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  1. Here as small how to for Layered Navigation module. I found too much people asking for that mod, so i wrote this how to and it is also available in portuguese here: http://goo.gl/CCMjA7 So here we go. Block Layered works with product attributes filter (like size, color, etc) and when you have on...
  2. Salutare, Folosesc Prestashop si am o "eroare". Doresc posibila comandarea produselor chiar daca nu este stoc. Din backoffice, am selectat "Permite comandarea produselor fara stoc" - DA Problema este ca pe homepage, butonul "Add to cart" este inactiv, dar daca intru pe produ...
  3. Hello, I would like to put a label on my products on the front page, telling customers if an item is sold out. I have read several threads on it, but since I am quite new to coding I don't know how to get to the actual editing. Can anybody help me? First on getting to the place where I c...
  4. Hi All, When customers are browsing products in each category of my shop, I'd like to be able to automatically show that a product is out of stock, without the customer having to go into each product individually, by either: - showing text 'more soon' under products when viewing by category...
  5. Hi , I would like set Default: Allow orders as selected value for all the products in my online shop. I just enable the stock management in prestashop, and found that half of my products is defaulted to "deny order" and another half is defaulted to Default: Allow orders . Is there any way...
  6. I noticed my customers can order out of stock products when they are already in the cart. As soon as the product goes out of stock the "add to cart" button disables, but if the item was already in the cart, it is still possible to order it. As a result customers can order products that went out of s...
  7. Hello, i have a fresh installation of PrestaShop and use Alysum theme. I have a Big problem: Catalogue discount (20% on WOMAN category) was not applied on products of that category. I can see in backend of prestashop 20% rule in the price tab of product page, but in frontend nothin...
  8. Hi, I have some minor problem with add to cart button in categories in ps1.7.5.1 Add to cart button still working even the product is out of stock and back-order is disabled. But in the product page it's working properly. Pleas see the following link for reference https://www.overzeas.ne...
  9. Witam, piszę ponieważ zakupiłem moduł Prestashop Przekierowania 301, 302, 303 na mypresta.eu, od samego początku napotkałem pewne problemy jednak z ich rozwiązaniem pomógł mi support, jednak została jeszcze jedna wada tego modułu z niejasną dla mnie przyczyną. W zasadzie to kupiłem ten moduł aby móc...
  10. Hi, I have products on our site which I want to list, with a price, so that customers can be redirected to the site that produce these to purchase (as we cannot resell them through our website, as they're made to order by an external company). I have had complaints and confusion fro...
  11. hi, i want to develop module, or buy one, that will add this capability to my shop : by default, if the product is out of stock the button "Add to cart" is hidden. i want that if the product is out of stock , the button will be shown in different color , and instead of the word "Add t...
  12. Today, discovered bug, that customers can order goods which are out of stock. You ask may, how can they do this? Example: In stock we have 20 pcs of Z product Customer Y ordered 15 pcs of Z product Customer X added 5 pcs of Z product to cart and didn't bought Customer Y...
  13. Hola a todos, En una tienda con PS estoy recibiendo alertas por mail referentes a que diversos productos están próximos a quedarse sin stock. Al parecer estas alertas las estamos recibiendo todos los usuarios del backoffice con rol SuperAdmin. Llevo rato buscando donde desactivar d...
  14. Hello out there, Prestashop version: I have a problem with allowing orders where products are not in stock. I selected the setting 'displayed text when backordering is allowed' so it is allowed to order products which not are in stock. But heres the problem -...
  15. Bonjour ! j'ai pas mal cherché sans trouver exactement ce dont j'ai besoin mais peut être que quelqu'un ici a déjà été confronté au même souci. je cherche un module qui permet de prévoir mes réassorts de produits facilement. pour cela il faudrait: - Définir un seuil de quantité p...
  16. Bonjour, Je vous contacte car sur la version Prestashop je n'arrive pas à trouver le module Mails Alerts que j'ai l'habitude d'utiliser sur la versions 1.6. (voir image-1) Je suppose qu'il a été retiré, mais je n'arrive pas trouver ces fonctionnalités sur la version Prestashop 1.7...
  17. Hi, We are developing a PS shop with warehouse template 4.8.5 We have noticed that anytime a product reaches a low stock ammount then all the SiteAdmin profiles of the shop are notified by email. This is very anoying because those alerts should only arrive to the shop-staff (w...
  18. Hello I'm trying to adapt the tag "In stock", "Out of Stock" from a list product page to the single product page. I know prestashop ready have to show in single product page the out of stock items, but if I don't want to show the stock is no show the Label "In Stock" same as the list product p...
  19. This is becoming a repeating problem that's getting frustrating for our customers and ourselves where a customer will place an order, stock available, but they then get emailed a "On backorder (paid)" email. In all cases it appears to be where our stock for an item is (quantity of 1) in the sys...
  20. Can anyone help? I have quite a lot of products and would like to somehow let the customer see whether an item is either in stock or out of stock without having to go in to each item individually. Is this something that can be set for all products in the back office? Any help is apprecia...
  21. hi, Any ideas how I can hide out of stock products from the page in version 1.6?
  22. My website is allowing people to checkout with products which are out of stock. I have it set to (default) deny orders... how is this happening? Its not good for business! at the front office its showing 'available with some combinations' although there are no other combinations.
  23. Hi, I have seen various mentions of being able to do this and seen the code for it but not for 1.7.2. I would like to change the "Add to Cart" button text to Pre-Order is the product is out of stock but available for order. I would also like to be able to have an overlay on my produc...
  24. Hi, My shop has two groups, one for B2C (regular customers) and one for B2B (shops). B2C I don't want out of stock products to be ordered. B2B I want out of stock products to be pre-ordered. Do you know if there is a way or a plugin to allow orders on out of stock products only for a gro...
  25. On the product page is it not showing if the product is "out of stock" I am using prestashop 1.6 Preferences --> Product --> Allow ordering of out-of-stock products: Box is ticked yes: Display remaining quantities when the quantity is lower than...
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