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  1. Hi, I want to make my shop access only for registered users in prestashop 1.6. Anyone please help me to get an idea to implement it? Please don't suggest any paid modules.
  2. This is a module for alternative view of indicative information about a server and additionally guidelines for evaluation of its status. Even though there is already a "Information" (in "Advanced Parameters") page with information about the server and there is also "Server Configuration" (by Mediac...
  3. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module helps to integrate Database Management Tool Adminer in the back-office. This helps to run SQL queries, and database backups, and perform various jobs such as SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE database tables and columns in tables. Also, get infor...
  4. Estoy creando un docker compose con volúmenes para hacer una snapshot de mi tienda de prestashop (una que gestiono) y así poder hacer pruebas sin afectar directamente la tienda, mi importé los datos de prestashop y mysql pero tengo un problema, no puedo acceder ni a la página de la tienda ni al admi...
  5. I have edited my db connection in app/config/parameter.php I checked in cache/cache and cache/compile there is no cache file however, I still got error with my old user and db setting [PrestaShopException] Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access den...
  6. nleft and nright values for new categories are 0 . They are not getting updated. the new categories that i create are not visible in the front office in the screenshit you will be able to see the last 4 categories have 0 nleft and nright values .htaccess file has not been changes images for othe...
  7. Bonjour, Je viens d'installer PS 8.1, et j'ai fait un test d'import de donnèes directement dans Mysql (en CSV) J'ai choisi quelque chose de simple, en l'occurence la table ps_supplier (dans le BO : Fournisseur), avec 5 colonnes (id, nom, date crea, date maj et active) Pas de soucis av...
  8. Hello guys , Hope you all doing good. im working on prestashop and i added a module that override Category Class and CategoryController and i made some changes and evrythink work correctly . the problem is in /home/var/tmp folder .mad files are generated with big sizes and i...
  9. Estoy intentando realizar una consulta a la base de datos de PrestaShop (versión para exportar los productos incluyendo las características de este, pero no conozco mucho SQL/MySQL y al intervenir tantas tablas se me está haciendo un poco complejo.. Aunque la consulta es exclusiva según...
  10. Bonsoir, Après N tentatives pour modifier ma liste de liens, je me suis résolu à "réinitialiser" ce module, mal m'en a pris, le module a alors disparu ! Qu'a cela ne tienne, il me suffisait de le réinstaller depuis le catalogue de module. Là encore, malgré un message de succès, le module n'...
  11. Hello, I'd like to install prestashop using a remote mysql database, hosted by Amazon AWS RDS. I'm at the 5th step of the install assistant, where I need to add the database credentials. I've filled all the inputs, but I still get an error saying the credentials aren't right:...
  12. Hi, In my prestashop backoffice I had set the all products prices as tax_incl and for that products tax_incl is coming. Now I have to change my pricing to specific pricing but in specific pricing I can see only an option like tax_excl price to enter, Because of that the tax is calculating and I...
  13. Hola a todos, Estoy intentando instalar prestashop, y todo va bien hasta que llega a la parte de instalación de módulos Addons. Se queda pensando hasta que me sale el siguiente error: " Se ha producido un error durante la instalación... Puede utilizar los enlaces que se encuentran en...
  14. When i go to the new url: http://calcemi.com it redirects in some way to localhost/prestashop. I think it is not a server error but somethinh on the prestashop files, i looked the db from top to bottom and i don't see any configuration beside the one which mentions the prestashop migrating tutorial...
  15. Hello, I'm trying to use the SQL Manager to list user details (first/last name, email and their country) but i would like the query to only return a certain amount of users. But when i include the LIMIT clause, i get this error message : "The LIMIT clause must contain numeric arguments"...
  16. Bonjour à tous, Je suis un peu désespéré car j'ai mon site Prestashop qui ne fonctionne plus du tout. Quand je vais sur l'URL, rien ne s'affiche et impossible d'accéder à l'administration. J'ai regardé au niveau de l'hébergement et j'ai cru comprendre que cela venait de la base de donnée...
  17. Hello everyone, I am looking to develop a Prestashop connector (version 1.7) to integrate e-commerce with different ERP's like SAP Business One and Ekon due to my need to have my users, orders, products, categories and so on synchronized in both directions. I am a software developer mainly in Pytho...
  18. Hi, I want to delete some categories from my Prestashop 1.6 backoffice. Nothing is happening on deletion. When I enable the debug mode from defines.inc.php, then I got below error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your Ma...
  19. Hello, I am doing a type of sales report through a mysql query. The objective is to create a line for each product (with its corresponding attribute) within a purchase order. With my current query I am able to bring some information, but it is not right. For example, I get multiples for a purchase o...
  20. Hello , I have Prestashop 1.7.5 one VPS with 6GB ram and 100 GB of hard disk. I have a big problem with the performance of the web site . I have a lot of query as this this one :Creating sort index | SELECT p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) AS quantity, IF...
  21. Witam Mam problem z PrestaShop w wersji – po wejściu w Panel administracyjny nie mogę wejść w zakładki Moduły i Usługi oraz w zakładkę Pozycje i Płatności. Po włączeniu raportowania błędów lub trybu debugowania przez PresteShop z czego dowiedziałem się z tego forum… dostaje takie komunik...
  22. I have Prestashop v1.6; it's a long-running site with no major problems. I have made no changes recently, no alterations in modules or back office settings, but today I have lost access to the back office. Instead, I have an error page: MySQL Server has gone away. Then: UPDATE `xx_configuration`...
  23. Hola muy buenas, es mi primer tema que escribo y la verdad que no se si lo estoy haciendo bien. Llevo mucho tiempo leyendo vuestras preguntas y respuesta y la verdad que de no saber nada de nada he aprendido mucho de ustedes. Mil gracias. Mi intención RS que a ver mi alguien puede ayudar...
  24. Bonjour, Suite à un message d'OVH me signalant que je devais faire évoluer ma version de PHP qui était en 5.6, je décide, sans connaissances sur le sujet, de passer à la 7.1, compatible avec Prestashop 1.6... A partir de là, plusieurs dysfonctionnements sont apparus sur le site : plus d'accès, p...
  25. Bonjour, J'ai remarque en moins de 2 semaines la taille de mon mysql a dépasse plus de 18 Go. AU même moment le phpmyadmin m'affiche 7Go. pourquoi cette différence? comment résoudre ce probleme? merci
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