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  1. Bonjour, J'utilise un prestashop Pour les envoie de mes colis j'utilise le module sendcloud! Je rencontre un problème avec la sélection du point relais. Cette étape devrait être bloquante lors du processus de la commande. Et pourtant le client a accès aux modes de p...
  2. Hi, I present to you a recent development to manage customers and addresses with a VAT number valid for intra-community operations and to be exempt from paying VAT. The module is Advanced VAT Manager in sale in Prestashop addons. The Advanced VAT Manager module is the most advanced m...
  3. Hi, I can't find where i can translate "My address" in one page checkout. Now it has wrong coding and i want to change it (screenshot below). Any ideas? Thanks, Szymon
  4. Chex is a One Page Checkout module designed specifically for prestashop 1.6. This module do its best to simplify and streamline checkout flow, removing obstacles and distraction along the way. If you don't believe me, check out the video below. You can start your 14-day trial and test the...
  5. Salutare, Folosesc prestashop Ma poate indruma cineva cum sa ascund anumite campuri daca clientul selecteaza comanda rapida? Presupun ca trebuie sa modific order-opc-new-account.tpl. Campul care ma intereseaza este "company". Daca este comanda rapida (comanda fara cont) vrea...
  6. Hallo, Prestashop wir haben neben Paypal, Kreditkarte, Vorkasse auch die Zahlungsart Kauf auf Rechnung zur Verfügung, allerdings nur für Kunden mit Kundenaccount, nicht für Gastbesteller. Leider ist es ja bei OPC so, dass zuerst die Zahlungsart ausgewählt wird, und dann erst das Lo...
  7. Searched w/o success. I use guest checkout and today realized after customer complaints that he is not able to place an order via OPC that many customers obviously forget/oversee/do not realize that they have to save their guest account address in order to proceed. The save button is too small or n...
  8. I need to modify input name = "address1" to textarea of the order-opt-new-account.tpl file. When modifying to textarea, the address is not saved. This would be the code that I am modifying: {elseif $field_name eq "address1"} <div class="required text form-group">...
  9. Nach langen erfolglosen suchen, stelle ich hier mal eine Anfrage Ver. Europäische Rechtssicherheit (mod) v2.1.2 - von eleazar 5 Schritte Checkout Template gekauft DE Versandkostenfrei EU Versandkosten 1. Schritt Bestellübersicht <---- Beim betre...
  10. Witajcie ... Używam OPC od X13 oraz kodów rabatowych (Reguły ustalania cen) i mam problem jak to wygląda w OPC. Mam kod rabatowy "X" - daje bezpłatną dostawę powyżej jakiejś kwoty dla konkretnych przewoźników (Poczta Polska) i konkretnych krajów docelowych . W zależnośc...
  11. Hello, Any one who can help me with the problem... Is there any way how to exec action hook on onepage checkout for example when i will click on PAYMENT METHOD ? My scenario : i have checkbox and when it is checked i need to insert value to the database. In normal...
  12. Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Voilà le problème que j'ai rencontré aujourd'hui. J'ai activé la one page checkout option dans préférence-->commande, j'ai une cliente qui passe la commande, elle valide le paiement, pas de commande qui apparaît ni dans son espace client, ni dans mon backoffice,...
  13. Hola, estoy usandio prestashop 1.7 y segùn estoy viendo, debe venir con OPC por default, sin embargo mi instalaciòn tiene 4 pasos para completar la compra, la verdad eso es horrible. Quisiera ver como activo de nuevo la opción de OPC (De nuevo, repito, la mia no tiene OPC, me lleva por 4 pasos...
  14. Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Nous partageons ici une petite astuce si vous rencontrez le souci suivant : En OPC sur un prestashop 1.6 avec le module Colissimo Simplicité, vous sélectionnez un point relais ou validez votre adresse. Une fois cela fait, la fancybox / iframe se ferme et vous êtes reven...
  15. hi guys am new for prestashop 1.6.x i have problem with one page checkout if i create account as a new customer fill all detail and click save button then page not refresh and not available payment option how fix it if have any one solution for one page checkout.
  16. I am using PS I don't know if this is a problem with Zelarg's One Page Checkout or not, but I have just had two potential customers contact me saying they cannot pay as there is no option shown. The website keeps throwing an error saying, directly below the header block "Error: pleas...
  17. Salutare, Cum as putea sa modific OPC sa imi apara toate campurile de la cont nou? Am atasat 2 poze, una cu OPC iar alata Cont Nou PS1.5
  18. Salutare, Cum as putea sa modific OPC sa imi apara toate campurile de la cont nou? Am atasat 2 poze, una cu OPC iar alata Cont Nou PS1.5
  19. with Guest checkout, on the One-Page-Checkout, when you select a state and then click on the "Please use another address for invoice" checkbox, the state resets to "-". All other Delivery Address information stays but the state resets. How can I fix this? thanks.
  20. Temat był poruszany już kilka razy, ale chciałbym zachęcić do dyskusji raz jeszcze. Z poprzednich wątków doszedłem do wniosku że wszyscy zgadzają się że domyślne OPC presty jest do bani i w większości polecene jest OPC z addons http://addons.prestashop.com/pl/6841-one-page-checkout-for-prestashop.ht...
  21. Hi everyone! I enabled order comments in one page checkout in order-address.tpl by removing {if !$opc}, {/if}. {if !$opc} <div id="ordermsg" class="form-group"> <label>{l s='If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.'}</l...
  22. Hi I use the default theme, with opc from Zelarg, and the prestaversion However I want to remove the Total price without tax (see attachment) from the checkout page. I have been looking in different tpl's but I cannot find the correct place. website www.dirtytime.dk Thank...
  23. Nous avons récemment eu une commande dont le paiement a échoué et le code d'erreur PayPal mentionnait qu'il manquait l'état dans l'adresse: 18ZL_ERRORCODE0 -> 10729L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Shipping Address State EmptyL_LONGMESSAGE0 -> The field Shipping Address State is requiredL_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error...
  24. Version: I've noticed there is a redirect problem with the One Page Checkout. Pay for item on checkout page using coupon Using coupon that is the same amount as the grand total which is FREE ORDER So instead of payment options you just click I CONFIRM MY ORDER Once you click the button...
  25. hello! I need a custom one page checkout for my webstore, Any interested person please contact me - Its urgent.
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