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Found 14 results

  1. I've recently come across a problem with a live store of a client of ours, view-able here: khulisanetwork.co.za When I try and add a new address to an existing customer, I can fill in all the necessary fields, but when I click on save it reloads the Addresses page. On the reloaded page the info...
  2. Hello Everybody, I'm facing this problem when a new customer complete his registration. When a customer completes the registration form and selects the option [x] "Subscribe to our newsletter" He receive correctly the confirmation mail of "new customer registration" but he doesn't receive...
  3. Hi everyone, I'm new in this forum. I have the necessity to refresh the current page after new customer sign-in using one-page checkout and i don't know how to do it. In few words immediately after the customer data have been saved in DB. Thanks for your help.
  4. Jednoduché odporúčanie na Facebooku (Easy facebook referral) Tento modul zvýši prevádzku na vašich stránkach prostredníctvom aktivity vašich návštevníkov! S tímto modulom získate 1, Facebooku modul 2, platobný modul 3, referral modul 4, podporu a aktualizácie 5, mnoho nových zákazní...
  5. Dear all, i am using the prestshop to sell measurmentsystems. It works pretty fine. But sometime i got via my old homepage some request´s per mail. Is there any posibilty to take this new customer data´s, put it manually into my prestashop as a new "guest" customer and sent ihm an offer ? t...
  6. Hello! I recently discovered that when new customers go to register an account that their address isn't being saved. Once they have an account setup, however, they are able to input their address and the information is stored. Has anyone else run into this problem and found a resolution? I w...
  7. Can you help me with the following problem in Prestashop New registrations for Customer are directly placed in the ID 3 Customers. I want them to be placed in ID 1 Visitors (to be verified by me) I found the following solution on the forum, but it seems to be related to a another ve...
  8. Hi Sir, i am using prestashop_1.5.4.1 bundle, I need to display like All address fields in create new customer form and need to save customer and address. please see the attachement and tell me how to do this requirement as programetically.
  9. I upgraded Prestashop 1.4.0 to and after upgrade i am getting following problem. After create new account on front office when i am click on my address i can see old customer address. When check new account in back office then i realize that New account linked to existing customer. Anyon...
  10. Un programme de parrainage Facebook d’une simplicité extrême (Easy facebook referral) Grâce aux visiteurs présents sur votre site, « boostez », à l’aide du présent module, votre trafic ! Grâce au présent module, vous obtiendrez 1, Facebook module 2, Module de paiement 3, Module...
  11. Referencia fácil de Facebook (Easy facebook referral) ¡Este módulo aumentará su tráfico con el esfuerzo de sus visitantes! Con este módulo usted obtiene 1, Facebook módulo 2, módulo de pago 3, referencia del módulo 4, soporte y actualizaciones 5, muchos clientes nuevos Con este...
  12. Snadné doporučování na Facebooku Tento modul zvýší provoz na vašich stránkách prostřednictvím aktivit vašich návštěvníků! S tímto modulem získáte 1, Facebooku modul 2, platební modul 3,referral modul 4, podporu a aktualizace 5, mnoho nových zákazníků Díky tomuto komplexnímu a uživ...
  13. Riferimento facile a facebook (Easy facebook referral) Il presente modulo incrementerà il volume di visite grazie allo sforzo dei vostri clienti! Il modulo offre 1, facebook modulo 2, modulo di pagamento 3, referral modulo 4, assistenza e aggiornamenti 5, tanti nuovi clienti Graz...
  14. How can I provide free shipping for first time customer? Ideally would be during checkout process the shipping fee is indicated with $0. Alternatively is to send new registered customer a voucher code. that they can insert during checkout to make shipping fee to $0. But this is last resort becau...
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