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  1. Hello, here is a long nice history about an error and the understanding for a newieb like me😄. So the error in fact its just the Status on the back office and front its not working automatically, doing a new installation on the demo website it works automatically. Back-office:...
  2. Bonjour, J'ai un petit problème avec mon prestashop hébergé sur un serveur plesk. Lorsque je tente d'ouvrir le gestionnaire de fichier j'ai une erreur 403 me disant que je n'ai pas le droit de faire ça. Voici l'erreur que j'ai dans ma console qui correspond à l'ouverture de ce dernier...
  3. Hello, Is there any way to display both prices (specific and basic) in the product page and catalog view ? I have set specific price for each product individually, each product have different specific price for each customer group, how to display it with basic price (crossed out) on the pr...
  4. I have a Prestashop 1.7 website where I had to override the ps_mainmenu module ( main file of the override ) . Now the override works fine except the fact that I am not able add a necessary translation for a text. I am sharing below how I have written in the code. Kindly tell me if there is any mist...
  5. Hola a todos, necesito ayuda con algo que llevo días intentando resolver y voy directo al grano. Necesito mostrar en la página de confirmación, específicamente en el bloque del resumen del carrito, las reglas del carrito que he aplicado a algunos productos y categorías, pero necesito que...
  6. Hola a todos! Debido a la situación actual (Época de COVID), ofrezco mis conocimientos de posicionamiento SEO en Prestashop para dar orientaciones de como optimizar el SEO en vuestra tienda. Me centraré en ayudar especialmente a aquellos que ya tienen una tienda online y su situación es ma...
  7. Cześć, Mam taki problem, że miesiąc temu przez dwa tygodnie anulowane zamówienia w baselinkerze nie synchronizowały mi się z Prestashop. To zostało już dawno naprawione, ale właśnie tamte stare anulowane zamówienia przed naprawieniem nie zmieniły statusu w Prescie na anulowane. Moje pytanie jes...
  8. I want to show certain menu item with an id only for certain language versions. How do I achieve this with Smarty? Can someone please explain or provide an example? Thanks
  9. Bonjour, Je souhaite rendre plus agréable mes descriptions produits (description produit courte et longue) avec des paragraphes des images etc., une belle mise en forme, mais je galère beaucoup il faut souvent ajouter du Css etc. l'éditeur de texte et succins, il existe un plugiciel pou...
  10. I had the problem for a client and decided to investigate. I found old post, so create this new one to help whoever may need it now. The problem is that when using the minimum purchase that Prestashop has in "Store parameters -> Order configuration" this is compared with the total of products w...
  11. I generate a custom pdf in my custom module in prestashop 1.7. I followed the official doc but I don't find how I can save my pdf in the files of my module. I just use this to display my pdf: $pdf->render(); And I have a PDF class: class HTMLTemplateDevisPdf extends HTMLTempla...
  12. Hola comunidad ¿Cómo están? Les traigo un problema que estoy teniendo con Prestashop y no logo solucionarlo. Resulta que hace unos meses caducó host y por suerte la gente de Hostinger me brindó los backup del sitio. Aunque ahora esta nuevamente en fucionamiento la pagina "No puedo importar precio...
  13. Amigos estoy trabajando un modulo para transporte y en una parte necesito mostrar el tiempo de demora de cada transportista, el problema es que no encuentro un hook que posicione el tiempo donde corresponde! existe alguno que lo haga? he probado con el hook ```hookdisplayCarrierExtraContent``` pero...
  14. I have installed and connected the module to my facebook account and page but the catalog doesn't sync with facebook. Do i need to run additional CRONs or anything else? Didn't find anything related in docs. I'm using prestashop
  15. Dear All, Greetings of the Day! I need to have the condition on the product page where we can let our customers to input a fixed product quantity in quantity box using a button or radio button in the product page along with the default functionalities with the add to cart mechanism. Why I...
  16. Hi Team, Recently, we've encountered an issue when the product is added to the cart. When we call $cart->getProducts(); this leads to a fatal error and 500 response on the front-end. NO issue encountered for version below Recording: https://beta.claap.io/sendinblue/fatal-error-c-3YfM...
  17. Hello, Conf : PrestaShop Version1.7.7.1 PHP Version7.3.25-1+0~20201130.73+debian9~1.gbp042074 (OK) MySQL Version10.3.24-MariaDB-1:10.3.24+maria~stretch (OK) Memory Limit4G Max Execution Time300s Smarty Cache enabled Smarty Compilation auto Je suis en tra...
  18. Bonjour à tous. J'ai un problème de comportement du module ps_mainmenu que j'ai modifié, mais j'ai vérifié, le comportement existe aussi dans le module de base. Quand on hover une catégorie, le sous-menu apparait, quand on sort la souris du sous-menu et qu'on retourne vite dans la zone où...
  19. Hello guys, just a quick question that I could not find it mention anywhere about building my .gitignore for sensitive data for Prestashop I want to create a git repository for my current Prestashop and I only want to exclude sensitive information from the .gitignore like username, password...
  20. Bonjour, Je recherche le hook qui permet l'affichage de la page : panier?action=show Merci pour votre aide
  21. Bonjour, Je souhaiterais ajouter un texte dans le panier en dessous d'un produit spécifique identifier par son ID. (url : www.XXXXXXXX.fr/panier?action=show) public function hookDisplayShoppingCart ($params) { // Récupération id du customer $id_customer = $thi...
  22. Kedves fórum tagok! Elérhető az Addons-on a Barion fizetés integrálásához szükséges modul, amely nem mellesleg támogatja a Barion Teljes(Full) Pixel-t is. Ha valaki nem ismerné, a Barion Full Pixel integrációja a kedvezőbb díjú kereskedői csomagok előfeltétele. https://addons.prestashop.com/en...
  23. Hello everyone, I take the liberty of writing to you, in order to request your follow-up to a bug that I encountered on my Prestashop 1.7 dashboard. the buttons to display the stats no longer work and the loader at the top left of the page is displayed. Attached is the screenshot of t...
  24. Hello everyone! I'm new here and a newbie in using prestashop. I'm blocked on a problem and I couldn't found any forum post to help me with it. Here's my problem : I want to create a button that will add a product to the cart and then open the cart. My big problem is that I can't really use ad...
  25. Hello everyone, I would like to try and found a way to automatically remove a product from the cart after a period of time passed. Let me give you an example at 10.00 AM the client adds "Product A" to his cart. at 11.00 AM the client adds "Product B" to his cart. Let's imagine he comes back...
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