Hi, Do you know how can I fix this problem? (When I click on a category, the page numbers do not show up.) http://www.moodico.ca but when I change the number of products on the page, it then show up.
Prestashop 1.5.4
I am using prestashop and I have 17 products in this page: http://www.moodico.ca/en/55-food-machinery
but when I check this page (which is showing 10 products per page) there is no link to page 2!
But when I select show 20 products per page, and again choose show 10 products per pa...
I want to add page number at the end of the page.
I have about 25 products and I set "products amount in homepage" to 16
So some of them should be in the second page but there isn't any page numbers to select.