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  1. hello friends i try to get the prestashop admin directory path but no success. how to get the admin directorypath in prestashop php file.
  2. Zdravíčko, objevil jsem problém na svém eshopu když povolím "friendly url". Změní se cesta k obrázku, které neexistuje, takže všechny obrázky zmizí. Path bez Friendly url je taková src="https://mujeshop.cz/img/p/8/8-large_default.jpg" Když povolím friendly url, změní se cesta k obrázku t...
  3. skic89


    Ciao a tutti ragazzi! Spero che qualcuno possa aiutarmi perchè sono giorni che sto letteralmente impazzendo dietro a questo problema! Sto cercando attraverso la console degli sviluppatori di Chrome (e anche su firefox) la path di un file .CSS di prestashop da modificare. L'ho già fatto di...
  4. Hi, the quetion has been asked before but could not find an answer or suitable solution. Installed a fresh new Prestashop on a hosting server in the root directory. Installation went all OK. Also the back office is working fine and as expected. Only issue is the front office which looks ve...
  5. Bonjour, J'ai deux sites prestashop 1.6 Ma question sur un site le lien des images est https://www.perlesagogo.com/1553-home/bague-signe-infini-argent-avec-5-pierres-de-naissance-et-mot-family.jpg Sur l'autre https://dbvg1f5oe4quk.cloudfront.net/img/p/2/7/4/1/2741-home.jpg...
  6. Hi, Why is there no complete path for breadcrumbs on Brands and Manufacturer page? On both pages it's only HOME Should be HOME > BRANDS HOME > BRANDS > MANUFACTURER Best regards, Robert
  7. Bonjour, Je suis en train de créer un module sur prestashop 1.7 et je souhaiterais modifier les css du module, côté ADMIN. Dans mon fichier principal .php j'ai fais un hook : public function install() { if (Shop::isFeatureActive()){ Shop::setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_ALL); } if...
  8. Hello community members, I upgraded to Prestashop 1.6, and am still working on the cloned (developement) site as the V 1.4 site is still live. One issue is that all images are gone (replaced by the question mark). I'm familiar with the regeneration process but it won't work, as the new sit...
  9. I'm building my new 1.6xx store out and plan to upload about 75,000 products into the catalog. Obviously, editing them all by hand is out of the question. The product information is available to me in both CSV and XML, both files come built with relative paths (i.e., /images/ManufacturerName/Pro...
  10. I have a problem with breadcrumbs on the product page, it does not show the real path of the product. Here's how I set it on the backend: Here's how it shows it: And here's what my breadcrumb.tpl file contains: <!-- Breadcrumb --> {if $page_name != index} {if isset($smarty.capture.path...
  11. Hi everyone, I'm on Prestashop 1.6 and I use the Warehouse theme. I have a slider in my home page. I use the Slider Revolution module and I want a button with a personal font (bebas neue regular). I have tried to upload the files in “themes/warehouse/fonts/” and to put it in “themes/warehouse/css...
  12. Hi I have a large csv to import and have hit a problem ive searched for answers but not found them. Some have said you can just use the category id instead of the category name but i have just found this to create a category with that number.. Some have said pre 1.5 versions of Prestasho...
  13. I've recently installed PrestaShop and I'm wondering something that I can't find in the documentation - what is the directory path / folder for images by default? I'm going to bulk upload a bunch of product images, but have no idea where they go!
  14. I'm new to prestashop. Yesterday I upgraded my prestashop dashboard with "1-click Upgrade" module from version to 1.6.0 stable. After the upgrade the whole website template was changed and some images were missing, so i decided to rollback the versions. At first it seemed everything was OK,...
  15. Hi all, I just installed Prestashop 1.6 on my computer using MAMP. Adding pictures to the theme (logo, slider, etc.) is not problem but when I add pictures to categories and products I get an ugly question mark picture. It seems the URL path is wrong - indeed, when uploading a product pictur...
  16. Bonjour, Nous rencontrons un problème avec le fil d'Ariane de notre site. Sur les dernières catégories crées, le chemin n'est pas correct. PS rajoute un chemin qui n'existe pas Nous travaillons sur Prestashop Pour exemple le lien ci-dessous http://www.la-cabane-a-vapeur.fr/...
  17. Hello all, I've finally managed to get the multistore to work yesterday - well sort of. The second shop (same products, but used as trade catalogue so no prices) is working correctly but there are some issues. On the main shop when I go to a product, the Url changes and displays the breadcrum...
  18. Where does Prestashop 1.6 store the master images(the originally uploaded ones)? I know that one can find the images under /img/p . But I cannot find the master image. The biggest file I find is {imageID}-thickbox_default.jpg. Does Prestashop even save them? Or does it delete the origina...
  19. hi! to everyone!!. I am new in prestashop 1.6, actually I am starting developing simple applications, adding some menus like "teacher" in the backoffice, It has just the basic information, (name, address and telephone) but also has an photo_path field, which allows me to upload an image, I've create...
  20. Hello Prestashop experts, After moving my shop website to godaddy, I now have an error of "Path: undefined:p >> undefined:img" when uploading product images. On the web page of that product, it shows "No image available" on the place where the product image and thumbnail image are expected to be...
  21. Hi all! At the moment, when i go through a few categories to get to the product I want, it gives me the full breadcrumb UP UNTIL I get to the product. When on the product, it just display the default category (which i assume is correct and the way it has been configured to work). I need a wa...
  22. I'm new to prestashop so i'm still getting a grasp of how the system works. I installed then immediately updated to In all 4 themes that I've tried the product images don't show up. The current theme installed is a "minimal" theme I got from this forum. I messed around with fire...
  23. Bonjour, Je suis sous prestashop, et je rencontre un soucis sur le path affiché par le breadcrumb lorsque j'affiche les infos sur le module paypal. (je clique sur le logo Paypal qui me donne les infos sur ce qu'est Paypal) En effet, alors que je devrais voir un truc du genre "A propo...
  24. Hi, My issue is that i am seeing many unwanted category, subcategory dupliacte names in the breadcrumb for some products eventhough it is categorized perfectly in the BO. Eg1: > Sporting Goods>Hunting>Jewelry Design & Repair>Construction>Collectibles>Parts & Accessories>Vintage Hunting>Oth...
  25. Hi, I am using PrestaShop My issue is that i am seeing unwanted category or subcategory names in the breadcrumb for some products. Eg1: > Sporting Goods>Hunting>Jewelry Design & Repair>Construction>Collectibles>Parts & Accessories>Vintage Hunting>Other It should be:...
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