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  1. Hi! I have different natural wood pieces and offer to apply an enamel coat in different colours. How can I put 20 different options (each one has different percentual increase for the group of pieces added to cart) ? EG: 10 different pieces (each one has it Product ID, price, etc) wi...
  2. Hello all, I am currently on PS build and I am having a problem with my product pages and discounts displaying properly. At first I experienced an issue where my product combinations will not apply the percent discount under Specific Prices and "Add a New Specific Price" to my second or thir...
  3. Bonjour à tous, Je rencontre un soucis sur une boutique PrestaShop 1.6. Celle-ci contient des produits avec des tarifs dégressifs par quantité. Exemple : Un t-shirt à un prix de base de 10€ HT A partir de 100 unités, le prix passe à 8€ HT A partir de 500 unités, le prix passe à 6€ HT...
  4. Witam wszystkich. Postanowiłem w końcu po długich poszukiwaniach napisać na polskiej grupie post o moim problemie. Chodzi o podnoszenie ceny na wariantach produktu (generator cenowy) nie za pomocą wartości (+ 100zł), a za pomocą procentu (+ 10%). Płatne rozwiązania dostępne w necie zakładają zmi...
  5. I'm using and I'm hoping there is a way to add the tax % rate to two things: the shopping cart summary (shopping_cart.tpl) and the order detail (order_detail.tpl) views. 1.) Currently, the shopping cart shows the label "Total Tax:", but I'd like to have the % rate show beside the label (...
  6. This store is running 1.6.9... I've set up several Basket Rules with a % discount on specific products. When ordering these products and applying the 'Voucher Code' on the Payment page the discount is applied perfectly, EXCLUDING tax. Everything is calculated as intended. Once the order has been...
  7. Good morning. I Wear weeks Desiring to provide an percentage increase in between attributes and given the dilemmas that are in the "solutions" that I have researched ... there will be future problems on the day that you upgrade to newer versions of PS. So I try to touch as little as possible the...
  8. Hello everybody, I have a module that shows a percentage of the remaining products in stock, the thing is it shows a lot of decimals and I don't want to show this, I only want to display the whole number, here is part of the module code {if $valuepercen<100}<div class="weempty"><span class="p...
  9. Can anyone help me make a module to change the shipping to a percent of cart total instead of a fixed amount? You can see attached file. My main question is what should I put inside these functions to get the cart total and multiply by amount entered in carrier backend? function getOrderShipping...
  10. Hello, I tried multiple times to install PrestaShop on my online server, but It always fails at 45 % while "configuring shop information". I deleted the MySQL-Database multiple times and made new ones, but that didn't help, I also tried to install it with Firefox first and then with Inte...
  11. Hi, I use PS I wanna edit the order of database in BO. When add discount as percent, it will be fine. When add discount as amount, it will throw error. Tax is disabled in BO. Here's the log file. Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => G:\wamp\www\prestashop\classes\Cart.php [line]...
  12. When I add a specific price to a product and hit the Save and Stay button, the page refreshes and I get that greyed area with the loading circle/arrow thing and it just stays that way. The arrows rotate but the grey never goes away and I can't click on another tab of the product because it's behind...
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