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  1. Hi All I have a problem with the above i have a website retroprintsonline.co.uk, This site was on a old prestashop version 7 and i could not update this. I decided to delete the old prestashop and changed my hosting at the same time. Hosting is now on cloud based hosting i downloaded the new p...
  2. I am working on a custom Prestashop module that enables user login via a token passed in the URL. Despite successfully retrieving the token, validating it, and updating the customer's session with Context::cookie, the login process is not reflecting in the Prestashop fronted. <?php if (!de...
  3. Bonjour, J'ouvre aujourd'hui ce topic pour partager mon souci pour l'instalation d'une boutique Prestashop 8.2.0 à l'étape "Instalation de la boutique" ou j'obtiens ce message d'erreur : Quand je ressaie l'installation, j'ai plutôt le message (même en mettant le mode DEV dans defines.in...
  4. Bonjour, Mes produits possèdent tous un fichier virtuel. Une fois le paiement accepté, le client reçoit le lien de téléchargement par mail. Je souhaiterais que les clients puissent également télécharger ces fichiers virtuels depuis leur compte client, ce qui, sauf erreur de ma part, n'est...
  5. Buonasera, sono nuovo su Prestashop e sto cercando di visualizzare un messaggio ai clienti che hanno effettuato l'accesso, ma ricevo un comportamento strano (la chiave della traduzione, viene visualizzata al posto dell'effettivo messaggio). Questo l'hook che sto utilizzando: public functi...
  6. Czy ktoś wie jak przywrócić poprzedni wygląd (ten z ciemnym tłem pod menu) w panelu administratora Prestashop 8? Nowy wygląd z białym menu jest bardzo nieczytelny.
  7. Buenas tardes gente, acabo de toparme con un error que no se si es algún tipo de bug de la nueva versión de PrestaShop (8.0.1). Al intentar actualizar las traducciones de mi tema (es la primera vez que me meto ya que es una nueva instalación), se queda cargando infinitamente y sale una alerta arriba...
  8. Bonjour, Je suis sous prestashop 8.1.3, je ne peux ou ouvrir les factures. Voici l'erreur : array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given Je rajoute un bout de code : classes/AddressFormat.php (line 446) $addressText = '';...
  9. Hello everyone, I'm sharing my problem in case someone else has experienced it. I have a PrestaShop 8.0.5 store (PHP 8.1), and for some time now, I've noticed an issue when editing orders. Within a customer's order, when I try to edit the products they have added to modify the stock, I receive an er...
  10. Buenas chicos, expongo mi problema por si le paso a alguien mas. Tengo una tienda PrestaShop 8.0.5 (PHP 8.1) y desde hace un tiempo he notado un problema en la edición de los pedidos. Resulta que dentro de un pedido de un cliente, cuando quiero editarle los productos que a añadido para modificarle e...
  11. Are you one of the many PrestaShop store owners who are hesitant to upgrade to the latest version? If so, you're not alone. Upgrading PrestaShop can be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with the process. Several problems can occur when upgrading PrestaShop, including: Dat...
  12. Bonjour, J'ai un soucis avec le stock de mes produits en multiboutique. J'ai toutes mes boutiques dans le même groupe, la gestion des stocks est activée. Si j'ai ben compris, à partir de là, le stock de produits doit être commun entre toutes mes boutiques. Mais ce n'est pas l...
  13. Bonjour, Je suis sur la version 8.0.3 de Prestashop, je suis développeur débutant et je découvre tout juste Prestashop. Je cherche désespérément comment ajouter un champs custom sur une fiche produit en back-office, j'ai testé différents tutos que j'ai pu trouver tels que : https://css.co...
  14. Hello After updating Prestashop to 8.1.4, in the administration panel with title fields in product and category names Invalid characters are: <>;=#{}. How can this problem be solved? The update itself using 1 Click upgrade went without errors. It's embedded somewhere in the language. I...
  15. Hello everybody, I couldn't even find an issue similar to mine, so I'm turning to you and crossing fingers. For some orders (large ones), the invoice and delivery slip are missing some products. Invoice is in 2 pages, page 1/2 and page 2/2. But the client ordered 39 products and the...
  16. Hello everyone, lately I have been trying to install prestashop 8 on my local windows machine but all my attempts end with an error during the store installation phase at the Install theme stage. The prestashop version I want to install is: 8.1.4 My local machine operating system is: Windo...
  17. Hello, We currently have a multistore, on Prestashop, we would like to upgrade to Prestashop 8.1., but we prefer the backoffice to use the new black and white look of Prestashop Basic Edition 8.1. How is it possible to have this new look in the backoffice? We have already tried to upd...
  18. Witam poszukuję darmowego, lub naprawdę niedrogiego modułu który będzie wyświetlał klientowi możliwość wyboru rodzaju dokumentu sprzedaży jaki chce otrzymał z zamówienie. Presta 8 i php 8. Pozdrawiam.
  19. Dears, I'm working on a custom payment plugin I want to redirect external URL to pay. I mean when the customer selects the payment method will redirect to the payment page. I am trying to use setAction($url) But that didn't work with me. Prestashop 8.1.3 PHP 8.1 Any advice? Than...
  20. I recently decided to upgrade from 1.6 to 8. For this purpose, I installed version 8 on the local host, downloaded the database host, and imported the information into it. Now all the registered products (34000 products) and customer orders and information have been loaded in PrestaShop Local....
  21. Hola a todos! Debido a la situación actual (Época de COVID), ofrezco mis conocimientos de posicionamiento SEO en Prestashop para dar orientaciones de como optimizar el SEO en vuestra tienda. Me centraré en ayudar especialmente a aquellos que ya tienen una tienda online y su situación es ma...
  22. Does anyone have a good .gitignore file for production prestashop 8 websites? All I know to ignore is this: /cache/* /var/cache/* But I'm not sure if it's safe without any exclusions, or if it is all that can be ignored, still keeping the site perfectly working in case of a git clone....
  23. I had around 150 products added. The Products page was functioning properly earlier today and in the days prior. The last action I recall taking is clicking on the "ID" at the top of the product table to adjust their display order. The order was successfully changed. However, upon reopening the...
  24. Hello, Is there any way to when upgrading from Prestashop to Prestashop 8.1.1. instead of being updated to version 8.1.1. open source, be updated to version Prestashop edition basic 8.1.1. which includes the marketplace module, the basic edition module (new look of the Prestashop backoffi...
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