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  1. ........Redone thread, since the previous one that was there for more than 8 years was deleted for no reason. Increase your sales by improving the conversions of your Online store with a more optimized checkout. Supported PrestaShop versions: 1.6.X & 1.7.X & 8.X Demo: https://demo.pr...
  2. Hi, I present to you a recent development to manage customers and addresses with a VAT number valid for intra-community operations and to be exempt from paying VAT. The module is Advanced VAT Manager in sale in Prestashop addons. The Advanced VAT Manager module is the most advanced m...
  3. E-commerce Pack - Easy Checkout, Win back Customers Le module Pack E-commerce propose le pack de trois modules indispensables pour les magasins de commerce électronique. Les modules du pack E-commerce incluent: 1) Module de One Page Checkout, Social Login & MailChimp 2) Module de pani...
  4. [MODULE] E-commerce Pack - Easy Checkout, Win back Customers E-commerce Pack - Easy Checkout, Win back Customers The E-commerce Pack module offers the pack of three must-have modules for the eCommerce stores. The E-commerce Pack modules include: 1) One Page Checkout Module 2) Aba...
  5. Hola, Necesitaba desenganchar el módulo de de paypal, que incorpora un botón de la zona que está justo debajo del desglose total del carrito en la forma de pago One Page Checkout. Solo desengancharlo de ese hook. Como se llama el hook que corresponde a esa zona? Adjunto una captura de...
  6. I am deeply dissapointed you removed the one page checkout and called this an upgrade in 1.7 version. It is a feature that was in all previous versions and now you charge over $100 for the module. This is an insult at best to your users. NOT AN UPGRADE. In fact all the upgrades in this new...
  7. Chex is a One Page Checkout module designed specifically for prestashop 1.6. This module do its best to simplify and streamline checkout flow, removing obstacles and distraction along the way. If you don't believe me, check out the video below. You can start your 14-day trial and test the...
  8. i have created order page like one page checkout. When user came to order page user able to edit product from there and quantity etc everything that user able to do in cart page. So now i just want to remove cart page. (extra page in my website) Can anyone help me for same. I can put re...
  9. One Page Checkout - Single Page Checkout Option Module One Page Checkout removes unnecessary steps and makes the checkout process much simpler. It provides a nice checkout experience for the customers and greatly increases your website sales. 1 in 10 people who abandon their cart does so becaus...
  10. Hi! I want to let my guests to see payment methos without sign in. I use one page checkout (One Step Checkout / One Page Checkout v1.6.7 - by best-kit.com) for prestashop 1.6. I tried to edit OrderOpcController.php protected function _assignPayment() { if...
  11. We are currently struggling with a nasty bug in the order process. People sometimes can either not log in or can not complete order process. The issue happens to about 50% of our customers across all browsers and operating systems. I have spent some hours trying to track down the issue. Here is...
  12. Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Voilà le problème que j'ai rencontré aujourd'hui. J'ai activé la one page checkout option dans préférence-->commande, j'ai une cliente qui passe la commande, elle valide le paiement, pas de commande qui apparaît ni dans son espace client, ni dans mon backoffice,...
  13. I am a merchant on PS 1.6, learning a bit of code as I go. When I order a product, I get to a popup cart page, with a checkout button. Is there any way to skip this stage for a quicker checkout? For example this product page: http://www.veganline.com/x/index.php?id_product=76&controller=prod...
  14. I am looking to upgrade my one page checkout and was curious about what other Prestashop users are using. I purchased a one page checkout module from the Prestashop store but found its even more confusing and inefficient as the 5-step checkout included with Prestashop. I've also seen a drop in sho...
  15. Hola, estoy usandio prestashop 1.7 y segùn estoy viendo, debe venir con OPC por default, sin embargo mi instalaciòn tiene 4 pasos para completar la compra, la verdad eso es horrible. Quisiera ver como activo de nuevo la opción de OPC (De nuevo, repito, la mia no tiene OPC, me lleva por 4 pasos...
  16. hi guys am new for prestashop 1.6.x i have problem with one page checkout if i create account as a new customer fill all detail and click save button then page not refresh and not available payment option how fix it if have any one solution for one page checkout.
  17. Hello, Please help me. Has anybody the same problem with vouchers/coupons? When I turn on One page checkout, the coupons do not works both for registered or unregistered users. When I change checkout for clasical 5 step, it works perfect... When I enter a voucher code, the page automaticaly refr...
  18. I am using PS I don't know if this is a problem with Zelarg's One Page Checkout or not, but I have just had two potential customers contact me saying they cannot pay as there is no option shown. The website keeps throwing an error saying, directly below the header block "Error: pleas...
  19. Hello, I switched to "one page checkout". After adding product to cart, and click checkout I get this page> ( See Attached thumbnails ) Any solution? I will be very grateful for your help. (here is my website) http://incstorey.com Regards
  20. Hi, My one page checkout keep loading (image) and that's it. Can anyone tell me what is the wrong with this. Even a simple idea will help. Thank you. One page checkout http://addons.prestashop.com/en/6841-one-page-checkout-for-prestashop.html one page checkout version v....
  21. Hi, Does anyone have an idea of why the multishipping is not displayed on the single checkout page? It appears on the 5 step checkout but not when the single page is activated. I suspect that the js responsible of the multishipping is not called on the single page checkout but why? Is this on pu...
  22. Bonjour, J'ai modifier mes fichier -tpl pour la page "one step" pour la commande. J'ai créé 3 colonnes: 1-Adresse 2-Livraison 3-Paiement Tous fonctionne parfaitement, je n'ai qu'un souci du coté de l'identification du client si il a déjà un compte : Comme la fonction Authentification...
  23. I don't want clients to register and I want them to be able to buy in one single step, which is out-of-the-box in Prestashop 1.6. I have enabled one step and guest checkout and I have also removed the choice "guest/register" from the checkout page theme template. However, seems Prestashop is...
  24. Bonjour, Mes clients rapportent un bug. Dès qu'ils se connectent à leur compte et qui veulent commander, aucune méthode de paiement n'apparait et pourtant ils sont bien identifié, il faut obligatoirement rafraichir la page pour voir les méthodes de paiement. Connaissez vous ce problème et pouvez-vo...
  25. Bonjour, je tente de passer une commande sur PS, type de processus de commande: One page checkout. Theme Prestashop de base modifié. Impossible d'enregistrer mon adresse client. Le pays france est bien selectionné mais un message indique que le code pays est invalide. Il y a 3 erreur(s)...
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