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  1. Boost your PrestaShop's security with 'PrestaSecure': Advanced password rules, mass reset and change reminders, password creation and productivity tooltips. Improve password strength, customize requirements, enhance security for all users, increase customer confidence, enable account activation...
  2. Bonjour depuis quelques jours impossible de me connecter a mon backoffice sur prestashop habituellement j’y accede depuis mon iphone, mon ipad, mon mac (depuis safaris ou chrome) et depuis mon pc alors que l’accès était toujours possible depuis mon mac, c’est l’accès sur l’ip...
  3. Hi, I am getting errors when trying to reset the password. I change some changes as per suggestions in the ps_configuration table and others but had no success in solving the problem. I found code in below file related to error message. prestashop\controllers\front\PasswordControll...
  4. Hi, I would like to know whether it is possible to import customers record with password from version store to store. I want to upgrade my PrestaShop store from to I tried to use the 1-click-upgrade module but it failed. So I am left with no choice but esta...
  5. Hi there! This is my first contribution to the community. I hope it helps someone. I would like to share my approach on how to integrate Zen-Cart / OSCommerce passwords with Prestashop. I have a Zen-Cart shop with 50k registered customers which I am migrating to Prestashop. The "Back Office -> T...
  6. Buenas noches! A ver si alguien podría ayudarme por aquí! No puedo entrar en mi Prestashop ni recordar contraseña da que me da error. He intentado por PHP MyAdmin con la cookie key pero sigue sin dejarme entrar. ¿Alguna otra solucion? No sé porque el mail de recordar contraseña n...
  7. Salve a tutti, prestashop + tema leo desidero fare alcune prove perciò ho installato sul server prestashop 1.7.3 Per quanto riguarda la migrazione di tutti gli articoli e pagine varie, ammettiamo che di santa pazienza avendo file csv se ne venga a capo.... rimane il problema...
  8. Salve, esiste un modo per rendere visibile la password al cliente nelle email di registrazione e successivamente nell'eventuale mail di reset della stessa? Grazie per le risposte
  9. Hi All. I am new on this forum and I hope I can solve this rare problem I detected today. I have installed a fresh prestashop on my hosting via a manager called Softaculous. The installation were without errors. I was checking the entire functionality and I fount that once I a...
  10. Bonjour, Mes clients rencontrent actuellement un problème lors de la récupération du mot de passe oublié. Le client reçoit bien l'e-mail mais le lien n'est pas cliquable. Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une piste ou une solution concernant ce problème ? Je vous remercie d'avance. Gaët...
  11. Hi, I receive an error when trying to reset password (I am working in local). I found this other thread with same problem but I do have both password_query.txt & .html files in the mails folder. 1. The error prompts when entering the email to reset a password, I am actually doing this becaus...
  12. Hello, i am the only user of the platform and i made some cleaning on the laptop, including i have to enter the passwords, and i realize i don't remember the one for prestashop. The problem is that it is not sending me any email to reset it, and it is also the time frame of 6h waiting. It is a probl...
  13. Buongiorno, apro un nuovo topic poiché quelli esistenti sull'argomento sono un po' datati. Il mio cliente vuole trasferire manualmente il suo sito passando da OsCommerce a Prestashop (v. Io, non essendo una programmatrice, non posso garantire il buon esito dell'operazione e ho cons...
  14. PORTUGUES: Eu crie uma pasta junto com os arquivos do prestashop. Queria saber como eu faço uma requisição para usar como as funcoes de validação de senha fora do ambiente prestashop. ENGLISH: I create a folder along with the prestashop files. I was wondering how I make a request to use as the...
  15. Hello, i am trying to build a customer login form using prestashop webservices. I am using prestashop 1.7, i've noticed that 1.7 uses bcrypt as encoding method, i've also noticed that the salt that is being used is dynamic so if i use the COOKIE_KEY as salt i can never get the same password as the o...
  16. Hallo, Due at ftp migration problem I lose some files of my shop on ver, then I operate in this way. I create a fresh installation of Prestashop, after I configurate the shop with theme, module, language, image etc. as previous installation. Then using phpmyadmin I rep...
  17. Hallo zusammen PrestaShop Version: Ich habe für einen Kunden einen WebShop aufgestellt bei dem man Bücher kaufen kann. Den Produkten wurden sowohl kostenlose Download Artikel zugewiesen, als auch welche bei denen man einen Benutzernamen + Passwort braucht. Wenn man einen Dow...
  18. Hi. I have a classic migration problem: in the store from which I import data, passwords are encrypted by plain MD5. So I need to inject a password reencryption procedure on login attempts. That is, first received password must be compared to MD5 value, upon success in which the MD5 value is de...
  19. Hi there! I've just opened source for PasswordStrength module. If you are programmer you can build it from sources form here: https://github.com/promedeli/passwordstrength If you are not programmer and you are interested with this module and my support you can buy it here: https://addons.p...
  20. Hallo zusammen Prestashopversion: Wenn man sich registrieren möchte, muss man den Vornamen, Nachnamen, die E-Mail und das Passwort angeben. Gibt man beim Passwort ein Zeichen ein und geht auf speichern, so kommt folgende Fehlermeldung "ihre Eingabe muss mit dem geforderten Format...
  21. buenas tardes cual es la función de prestashop que cambia el password de prestashop en el lado del administrador
  22. Hola buenas tardes necesito una ayuda con algún modulo gratuito para prestashop 1.6 que me indique cuando una contraseña es débil mientras un cliente se registra , gracias Ayuda urgente!
  23. Hello, I forgot my password to access my back office. I keep on clicking on "lost password" and entering my email address to receive it back. I get the confirmation pop up message: "your new password has been emailed to you". However, everytime I check my email inbox or even my spam there is no...
  24. Good Day all i am wondering is there away i can remove the password from the account creation form so they i can provide them a password once their account has been validated thanks in advance
  25. Salve a tutti, Ho un problema con l'accesso alla back-end di Prestashop. In sostanza ho fatto l'installazione, che è andata a buon fine, e non riesco ad eseguire l'accesso con il mio utente. l'ultimo passo dell'installazione prevedeva l'inserimento dei dati di accesso per l'utente amminist...
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