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  1. Hi, I've recently got hired for a company that uses prestashop for their stores and trying to understand how are they running them. I faced a problem when I was trying to make changes to a widget that they are using on the home screen which acts as a slider to show new products, but when...
  2. Hello, I would like to put a label on my products on the front page, telling customers if an item is sold out. I have read several threads on it, but since I am quite new to coding I don't know how to get to the actual editing. Can anybody help me? First on getting to the place where I c...
  3. Good day everyone. Is it possible to change words displayed via html, for example change words "Free Shiping" to (To be calculated) or something like this? http://prntscr.com/lhpgbw Also Offtopic question: How can i edit and where it can be done? I want to make days of week on one side a...
  4. Hi guys, New to Presta shop, can't seem to find a way to edit a page content from the back office. I want to edit a product page where the price and add to cart has to swap with the information that is above the price and add to cart. And no... I don't have server access :(...
  5. Buenos días, antes de nada presentarme. Soy programador en PHP y me gustaría meterme de lleno en la creación de módulos para Prestashop. En concreto, mi idea es hacer un módulo para sincronizar los pedidos de varias tiendas online en un único backend de Prestashop. Apunto desde un principio que...
  6. Boa Tarde, Estou iniciando o estudo no PrestaSHop (Versão e ainda estou na fase de cadastro dos produtos portanto totalmente NOOB. Estou lendo muitos tutoriais que acho na internet e procurando neste Fórum as soluções para as duvidas que encontro. Porém tenho uma duvida que se não for...
  7. A couple months ago, I decided to use a dedicated ecommerce solution for my [spam-filter]'s gift shop instead of Joomla, which I develop for. I reviewed many solutions and decided on PrestaShop for my new platform. After much hair-pulling, drinking from the firehose, and a lot of help from thes...
  8. hi there, newbee of prestashop and comming for the frontend world, i'm trying to make a theme, and i realised that unlike other shop/cms i cant really add my js/ccs inside the template itself, so i've started to build a module to add some js, mainly for feature detection, and loading polyfills when...
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