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  1. Hi all, I am working on a plugin, that we are upgrading to make it work on 8.x of PrestaShop, up from 1.7.8. The app itself seems to mostly be working, however one thing I have noticed is that is fails to register any of the Hooks for our plugin. This breaks the core functionality of our p...
  2. I have several different products without combinations that are the 'same' but with some little differences , I mean that in DB the products are different but they are really the same product but with different capacity, size, color, price, ... The optimum way to group them will be using one product...
  3. Buenas! estoy buscando un modulo que me permita exportar en excel los siguientes datos: Cliente: nombre, apellido, email, telefono. Pedido: Si compro, o abandono carrito, Monto de la compra, Referencia del producto (SKU), nombre del producto, cantidad. Cualquier info me sirve, muchas gr...
  4. Bonjour chez vous , Lorsqu'on installe un module de paiement sur notre back-office prestashop, nous obtenons ce message d’erreur: Vous n'avez pas la permission de configurer ce module Le module fonctionnait bien mais après une migration du domaine .net en .ci nous sommes confrontés à ce pr...
  5. Bonjour, Je suis a la recherche d'un plugin qui pourrai me permettre la compression de toute mes image déjà présent sur mon site de e-commerce. Merci de vos réponse.
  6. Bonjour à tous, J'ai un client qui m'a contacté pour lui configurer un plan de marquage sur son site et remontée les ventes sur Google Analytics, j'ai utilisé un plugin : https://addons.prestashop.com/fr/analyses-statistiques/27146-premium-google-tag-manager.html Le plugin fait bien son tr...
  7. 2BC


    Czy ktoś z Was korzysta z modułu AdScale ( https://addons.prestashop.com/pl/platne-pozycjonowanie-afiliacja/46947-adscale-ai-advertising-with-an-roi-of-1000-.html ) do prowadzenia kampanii reklamowych na 1.7 ? Zastanawiam się nad wdrożeniem do paru sklepów. Ale trochę obawiam się obciążenia ja...
  8. Hello, all! I am new to Prestashop, I used it 1 or 2 times before. Now I am going to install it in a new hosting and to use it for PCs and PC accessories store. I have two questions, please, help me. 1. I will use this hosting, probably Mini plan - is it enough to run Pres...
  9. Good afternoon team, we present you the portfolio module we have built a couple of years ago but lately we found time to update it to be compatible with the latest versions. It helps us use Presta in non-commercial projects (quite strange, right?) like a business presentation etc, where und...
  10. Καλημέρα ομάδα, με την σειρά μου να σάς παρουσιάσω το module που έχω φτιάξει εδώ και πολύ καιρό αλλά πρόσφατα βρήκα ελεύθερο χρόνο να το ανανεώσω για τις τελευταίες εκδόσεις. Βοηθά να πάμε το PrestaShop σε μη εμπορικά μονοπάτια όπως η παρουσίαση μιας επιχείρησης κτλ, όπου αδιαμφισβήτητα μέχ...
  11. Amazon is the world's leading marketplace that allows Millions of sellers to sell their products and helps them to grow their business. Some facts about Amazon that won't let you set back from selling on Amazon : Each month more than 197 million people around the world get on their device...
  12. Pro případné zájemce bychom na vyžádání bezplatně poskytneme email marketingový modul Emailkampane.cz do PrestaShopu. Více informací naleznete zde: Modul email marketing pro PresaShop od Emailkampane.cz Modul i jeho provoz je bezplatný Službu lze provozovat omezenou dobu v bezplatném režim...
  13. Hi , I`m new to prestashop here. May i know how do i add new order status to using php coding. im currently trying to develop a plugin. the order status mean "Pending" , "complete". in the history. im using prestashop
  14. MODULO BIGBUY IMPORT & SYNC ORDERS Modulo Prestashop per importare prodotti Big Buy, sincronizzare gli ordini e tracciare la spedizione. Ciò che questo prodotto ti offre event_available ProduttivitàOttimizza la gestione del tuo catalogo Modulo Prestashop per imp...
  15. Hola a toda la comunidad, espero se encuentren bien, mi situación es la siguiente. He montado una tienda con la opción multitienda, una para México y otra para Chile, la de México utiliza el método de pago de PayPal pero a la de Chile le he integrado el plugin de Transbank "WebpayPlus". Realicé...
  16. Good day! I want to warn about knowband.com I have bought a scrolling from them plugin and it does not work at all. They are scammers and give thousands of excuses to the best style of the third world. Beware of them and take precautions. Be carefull
  17. CedCommerce Wish Integration Module Developed by Community developer https://addons.prestashop.com/en/marketplaces/32220-cedcommerce-wish-integration.html Overview Wish Integration module helps store owners or Admin to sell their store product on wish marketplace, manage orders...
  18. CedCommerce Fyndiq Integration Module Developed by Community developer https://addons.prestashop.com/en/marketplaces/44062-cedcommerce-fyndiq-integration.html Overview Fyndiq Integration aids you to bypass the complex procedure of uploading products on Fyndiq via CSV'...
  19. CedCommerce CDON Integration Module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/third-party-data-integrations-crm-erp/43324-cedcommerce-cdon-integration.html CedCommerce CDON Integration module facilitates PrestaShop store owners to sell their products among a large number of the customer on CDON mark...
  20. Hello! I created a Prestashop website and i want to put some Wordpress widgets on the bottom of the website. I already installed wordpress inside the prestashop directory, but i don't really know what to do next. I know about a plugin that can do it easily, but its not for free. Any i...
  21. Buongiorno Ho un dubbio complesso il quale è formati per vari punti. Devo cambiare un ERP gestionale il quale riceve ed invia tutti i dati al prestashop, e dopo valutazioni vogliamo cambiare le funzioni di questo ERP a dei moduli di prestashop che possono fare le stesse funzioni. Alcu...
  22. Hallo liebe Community! Seit einiger Zeit beschäftige ich mich nun schon mit der Entwicklung von Themes und Modulen für PrestaShop. Zurzeit entwickle ich ein Profi-Template für PrestaShop 1.7.x und bin dabei auf eine Idee gekommen, von der ich nicht weiß, ob sie funktioniert und konnte auch nach...
  23. Buongiorno, Prestashop mi segnala di aggiornare il modulo per il pagamento tramite contrassegno. Ogni volta che provo ad aggiornarlo mi da "Modulo aggiornato" ma puntualmente poi è sempre lì da aggiornare (ho provato anche a disinstallare e reinstallare). Inoltre da quando devo fare l'aggiornamento...
  24. Hola Estoy haciendo mi primera página en prestashop y resulta que tengo varias categorías de productos y estos productos de las categorías tienen unas características. Estuve revisando el módulo de búsqueda por facetas y funciona perfecto pero DENTRO UNA DE LAS CATEGORÍAS. Vi que al u...
  25. Hola, Mi proveedor me a facilitado un codigo que debe ir en la raiz del ftp pero me arroja error500 alguien podria explicarme el motivo por favor? Gracias. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); include('config/config.inc.php'); $db = new PDO("mysql:host=...
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