleriez-vous ? Merci !
  21. Was anyone else having issues with PrestaShop's Faceted Search plugin? When I had the plugin installed, it caused my database to fill up so my website would not load. Are there other Faceted Search plugins available?
  22. Hello, I have a problem with the order of subcategories. It suppose to show subcategories filters by position but instead it shows random order. Also, When i Change language a category for example were 2nd in En it is 1st in the other language. At least tell me how to make order By name ASC or DESC...
  23. Hi, if I do an internal search, from the search field, into the FO, the page with the results shows all the filters on the left column, even those not relevant or not part of the search. Is this behavior correct? Thanks for any reply. PS v. Faceted search module v3.5....
  24. Ciao a tutti, ho versione Prestashop e versione Ricerca per Aspetti 3.5.0. Cosa strana: funziona solo se seleziono una categoria, se seleziono una sottocategoria non funziona. Link: https://dexteroutlet.com/index.php?id_category=2&controller=category&q=Genere-Bambino Se p...
  25. I have a problem with Faceted Search which I also illustrate with images. The filter shows me that for size M/L I have 80 products but by applying the filter some products have the requested size but the quantity is 0. It would be more correct if these products were not displayed as it is not possib...
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