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After upgrade to Prestashop 1.7.5 The company’s address disappeared from the pdf invoice How can I return it to the first column of the invoice under the logo? Many thanks
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- pdf invoice
- company address
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Help, i just tried the payment system on my website, but i have not received the orders confirmation to my gmail, how to set up the automatically email for orders confirmation? My prestashop version : Thank you in advance.
- 2 replies
- invoices
- email confirmation
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Hello to the community , I am working with Prs I just can't find the right file to modify the adresses size on top of my invoices. I dont either can't place on right the date and invoice ref in the header. And also , how to reduce the space under header (logo , date and ref in...
Hola que tal comunidad Les quiero consultar sobre las imagenes en las facturas en PDF cuando se generan. El problema es que no aparecen las imagenes, ni el logo de la tienda no la imagen del producto. Estuve revisando y pude solucionar el problema de la imagen del lodo del siguiente modo:...
Hello, I would like to ask for a bit of help with one issue I have found out when making an order and followingly generating an invoice. Everything works fine in BO but when I want to download the PDF invoice as a customer in My Account section I get 500. When switching the debug mode...
- 1 reply
- invoices
- pdf invoices
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Anyone can help to solve this problem? i have problem With pdf invoice in back office in prestashop 1706 . Just can’t see invoice or delivery slip, I can only see/print order. When I click on invoice new window open with error . I have moved to new hosting but this problem I had be...
Salutare. Am o problema cu template-ul facturii. daca modific in classes > pdf > PDFGenerator.php fontul din 'ro' => 'helvetica', (nu apar diacriticele) in 'ro' => 'dejavusans', apar pe factura diacriticele dar pierd boldurile din capetele de tabel Vreo r...
- 1 reply
- pdf invoice
- invoice template
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Hi, I keep getting the same error "file not found" when I'm trying to download the PDF invoice from the front office customer account. It happens on any order I have made, even if the status is "payment accepted", "delivered", "shipped" etc. Altough, in the backoffice I can see/download th...
- 8 replies
- order
- file not found
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Hi Prestashoppers, I want a bigger footer on my pdf invoice. But, when i add some data like: Address: City: Country: Company: Some text: Some text: The last 2 rows are not shown in the footer. How can i increase the footer height? Thanks in advance.
- 7 replies
- 1
- height footer
- pdf invoice
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Header pdf invoice 2 page HOW?
Hi I'm trying to make my Prestashop customer invoice show the 'description' of a discount on their order. Currently the discount line shows: text Discount: xxxxxx (discount code) then discount total -$xx.xx. I want to include the description of the discount so that customer knows why they r...
- discount description
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Dobrý den, Prosím Vás nevíte někdo, jak přidat do faktury 3 řádky? Jak bych měl upravit zdrojový kód PDF.php? Nevíte někdo prosím? Děkuji. Jiří
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- PDF faktura
- pdf invoice
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Hello, Please do you know how I can add 3 extra lines in my PDF invoice (see attachement)? How can I modify code PDF.php? I am the beginner so please can you tell me by easy way? :-) Thank you so much. Jiri
Hello I'm using PS and I have a problem with displaying the product reduction amount. If the base product price is 15,00 € and let's say, i have set 5,00 € discount and user bought the product, then reduction amount should be 5,00 €, am i right? I see "--" instead, like it's not work...
Hi, I need to add information about seller in PDF invoice footer. As understand, i simply need to put this information in BO / Orders / Invoices / Invoice options / Footer text For some reason typed and saved text does't show up in PDF invoice footer. Can someone advice where is the problem?...
PDF τιμολόγιο 1,5,3,1. Πρόβλημα με ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες ?
vasvra posted a topic in Ελληνικά [Greek]
Με την αλλάγή σε 1,5,3,1 το pdf τιμολόγιο βγάζει ???????? σε ολους τους Ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες. Στο Αγγλικό forum εχει αναφερθεί αλλά δεν βρέθηκε ακόμη απάντηση. Μήπως κανείς απο εσας το εχει καταφέρει? Ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων -
I am trying to add Order number & Order Date under the Invoice number in header.tpl file. How can I access the order number and order date variable? I copied the order number and order date code from invoice.tpl, but its not working. Please help. Here is the code in header.tpl:...
- 8 replies
- pdf invoice
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Hi, please can anyone help? My client is using prestashop version and has asked about a PDF invoice issue. Basically when a discount is applied the products total is different to the tax information. I would have thought these are generated using the same calculation so I can't under...
- PDF invoice
- wrong totals
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client receives PDF invoice to email after making a payment. how can i remove it ?
Jeg har en prestashop 1.5.2 som nu er ved at være oppe at køre. Men der er lidt små problemer. Hvordan kan jeg få id_cart med på pdf fakturaen? Det er jo det nummer epay bruger som identifikation og det er ret sværet at sammenholde faktura og bankudskrifter uden. Er der foresten nogen som li...
- 1 reply
- pdf invoice
- id_cart
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Hi, getting an error message when viewing the PDF invoice fro My Orders: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 }TCPDF ERROR: Some data has already been output...
Hi, I had Prestashop version before, and for my language I was using Verdana font for PDF invoice. But now I have versions, and I can't even choose Verdana font in Back Office. I tried to install this font once again, but still it does not appear in BO, So I can't choose it, and...