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Found 22 results

  1. [MODULE] Advanced Bank Transfer - Support all offline payments Module Overview Unlimited add any number of bank account receipt information:Bank Transfer, Check, Western Union, etc. Accept wire payments by displaying your account details during the checkout and make it easy for your...
  2. [MODULE] PayPal Me - Payment gateway Module Overview Receive payments via PayPal.Me,Help your friends and customers know it's you they are paying. If you have a lot of PayPal accounts, you can request payment by displaying the accounts randomly. What this module does for you...
  3. Dear all, I had my shop offline while I was updating it, when I switched it online again, my website was gone... This is the message I see: AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\ServiceNotFoundException: You have re...
  4. I'm very new to PrestaShop and I'm not quite sure whether this is the right group to ask my question. As I consider buying the Blog Addon cause I need it, I wonder if I can use the blog until my website-store is unabled and is still under construction. Thank you!
  5. I'm very new to prestashop and website building. How to I put my website offline so that I can work on it until its ready to go live?? I already added an index.html saying "Coming Soon". And then, how do I launch it live? PLease help, this is very time sensitive! Thanks in adv...
  6. Hi y'all, I have a question, let me explain my situation. For a client I have to edit a website made with prestahop. For this reason I copied all data from /Shop and put them into a new folder created for the occasion. Secondly, I exported the entire database and put it into my new da...
  7. Hello Folks! I'm just wondering where could I find the product visblity and availability number in the database? I want to write a small script: "when product stock goes to 0 ==> turn it offline and disable visiblity on front office" Where can I find the 0 or 1 int the database...
  8. Buonasera a tutti! Sono nuova di questo gruppo e ho davvero bisogno del vostro gruppo. Ho acquistato un sito con Prestashop già installato. Quando vado sul mio sito, mi appare la homepage di default del template. Volevo sapere come devo impostare il mio sito offline. In modo da capire bene come...
  9. Hi Everyone How would I create a product that can be viewed online - but can only be bought in the retail store? It may sound like a crazy question - but PS contemplates being used in an offline as well as in an online (eCommerce) environment - I say this because in product creation on the '...
  10. Salve a tutti, sto avviando un'attività, un negozio di abbigliamento sportivo e voglio vendere sia in negozio che online. Per vendere online ho preso un hosting su ovh e ho deciso di utilizzare Prestashop come piattaforma di e-commerce. Come gestionale per la vendita diretta nel negozio "fisico" u...
  11. Dear community, I am currently doing some work for a client who is looking for a POS system. Having investigated a number of systems to date I feel the power of PrestShop could be of use. The ideal would be that I could set my client up with a PrestaShop site and as he sells items in his ph...
  12. Chào anh em, Mình có ý tưởng offline anh em Prestashop ở Hà Nội. Trước là giao lưu làm quen. Sau là hỗ trợ, hợp tác cùng phát triển nếu cần. Tất cả anh chị em, developer hay marketer hay bất cứ công việc gì, miễn là có liên quan đến Prestashop. Anh em cho ý kiến cái nhỉ?
  13. Hello everyone, Strange enough, my webshop doens't work anymore... It says it is maybe in maintenance, but the maintenance button is off, so that's not the problem. Can someone help me? This is really not so nice... Webshop address: www.labellehistoire.be Many thanks in advance! Isabell...
  14. This is a job offer, however we won't be doing this just now but in a few months. Also, I needed to first know if this will be possible to do. The thing is that we will be opening a physical store where all the products will be stored in one same warehouse for both online and offline selling....
  15. I have installed a local version of Prestashop using the BitNami PrestaShop Stack However, I cannot get it to send a test e-mail out successfully. Furthermore, when I try to process an order I cannot get through the order process because it states that the e-mail address is invalid. I...
  16. Como o mesmo módulo anterior, o feito por mim, este módulo é também uma fusão de dois módulos já existentes, contudo, com várias e profundas modificaçôes, a fim de que ambos trabalhassem como um só. O módulo capta as informações do cartão de crédito do cliente e, opcionalmente, a opção de parcel...
  17. Buonasera a tutti. Vorrei sapere se è possibile fare delle prove e modificare parti dello shop in locale senza visualizzare questi cambiamenti sul sito. Il sito però durante queste prove in locale può ancora rimanere attivo e funzionante sulla rete, oppure no? Attendo con ansia delle risposte, gr...
  18. Hola a todos: Sabeis donde puedo consiguir un modulo de pago offline o por email aser posible gratis para prestashop 1.5 Gracias de antemano. Un saludo.
  19. oflline ההי אני מחפש מודל לסליקה כלומר אני מחפש מודל שיאפשר ללקוחות להכניס בצורה מאובטחת כרטיסי אשראי ופרטים שאני יקבל אותם יבצע את הסליקה בעזרת מסוף פיזי ( או סליקה טלפונית מול חברת האשראי )
  20. Salve a tutti, ho da poco iniziato a configurare il mio negozio con Prestashop. Ho acquistato un hosting su netsons e installato la settimana scorsa la versione 1.5.1 attraverso il loro plugin installatron. Dopo 4-5 giorni in cui ho configurato prodotti, combinazioni, logo, ecc... una sera senza...
  21. I am closing my shop, but I am getting a lot of visitors from Google. So I made a deal with another site, I will redirect all my users to the other site, but I want my site to stay intact and when someone visits from Google some popup windows will appear telling the visitor "We have closed b...
  22. Hola a todos, Estoy buscando algún módulo para procesar tarjetas de crédito de forma offline, he leido en el foro alguna opciones pero no termino de verlo claro. Me recomendais algún módulo en concreto? y gratuito? Saludos, Josep M
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