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  1. Buongiorno. Sto cercando un modulo di pagamento che in caso di annullamento dell'ordine rimborsi le spese di incasso percentuali. Avevo un modulo Unicredit ma il conto è stato chiuso e non ce n'è uno equivalente per la banca attuale (Mediolanum) Paypal l'abbiamo disattivato per tutti...
  2. Hello PS community, I'm looking for a module(s) that must have these 2 functionalities... 1. Uses vouchers as payment method. So i'm working for a company that generated, for example, 100 vouchers of 20€, 1 use only and no other exceptions, so the problem is.. if I use them as the "t...
  3. Hi I installed the official Stripe payment module on prestashop The module is connected to the Stiripe API and Webhook corruptly. The problem is that the payment is captured by Stripe with our errors, but prestashop don't create the order. The order confirm page is being show...
  4. Bonjour, jutilisais prestashop checkout sur mon site internet jusqu’à la semaine dernière où les paiements par carte bancaire ne semblent plus fonctionner (mais les paiements PayPal oui). j’ai tenté de réinitialiser le module, enlever/remettre mon PayPal, rien n’y fait. soit les cl...
  5. Ένας πελάτης μου έχει Prestashop και θέλει να το συνδέσει με Σκρουτζ. Εγώ δουλεύω μόνο Wordpress προς το παρόν και τώρα μαθαίνω το περιβάλλον του Prestashop. Ποια βήματα θα πρέπει να ακολουθήσω για να το καταφέρω; Προς το παρόν δε δέχεται πληρωμές με κάρτες. Ποια modules θα πρέπει να δω και...
  6. Anybody working on bringing Revolut to prestashop. https://community.revolut.com/t/embed-revolut-as-a-payment-option-to-e-commerce-sites/15092/17
  7. [MODULE] Advanced Bank Transfer - Support all offline payments Module Overview Unlimited add any number of bank account receipt information:Bank Transfer, Check, Western Union, etc. Accept wire payments by displaying your account details during the checkout and make it easy for your...
  8. Hi, I am seaching for a module to forbid selling to customers who have pending payments (any type of payment) I have searched in Prestashop market and forum for this feature but could not find any module like this. Do you know of any module which implements this feature? Would...
  9. [MODULE] PayPal Me - Payment gateway Module Overview Receive payments via PayPal.Me,Help your friends and customers know it's you they are paying. If you have a lot of PayPal accounts, you can request payment by displaying the accounts randomly. What this module does for you...
  10. Hi, I bought the module and theme from Prestashop and the shop worked fine until I’ve added a few new modules such as skill (for payment) and a pop-up note for cookies. I have also created different delivery options based on payment methods and different combinations for products with combinati...
  11. Hi all, we have this kind of problem: have installed the default Paypal module and we are trying to use it in Sandbox mode so we can do some tests. We successfully connected paypal account in production mode, but when we switch to sandbox and click on "Create or connect paypal account" we...
  12. I m not able to change the currency from usd to inr in my site ,i have tried with localization country, currency . but it not working .pls help me in this regard. Also I need a help in payment integration which gateway should I user for india debit card, credit card and upi payments.
  13. Hi everyone, on my shop I had Paypal as payment method and I want to add 4 € of additional fees on paypal to push credit card. I used official the paypal module but I can't find the correct way to add an additional fees on any payment method. Could someone know how to add these additional...
  14. I have had a couple of errors from orders recently. Basically the client is charged less then he should. The order then shows a Payment Error status due to the amount mismatch. I notice this happen using Stripe but can not tell if the Stripe module is the culprit or not. A bit annoyin...
  15. Hey everyone! Seeing it's a topic that bugs many users, I wrote a tut on limiting payment methods by carrier http://nemops.com/prestashop-payment-methods-specific-carriers/#.V2Jy47v5jmg
  16. Hello Guys, I have been shown this error message in the modules tab for a bit while and actually I can't find a solution for that. I can't use my image slider because of that error and I don't know what to do. Please help.
  17. Hey guys, I own an ecommerce shop and I've been looking for ways to improve business. For the last week or so I've been hunting for info about payment gateways. What I'm interested in is cryptocurrencies, as they seem to be the buzzword these days. My criteria are simple: to accept cryptocurren...
  18. with prestashop version , at the final checkout in the summary, in step 5, the button "complete the order" does not appear, or the "proceed button". when chosen express courier or cash payment on delivery, I have the same problem. The paypal button for payment continues to appear, unti...
  19. when choosing the method of payment by PayPal the following error appears: Error in ajax postInternal Server Error my site http://lojahsi.pt
  20. Hi guys, I need some help here. On the checkout page (1 page checkout) there is a checkbox for accepting the terms and conditions. When a user ticks the checkbox, the proper payment methods appear. However, this happens very, very slowly. Sometimes people may be confused that something doesn't work...
  21. I have a shop set up in Canada with tax set at 5%. When using PayPal to check out, it gives an error Error Code: 10426. I spoke to PayPal and figured out that the problem is that PayPal will only deal with 2 decimal places. If I have something for sale for $1.00 and charge tax of 5%, the total...
  22. Hello Prestashoppers, when I add products to an order made manually from backoffice, if with two products it has free shipping, in shipping costs the price is still shown. if I select free shipping it shows me € 0 and if I return to select the shipment as not free, now...
  23. Ciao a tutti, ho un problema a far funzionare il modulo "Gestione Abbonamenti - Paypal Recurring" (https://addons.prestashop.com/…/24276-paypal-recurring-vend…&) che serve funzionante solo su alcuni prodotti. In pratica, quando si seleziona il prodotto in abbonamento e si va al checkout, si conti...
  24. Hello I'm currently setting up all the options in my store and I've installed PayPal/Stripe modules successfully etc, however, when trying to navigate to the 'Payments' or 'Shipping' section in the dashboard, it comes up with an error;- This page isn’t working www.MYWEBSITENAME is curr...
  25. Hi, I'm using the module strip official, I need to change the price of the product when paying. The price of the product must be zero and only the cost of delivery should be sent for payment by a bank card. I understand that the solution is very simple, but I do not know where to start. Who can help...
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