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  1. Hi. I was trying to override a class of a listing controller from this path `controllers/front/listing/CategoryController.php`. If you have issues check this post. I want to know if there is a way to filter the search query before actually searching the database. Like a where clause. I need to...
  2. Basic module for adding or modifying the functions of an admin controller /src. /src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Sell/Order/OrderController.php Tested only on Prestashop version 8 moduledecorator.zip
  3. Hello, in Prestashop 8.1.4 i have made an override of the Cart.php file. I have done this override many times in different older versions of PS. So i am overriding the function getPackageShippingCost(). The goal is to add an aditional shipping cost for each product, calculated during cart execu...
  4. Hi, Do you have nay idea how to create different registration form for each multistore shop? What happend... ? I have a Prestashop with multistore feature active. Both shops are different and I need custom registration for each of them. Each registration page will contain...
  5. Bonjour, Après avoir ajouté plus d'un millier de produits à ma boutique sans y renseigner leur poids (je n'avais pas la possibilité d'avoir cette info), je souhaiterais modifier en masse le poids de ces produits. Après plusieurs recherche sur le forum, j'ai cru lire qu'il fallait modifier le...
  6. Bonjour, Je suis actuellement sous Prestashop et j'essaie de modifier le logo apparaissant dans mes factures. Pour cela je dois modifier la fonction assignCommonHeaderData() du fichier /classes/pdf/HTMLTemplate.php, j'ai donc mis en place une surcharge en créant le fichier HTMLTemplat...
  7. Hi, I want to add supplier reference in the back office Products page, and I have created my own module so I can keep the PrestaShop code untouched. I've managed to have the webpage updated with the new column by override the twig files in my module. But now the new column isn't populated with...
  8. I need to parse any variable passed to any static page in Prestashop and replace anything that starts with "http" (in plain text) with "a href"s. I already have the regular expression but I need to know how can I do that using a module without modifying the core functions and without using override...
  9. Bonjour, J'ai créé un module dans PrestaShop 8.1 où je déclare la class VirtualProductExternalLink extends \ObjectModel dans le dossier /src/Entity/ . J'ai fait un override GetFileController.php du controller GetFileControllerCore placé dans le dossier override/controllers/front/ du module...
  10. I want to add another column in the product page in the back office in prestashop but the methods i found online are outdated or do not work , can someone give me a clue ?
  11. Hello, I am developing a PrestaShop website for a client which have multiple web apps. All these web apps (on different domains) are included into a "Single-Sign-On" system, with an authentication api on a separate domain. I need to include this login system into PrestaShop and do the logi...
  12. Hey guys I got a problem! I want to override ps_emailalerts.php of the module with the same name. The goal is to add a new variable for the mailtemplate of the new-order-mails. As soon as I activate the override no new-order-mail is sent anymore. I already left the code, of the method...
  13. There is no way to override the validation regex mask provided in the src/Core/Domain/Customer/ValueObject/FistName.php and src/Core/Domain/Customer/ValueObject/lastName.php files. Or for any ValueObject ? Some people advised to alter those files : but, it's not a good idea because change...
  14. Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to override a module to adapt it to the functioning of the site. The goal would be to override a custom class ModuleClass from this module (located in /modules/<module>/classes/ModuleClass.php) which extends ObjectModel. I tried this by putting an override...
  15. Hi all, Is it possible to override classes in src folder? Especially I need to add an additional field to the OrderPresenter's present() method which is located at /src/Adapter/Order/OrderPresenter.php PrestaShop version: Thank you in advance for any help! BR, Paulius
  16. I am working on a Prestashop 1.7 and need to add a new field to combinations tab in back-office product details page . I was successful in adding the field to twig file and saving the data to product table ( via product class override ). Now I need to show the saved value in the said field in comb...
  17. Hi all, i want to modify PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Cart\Comparator\CartProductUpdate; but i found nothing in the prestashop documentation. Who can help me?
  18. Greetings, Am trying to set in the country ID or ISO value within the link to pre-select the country. This is due that counties in EU have tax set in the price and out of EU the prices are without tax and if I send now an link to a customer they are not getting the price they should see. I al...
  19. Hi community members. I was trying to override a listing controller from this path `controllers/front/listing/CategoryController.php`. As you all know you just need to copy and paste this file with the relative path into your custom module like this `modules/mymodule/override/controllers/f...
  20. I bought a Blog module in order to write blog posts directly in Prestashop : https://addons.prestashop.com/fr/blog-forum-actualites/25908-blog.html But I found out that this module forces me to have 3 components in my blog posts URLs like this: blog/post/post-title In the module settings I...
  21. Im working on 1.7.8+ version, i would like to add custom fields to product without override. (facing many issues with override, sometimes need to remove /var/cache/<dev/prod>/class_index.php). The fields are used for frontend and backend purpose. Is there a way that custom fields can...
  22. Hello, Prestashop version: I've changed /controllers/front/listing/CategoryController.php init() method to $id_category = 123; If I refresh the page it correctly displays the new category. If I put that into a module with: class CategoryController extends CategoryCon...
  23. Buenos días. Instalé el módulo de AliExpress de Línea Gráfica y necesito hacer un override de la class AlliExpressAttribute para que se tenga en cuenta en futuras actualizaciones. Lo he realizado de mil formas y Prestashop no ejecuta mi Override. He creado el archivo AlliExpressAttrib...
  24. Hello everyone I would like to know if anybody has tried to decorate a controller ? I made a test with the symfony way to decorate a core controller in a custom module. The point was to caught the "toggleStatusAction" when you click on the active icon in the customers list (BO) . I followed the...
  25. I want to modify the list of product displayed in the back-office of Prestashop 1.7, And at some point i want to remove some product from displayed based on condition. So i thought that i should Override the AdminProductController (older controller) but i found that this controller has been moved...
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