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  1. Hi! I've started my journey with Prestashop recently. Working on folders and files seems easy to understand but there is one problem I need help with. Me and my team will be working together on one project in the future. We've choose Docker as platform for developing. I thought that co...
  2. Hello, is there a module to export the user profile permissions? If not exist and if i wanted to create a form to do it, is it possible to add a tab in the permissions page?
  3. Hi, I'm looking for a way to limit the discretion of the employee. I create new employee and give him access only to order tab in BO, but my employee can see all detail of order like customer name, adres email etc. I don't want that. How to give him permission to view only order status (like pa...
  4. I have been hired to proofread a Prestashop website. The owner has added me as "translator", with my email and a password. However, I don't know how to access the page - do I need to install Prestashop, or is there a direct link to login with my username and password? I've checked the forum in diffe...
  5. Bonjour les amis, Je suis sous prestashop J'ai modifié les permissions d'un profil secondaire (qui n'est pas le super admin). Mon intension est que ce profil ne puisse que ajouter des fiches produit uniquement. Cette fonction est faisable depuis le tableau des permissions : m...
  6. Hi everybody, I am trying to install prestshop for the first time on my local machine and experiencing issues with changing permissions/deleting install folder after installation completed. I am using XAMPP as a localhost. Everything went smooth to the point till I had to delete the i...
  7. Installing Prestashop for the first time but when opening the installation for the first time its throwing me the error "PrestaShop installation needs to write critical files in the folder var/cache.Please review the permissions on your server." I provided the required permissions and chmod '777'...
  8. Brand new test store Click 1 click upgrade installation. Success message Module(s) installed successfully followed by failure message You do not have permission to configure this module. Modules directory contains autoupgrade folder dated today. Modules list in admin offers 1-click upg...
  9. Bonjour tout le monde, J'ai un souci depuis maintenant quelques semaines sur le backoffice prestashop de mon site. Mon problème est que lorsque j'effectue des modifications dans les catégories du site ou dans les modules, la modification ne peut s'enregistrer lorsque j'intègre des images. Le me...
  10. Hey guys! I'm having some iusses with prestashop i'm logged as superadmin but when i go to permission section for changing the permission for each profile i made i only get a grey screen and i'm not able to modify anything...any chances someone of u had the same problem and can help m...
  11. Hola, He instalado Prestashop y mientras adapto el sitio a mis necesidades tengo el sitio en mantenimiento, el caso es que cada cierto tiempo la página de mantenimiento no es accesible por un error de permisos que no sé como corregir. Me gustaría poder seguir modificando mi plantilla si...
  12. Bonjour, Je suis en train de développer un thème sous Prestashop 1.7 et quand je vais dans le back office pour traduire ce-même thème, la page ne finit jamais de charger, aucun champ de traduction n'apparait et un message d'erreur apparait rapidement en haut à droite de l'écran, sur un fond rou...
  13. Hi, I am having a problem with the user permissions. My developer disappeared and can't be reached without giving me the super admin rights. I need to change the permissions/create a new super admin but can't without the rights. Any way to create a new super admin? Thanks a lot.
  14. I bought Prestapress. I enabled the module for an employee, but when the employee logs in he cannato find any tab saygin "Prestapress". Does anybody ever had the same problem?
  15. Hello everyone! I have one employee that will do the product descriptions for me but I not want him to see or change prices. Since this all is in the catalog/product category, he can do everything. There is no option to limit an employees permissions further then "product". Is there somethin...
  16. Hi, I'm using Prestashop Vers. 1.6.1. and have some troubles with group permissions. I added a new customer group and a new product category, available only for the customers of this group. I want to inform these customers about these new product category by mail with a link. How can I achieve th...
  17. 0 down vote favorite I have installed the following 1.Payment by cheque 2.Bankwire 3.Cash on delivery I have given all permissions of countries , Users , products to all the above. However none of the payment options are visible when I try to...
  18. I can't edit modules in css. How come? When right click at the file in file manager, the code edit option is not there. Is it something to do with the permission? How to rectify this?
  19. Fresh install, new everything. After installation I got a blank BO and SHOP.. Enabled Dev mode. getting these errors in BO : Warning: file_put_contents() [function.file-put-contents]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/class_index.php.KtI4IX) is not within the allowed pat...
  20. Bonjour Au niveau du back office (1.6) un client se plaint qu'il est anormal de voir des boutons de mise à jour lorsqu'un utilisateur n'en a pas les droits. C'est vrai que cela fait un peu bizarre... aussi je cherche le moyen de n'afficher les boutons ajout, modification, suppression, enregistre...
  21. Well first of all, for some reason a lot of the folders has to be in 777 just for presta shop to work under normal konditions, which is annoying, since my "OLD WEBSHOP" Oscommerce could easy run on a SAFE setting. Anyway, after having EVERYTHING on 777 to be able to update the modules I switc...
  22. Hi, I sunddenly have many problems with module page, login and permissions. Here's my config : - ps - Theme Pos Auriga And : - Admin connect : superadmin - Several tests on several navigators, empty cache, empty cookies... Problems : - Module page is terribly long to show :...
  23. Bonjour à toutes et à tous, tout d'abord merci pour votre aide Voici donc mon petit soucis du jour : J'ai commencé à créer ma boutique en local puis déplacer cette dernière sur un hébergement. Tout allait bien mais je me retrouve face à de multiples alertes en back office concernant la permis...
  24. Hi everybody Im developing a new prestashop website with version. I create a new user for mi client and assign the Salesman role to it. I change the permissión so this role can see the dashboard but when it access there is an error "access denied". So i try with logistic role and the same...
  25. I finish all site but I saw don't have "save" button adminpanel/administrator/permission after I did 777 all folder inside prestashop but still don't have "save" button adminpanel/administrator/permission I waiting help
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