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  1. Hi. I just want to add new field in registration form. That field will be filled with phone or mobile phone number. I'm using Prestashop Can I apply this simply for guest and user? Is it possible through module? Thanks for replies.
  2. Il modulo One Click Order (Quick Buy) è il modo più rapido e semplice per ordinare dal negozio online per i clienti. Sarà più veloce e più facile per i tuoi clienti ordinare sul tuo negozio. Questo modulo consente di semplificare la creazione di ordini nel tuo negozio sulla pagina del prodotto. Il c...
  3. http://s875055527.onlinehome.fr/index.php Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'aide car mon logo d’accueil n'est plus responsive. Il ne se dépose plus sur le haut en mode téléphone. En plus, j'ai un soucis sur mes défilés de sous-catégories qui s'affichent tout en haut de la page. Que puis-je faire ??...
  4. Bonjour, j'aurais besoin de vous concernant une partie de code que j'ai mis à la place de la photo "logo" sur le haut de la page sur ma boutique d'essai Prestashop 1.7. Logiquement, étant responsive, le logo se dépose dans le header nav sur téléphone tandis que sur un plus grand écran, il sera...
  5. Hi! My payment module adds the customers phone-number in a format with blank spaces in between, like: 0735 12 23 45. My other modules needs to have the number in this format: 0735122345 Can i somehow make changes in prestashops code in order to achieve this? I'm using Prestashop...
  6. Le module de commande en un clic (achat rapide) est le moyen le plus rapide et le plus simple de commander des produits en ligne pour les clients. Il sera plus rapide et plus facile pour votre client de commander sur votre boutique. Ce module permet de simplifier la création de commandes dans votre...
  7. Bonjour, Je rencontre un gros problème avec ma boutique, je ne peux plus y accéder, j'ai une erreur 500. Je pense que mon problème vient d'une manipulation sur (clients/adresses) j'ai voulu activer l'option phone pour la rendre obligatoire à l'inscription car j'en ai besoin pour commander...
  8. Buenas, estoy intentado cambiar el número de teléfono de este bloque de mi página web pero no lo consigo encontrar por ningún sitio. Al hacer clic en el botón desde el smartphone llama a un teléfono que queremos cambiar. La web es: https://maquinariaparalahosteleria.es/ Si me podéis echar una m...
  9. Ciao a tutti, riporto qui la mia procedura per aggiungere in maniera chiara il telefono (o i telefoni), il codice fiscale e/o la P. IVA in fattura. Ho testato il tutto su una installazione pulita e funziona. Faccio riferimento alla versione nel BO settare la nazione Italia in questo m...
  10. Hi guys, I need some help. I got two orders from two different clients. Time difference between the orders approx. 10-12 min. However, the thing is that Presta ( shows me that both clients got the same address and phone number. Moreover, the most intriguing that the client that made an o...
  11. Hello, I'd like to make the number in the top bar of the CLASSIC theme "tappable/clickable". I know that to do that I can use HTML (<a href="tel:NUMBER">NUMBER</a>), but I can't put this code into the field phone number into the STORE page or into the contact page. Any suggestion about what I h...
  12. Hello! I have encountered this strange problem while working on a new e-shop: Even though I have made the phone number mandatory at registration (from the admin), if the customer only fills out the second field (mobile phone), and not the first, NO phone number will be displayed in the deliv...
  13. This module makes it easy to lookup your order or customer! You can lookup orders by Tracking number and Invoice number. Also you can lookup a customer by his phone or mobile number! Download module here: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/order-management/...
  14. Hi, In my current prestashop, 1.7.3 mobile phone field has disapeared from front and admin. But the field still present in database. Will it disappear ou be present in a future release ?
  15. I just started my new business TeaTan and built the site on PrestSHOP because I thought it was easy to use and clean. I have a couple questions as I finish the site. 1. It asks for the users age when checking out, can I remove this? 2. It asks for two phone numbers in the check out,...
  16. Hi Guys I am quite new here. I need addon which can change columns on Order List. I dont need few regular column, but I need column with phone and email of customer. Searching by this data would be great. Can You help me with that and sugest any solution?
  17. Hi I'm Gianluca, a new prestashop user. I have to change the phone number of my company but i'm not able to do it Please could you help me? It's the number to the left of the header (please see the image below) Many many thanks
  18. Bonjour, comment puis je exporter tous les numéros de téléphone de mes clients ? Quand j'exporte depuis prestashop, j'ai pas les numéros de téléphone. J'ai chercher sur le forum mais je trouve rien. Cordialement.
  19. Hello, I have a shop on Prestashop 1.6 and we work with clients from different countries. For delivering product I need to know their phone number. Do you know some module for verifying phone number format? Additional question : I would like to migrate my site to 1.7 but I do not know i...
  20. Hello everybody, I'd like to ask you about the directory to the folder with Icons which appears in custom cms information block. I'd like to edit them and create new ones, but I can't find them. When I create a new one, is it enough to name it "XX" and than write in cms: <li><em class="icon...
  21. Hi, I want to add another phone number to the contact module block on the new prestashop theme. How do I do it so that it still has the phone icon next to it? Thanks!
  22. Bonjour, Afin d'ajouter le champs téléphone et téléphone mobile dans les commande de mon BO et sur mes factures j'ai voulu ajouter dans: Transport>Pays>France>Format de l'adresse les champs disponibles suivants: Address:phone_mobile et Address:phone Les messages d'erreurs suivant me...
  23. Is there a way to validate the phone number? i.e. i need it to be 10 digits exactly Thanks
  24. Hello everyone I would like to put the phone number in the shop header. I'm using Leo Mega Store theme in Prestashop I want to put it in the right, above the shopping cart. Two lines, for phone and email, would be perfect! The shop is in maintenance mode by now, but if you want...
  25. Hi all, We would like to have the customers phone number on the delivery slip. We know how to do it by going to localization and editing the address format per country... BUT. The phone number is displayed directly under customers address, so it is visible to carrier to and everyone who loo...
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