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Most of the users check Product Reviews before purchasing the product. Good Reviews creates much-needed trust, boost your revenue & conversions by encouraging hesitant and confused buyers to purchase the product. By using the Review Reminder and Incentive module, you can motivate your customers to r...
Hi, Productcomments module doesnt seem to work... everything looks fine but when you try to view the reviews in the Comments tab or though the "read reviews" hyperling nothing happens... any ideas? thanks, Ana
Hey there, i was downloading the product comments from github: But when installing the module its showing an error "Uups...Upload failed...". Is this module not compatible with the latest version And how to get product comments/reviews...
Hello, so I decided to uninstall "productcomments" module from my store, and now, when I go to my website, I am getting this error: Table 'xxxxxx.ps_product_comment' doesn't exist<br /><br /><pre> SELECT (SUM(pc.`grade`) / COUNT(pc.`grade`)) AS grade FROM `ps_product_comment` pc WHERE pc.`id_pr...
- prestashop
- error
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Bonsoir, J'aimerai savoir s'il existe toujours un module intégré à Prestashop (je suis en 1.7) pour les avis produits. En effet, j'ai lu qu'il y en avait un disponible dans la version 1.7.6 mais impossible de le trouver. Merci d'avance pour votre aide. Bonne soirée
Hello. Help me with this: I have productcomments module V4.0.1 and Prestashop 1.7.6. How can I specify the all criterions and grades in each comment from each customer? The module does not show criterions by default but only the overall rating.
Dear all, I hope I did not misplace this post! In the following link you can see that Prestashop has a new feature: Customer reviews. I have tried finding info about this. So far nothing My testshop runs on...
Hi, Prestashop 1.6. comes with solution for sort by price, by stock, by reference but not also by numbers of reviews. So, I have tried to find a solution to sort the products in category by number of reviews and I didn't find the solution for this issue. Is important to show products by r...
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- productcomments
- reviews
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I am experiencing a problem with the Productcomments module which I am using in a custom module and I cannot figure out how to fix it. The problem is with the star rating in the Productcomment form itself. This form works perfectly in a localhost environment, but not on a live server, see images 1 a...
I'm trying to get ratings to show up on the products displayed in the blockviewed module (The one that displays your most recently viewed products in the left sidebar) however I can't seem to get it working as it doesn't rely on the $product array to generate the products which I find kind of strang...
Hello, I am trying to add the Product Comments - add a review feature in the product list, but when I do I get the following 2 Notices and and a Fatal Error. Notice: Undefined index: product in C:\wamp64\www\msmpresta1.6.1.14\tools\smarty\sysplugins\smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157)...
Hello, I've enabled the productcomment module in my Admin panel. When I clicked to test the comment feature, I was shown the following errors. Notice: Undefined index: product in /Users/candh/Sites/cache/smarty/compile/42/92/b5/4292b57f983b87f8f99e90da1d0835de6a62bf37.file.productcomment...
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- smarty
- productcomments
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Bonjour, Je possède actuellement la version de prestashop, je vois sur pas mal de forum et de post qu'il y a possibilité d'avoir un module natif "productcomments" que je n'ai pas sur le mien, est il possible de trouver le .zip quelque part ? En téléchargeant une ancienne version e...
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- productcomments
- produits
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Hi, I am currently using prestashop and productcomments module 3.6.1 by prestashop. I noticed today that I was unable to write a review on a product page, when I clicked the button the url would change to ........#new_product_comment but nothing would change on the screen, no forms. I t...
Hola, Me ocurre lo siguiente: El módulo "Productcomments" o en español "Comentario sobre producto" genera un hook automático en la Ficha del producto que lo ubica debajo de la descripción del producto y por encima del precio. Visualmente se ve primero la descripción del producto, luego la r...
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- posición
- productcomments
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I have an odd problem. I have the productcomments module installed, and have added 2 criterion "Fit" and "Quality". They show up fine when a customer writes a review, and appear with stars next to them. However, when the review shows up on the site, instead of the "Fit" and "Quality" criterion showi...
Brak opinii/komentarzy/recenzji productcomments
KorniXPL posted a topic in Darmowe Moduły i Szablony
Witam, mam problem z modułem productcomments, po zrobieniu próbnej opinii na karcie produktu w panelu administracyjnym na jego stronie nie pojawia się nic do zatwierdzenia, chociaż był tak ustawiony. Wersja PS to a modułu 2.9.1- 1 reply
- productcomments
- moduł
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Buenas tardes, tengo instalado el módulo productcomments (Valoración del producto) en una Las diferentes partes del producto las he puesto en pestañas para que el usuario no tenga que bajar tanto con la rueda del ratón y ver antes los productos relacionados y de la misma familia:...
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Bonjour, Warning sur une prestashop, j'ai tenté la mise à jour du module commentaires produits (productcomments) comme suggéré dans la partie Modules du BO. Après la mise à jour de la version 2.3 vers 2.5 avec message "mise à jour réussie", le module est totalement planté en front-end, les...
Bonjour bonjour, En voulant installer le module productcomments, module natif de presta, j'ai eu la mauvaise surprise de voir que lorsque j'ajoute un nouveau critère, les étoiles n'apparaissent pas !! On ne voit que les chiffres!! J'ai désinstallé le module puis réinstallé (eh pas bête ^^),...
- 2 replies
- productcomments
- star
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