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  1. Hello. Why does Prestashop redirect me to an index page when I try to open catalog (or preferences, or payment, or order) in admin panel? Admin panel always redirects me to the index (shop) page.
  2. We have certain products we are not allowed to ship internationally so they do not have international shipping as an option: when you try and purchase that product on it's own to, no shipping options are available: However, when you now add a product that is allowed to be shipped...
  3. Bonjour à tous, Je suis en cours de développement d'une boutique pour des e-liquides destinés à la vape, qui proposera des "Box" pour mes clients. Sur le principe, que lorsqu’un client est intéressé par un type de Box (j'en ai plusieurs différentes), il devra choisir parmi une liste...
  4. Can anyone help? I have quite a lot of products and would like to somehow let the customer see whether an item is either in stock or out of stock without having to go in to each item individually. Is this something that can be set for all products in the back office? Any help is apprecia...
  5. I change the header logo in Preferences Themes. But when I save, then go back to Preferences Themes, the original logo is back and not my new one. Please help.
  6. Was trying to edit the footer information in the BlockCMS section under Localization > Translations and after I hit save, I was hit with a 403 Forbidden. I checked the permissions and .htaccess files to make sure everything was fine and it seemed like it was. It happens when I also try to modify...
  7. Trying to get the hang of Presta, and impressed so far. For some reason, I can't get Preferences > Images to load. All I get is a blank page. Can anyone point me to what the underlying problem might be? Thanks in advance for your help.
  8. I've tried updating the Meta Title and Description for the 404 page. I checked the database and I see the appropriate information in there. Also, how does the drop down list of pages get populated?
  9. Bonjour, Je travaille toujours sur prestashop 1.2.5. (que je m'apprête à mettre à jour). Je voulais mettre ma boutique en maintenance et oops, fausse manip, j'ai inscrit mon adresse ip dans la case "répertoire PS". et sauvé. Depuis, Impossible de revenir en arrière. Suivant les indications pêc...
  10. Hi everyone, I'm in the process of creating my first site with Prestashop. I would like to receive some feedbacks and tips/suggestion about one issue. This one in particulare is not a technical one, but rather a conceptual one. Let's go step by step. I am creating the site www.ultimatebondagerop...
  11. I have prestashop 1.6 installed on StartLogic. Also installed is Advanced Customization Module. I have a site with jewelry on it for sale - or it should be. Option to enable 'guest checkout' is enabled under Preferances, so that users can buy things without registering if they chose. Problem - if...
  12. Hi PrestaShop Developers & Community , [sOLVED - PrestaShop BETA v1.6.0.3] BUG : In the Menu > Preferences > Maintenance under the heading "IP maintenance" if you click on the button to "+ Add my IP" is not correctly detected and entered the IP address of the computer from which you are work...
  13. Bonjour, J'ai un souci sur ma mise à jour PS de 1.4 à 1.6, impossible de modifier les préférences générales de PS. Je passe des boutons de oui à non, je sauvegarde, j'ai bien un message disant que la sauvegarde a étée prise en compte mais dès que je retourne sur la page préférence les bouton...
  14. Hi, hope u do well in france. I've a simple question. Is there any possibility in prestashop to limit access to a product attribute like Pre-tax wholesale price or special offers for a group. we have several groups who should input this various attributes to a products. Alltough I was directed to th...
  15. Bonjour, Cela fait plusieurs semaines que je travaille sur Prestashop 1.6. Tout d'abord j'ai commandé un thème que je n'ai pu avoir que 5 jours après car bug chez prestashop. Maintenant que le thème est installé : impossible de mettre ma boutique hors ligne. Ce qui me pourrit le référ...
  16. Hola, mi problema es que estoy en la última versión de prestashop y no consigo editar el nombre de la tienda. Se que en Administrador, ir a Preferencias > Contactos de la tienda en detalles del contacto se puede editar datos, cuando cambio el nombre, guardo y sale su nombre pero a entrar de nuev...
  17. Hello, I need override Preferences > Product in Back Office for add new option to pagination, like "Hide Products without image from home page" or some similar... Which files I need to override this? Bellow the Pagination default options...
  18. Hi, Please share the preferred settings for performance under advanced parameters. I am using PS Thanks a ton
  19. Problème résolu par les codeurs Prestashop dans version ps 1.605 / mode catalogue / modules de base Console admin ->menu préférences ->onglet produits ->réglage : Produits par page Impossible de configurer l'option avec 6 produits par pages / 3 colonnes x 2 lignes Affiche tous...
  20. Product with stock=0 not possible to sell despite allow it in preferences ( in preferences>products I set "Allow ordering of out-of-stock products" = ON ). When trying to purchase product is says: "this combination is out of stock" Checked: In DB out_of_stock field is set to 2 for all the line...
  21. I just uploaded a new theme to my themes folder. This theme should have all necessary parts, but it is not showing up in the prestashop preferences. I still only see default theme. I triple checked that I put the theme in the right folder, and I did. The only other thing I can figure, is that I...
  22. Hello guys, I have a very simple problem which i encountered by complete stupidity and error. I am not a developer and only use the back office to add/edit products in the shop. I have by error gone into Preferences menu > General Page (1st) and in PS Directory typed '/themes' and pressed enter, w...
  23. If I want to rename a set of images, e.g from product-list to product_image, I know I can simply chaneg the name of the image and regenerate or create a new image size with that name. However, how can I DELETE the old images? The store has thousands of products, so we really don't want thousan...
  24. bonjours a tous voila je veux cree mon future site et je suis bloquer et pour moi php css etc .. c'est du chinois donc pour deboguer cela c'est pas facile j'ai bidouller les preferences image et ensuite j'ai regenere les images en decochant la case Effacer les images précédent...
  25. Bonjour, je n'ai pas trouvé de section plus appropriée pour soumettre ceci, merci de m'indiquer le bon endroit si celui-ci ne l'est pas! C'est une petite correction dans la description d'une option sur les versions 1.5.x. Dans Préférences > Clients, l'option "Numéro de téléphone", la descrip...
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