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  1. Olva Courier Module for PrestaShop Calculates in real-time the shipping costs through the Olva Courier online quoting service, based on Lima (as origin) and the client's destination city, dimensions and weight of products added to the shopping cart. Benefits for Merchants Trusted ship...
  2. I have a code that firstly read the cart rules and check if there is any duplicate code and this part works fine. I can get from the "GET" service. However, when I move on to "POST", it keeps returning server status 200 to me. It seems it changed from POST to GET automatically. Is there any way t...
  3. When I try to make an axios post request to upload a product image using the endpoint '/api/images/products/id', I get a 400 error: Please set an "image" parameter with image data for value. Here's the snippet of the code i have. const form = new FormData() const image = await axios.ge...
  4. Bonjour, Pour le contexte, actuellement j'arrive à PUT des informations dans ma BDD grâce à cette méthode Je n'ai aucun problème avec le GET et le PUT. Par contre j'essaie depuis plusieurs jours d'utiliser la méthode POST de l'API Prestashop avec finalement toujours la même...
  5. Hi, as you read by the title i'm trying to update the catalog of my shop by using the Webservice API Here's the problem when i send the POST request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <product_option_values> <product_opti...
  6. hello everyone, I'm trying to post some data from postman to prestashop but it doesn't seem to work. The data that i want to post are ones coming from app-search the solution proposed by elasticsearch as I'm trying to create a search engine. what url should I provide in postman to send dat...
  7. Hello! I want to update the order status via API, but i want to do it using JSON and CURL For this reason, i have three questions: 1-What is the end point to do PUT to update status of a order? 2-What body in JSON do I have to send in the request? 3-How can i do the...
  8. Hola, en mi empresa tenemos un prestashop y desde hace unos días tenemos unos problemas. Todo empezó al restaurar un backup. Tenemos un template Tema JMS 4Life donde nos deja cambiar la portada con un page builder, y ahora cada vez que la intento cambiar me dice que: Request Enti...
  9. if i turn the webservice off will it cause my site to crash? I've been having this error with getting customers to safely checkout , it keeps returning error and i don't know what to do.. I'm thinking its from the webservice or a module i installed , please can anyone help me?
  10. Hi How can I send a PUT / POST HTTP request, without PHP? I have used PHP a heap, but now I writing for a smartphone. (Using Swift, Java and was C#). (If asked, I can show the swift code that I use.) GET is simple, you can also just put the URL in a web browser to get a response. I...
  11. Zdravím komunitu, mal by som takú otázku, z dôvodu chybových hlášok by som potreboval pozrieť parametre HTTP Request s parametrami GET a POST. Možno je to triviálne, ale ako na to? Zatiaľ som sa tým ešte nestretol, prevažne sa venujem inej platforme. Ďakujem🙂
  12. Chilexpress Module for PrestaShop Calculates real-time shipping costs through the webservice of Chilexpress based on the origin and destination address, dimensions and weight of products added to the shopping cart. Benefits for Merchants Trusted shipping costs obtained directly from C...
  13. Starken (Turbus) Module for PrestaShop Calculates real-time shipping costs through the Starken (formerly Turbus) online quote based on the origin and destination address, dimensions and weight of products added to the shopping cart. Benefits for Merchants Trusted shipping costs obtain...
  14. Correos Chile Module for PrestaShop Calculates real-time shipping costs through the Correos Chile online quote based on the origin and destination address, dimensions and weight of products added to the shopping cart. Benefits for Merchants Trusted shipping costs obtained directly fro...
  15. Serpost Module for PrestaShop Calculates in real-time the shipping costs through the Serpost online quoting service, based on the origin and destination address, dimensions and weight of products added to the shopping cart. Benefits for Merchants Trusted shipping costs obtained direct...
  16. Estafeta Module for PrestaShop Calculate shipping costs in real time through the Estafeta's online quote, based on the products of the cart and the postal codes of origin and destination. It also shows the estimated delivery times based on the moment of calculation. Benefits for Merchants...
  17. Le seul module de publication automatique sur facebook pour PrestaShop compatible avec ps 1.7 et 1.6 Ce module va vous permettre d’automatiser vos publications sur les réseaux sociaux tels que Facebook, Twitter et autres. Une fois le module configuré, il va chercher de façon aléatoire dans v...
  18. en la tabla ps_category_product es donde los productos se pueden vincular con distintas categorias si creo un producto (POST) este se me distribuye en muchas categorías pero si después lo edito (PUT) este se borra de las demás categorías y solo se queda en la default pero alguien...
  19. Buenas, estoy con prestashop y en mi home estoy mostrando los últimos posts (latest news), Cuando intento entrar en uno de ellos, no se muestra el contenido. Sin embargo si pongo en Seo&URL que no sean url friendly, se muestran. Los posts están con el módulo Smartblog. Espero que puedan ayud...
  20. When I try to post in my blog module, "500 Internal Server Error" appears... i can read and edit comments in blog module, but when I try to edit o make a new post, the error appears. I've tried with two different modules: "Leo Blog" and also "Smartblog" and the error appear in both cases when I...
  21. iVoy Carrier Module for PrestaShop Allows to calculate shipping costs and generate your order shipping labels with iVoy. Benefits for Merchants Trusted shipping costs obtained directly from iVoy. Option to add an impact or adjustment to the shipping costs displayed by the carrie...
  22. FedEx Mexico Module for PrestaShop Calculate shipping costs in real time through the FedEx's online quote, based on the products of the cart and the postal codes of origin and destination. It also shows the estimated delivery times based on the moment of calculation. Benefits for Merchants...
  23. Hi, I tried to share my forum post on Facebook, Twitter, pinterest and Google Plus. I can see post title, image and link properly shown in popup for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, but pinterest popup does not show images, link and title. Any idea?
  24. Hello, I developed payment module for mobile payments using generated QR code. Qr code I placed in order confirmation hook. After order created is in state awaiting for payment. Provider of getway send POST notification and if payment is succesfull state is changed on payment recieved. Is poss...
  25. Tengo una tienda con prestashop y ahora no me permite publicar archivos adjuntos, ya he tratado los métodos que he visto pero sin resultados positivos, alguna idea de como pueda resolver, agradezco aportes. Este es el error Error al subir el archivo! Compruebe el límite de tamaño para subi...
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