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  1. Bonjour, J'ai un Prestashop 8 multi-boutiques pour lequel j'utilise mon .htaccess pour gérer les redirections de mes sites : .FR, .DE, .COM, .ES, etc. Jusqu'à présent, je n'avais que des redirections à gérer pour ma boutique .FR. Je dois désormais ajouter des redirections pour d'autres dom...
  2. Moin Community, Wir haben folgendes Problem: Wir haben einen Prestashop, über den Kunden z.B. Artikel 1 in den Warenkorb hinzufügen können, dieser soll im bestellprozess an den multishop übertragen werden, jedoch als Artikel 2. Also ein ganz anderer Artikel mit einer anderen ID. Bishe...
  3. Hello, We are looking for a reliable and experienced company or developer to perform the upgrade of our multi-store Prestashop for version 8.1.1.. We intend to apply version 8.1.1. Basic edition that contains the Prestashop marketplace module, comes with the new look of the black and wh...
  4. Hello to everyone, I am facing the following issue. I have a multishop with two shops: - Shop 1 has languages GR and ENG - Shop 2 has languages HR and ENG I have added all the neccesary languages (Shop 1 -> GR + ENG, Shop 2 -> HR and ENG). For shop 1 everything works fine w...
  5. Hello, I am testing the multi-store with groups configured to share customers, but registered customers are not shared. When I go to another store in the group I get the login form on the customer account page. Indeed session_status() returns 1 on all front pages.
  6. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This module helps merchants to showcase social media links of Facebook, GooglePlus, Linkedin, Twitter, and Pinterest in the side menu on all pages Social media is considered the most popular media in the world and is quickly becoming a MUST to include in a...
  7. Hello, I'm in the middle of redesigning my site on a test version and currently, I'm adding the multishopt. I want to display different buttons on the product pages of each store. For example: - on the product page of store 1, I just want to display an add to cart button. - on the pr...
  8. Hello Everyone, I just created a group for my multishop, and would like to display a new set of image sliders ONLY for the multishops on my site - For example, I want images "A,B,C" to display on the image slider on the default shop, and Images "D,E,F" to show on the multishop sliders . However...
  9. Hi, I'd like to change the display of my backoffice. Indeed, when I log in it's the button "All Shops" which is selected at the top right. But I'd like to come to a specific shop and not to "All shops". For information, I have already selected my shop as a default shop in Advanced Paramete...
  10. Hello , I use multishop on prestashop and I want to check shop_id number on tpl file , I need shop name or shop id cam someone help me please? Thanks
  11. Hola que tal, tengo el siguiente problema, cree una multistore en mi tienda principal, al crear la url www.midominio.cl/nombre-de-nueva-store y cargar la pagina, me aparece la estructura de la tienda sin imagenes, sin diseño (imagen adjunta) y a la vez una infinidad de errores de consola con "F...
  12. Hi i am new to using prestashop multistore. There is one problem that i do not understand. So here it what i did. 1. I setup one main store. 2. I setup one in multistore and sharing orders and so on but not all categories. 3. So i want to publish a product and category form the main...
  13. Hello All, I just created a group for my multishop, and would like to display a new set of image sliders ONLY for the multishops on my site - For example, I want images "A,B,C" to display on the image slider on the default shop, and Images "D,E,F" to show on the multishop sliders . However, after s...
  14. ich möchte einen zweiten Shop für einen anderen Kunden anlegen: der erste Shop - ein clickandbuilt - Prestashop bei IONOS : acelo.net - funktioniert gut; der Zweite Shop soll über shop.aweng.org erreichbar sein; Ich habe eine zweite Multishopgruppe angelegt "aweng" - aber der zweite...
  15. Hallo, ich habe Prestashop in der aktuellsten Version und als Multishop eingerichtet (mehrere unterschiedliche Firmen mit unterschiedlichen Waren in jeweils einer Shopgruppe). Weiterhin habe ich je Shopgruppe entsprechende Pages angelegt (Impressum, Datenschutz, Widerruf, etc.). Mein...
  16. Hello, I'm having a multishop and in one language everything is fine but in the second I got errors and stats graph is not displaying (BO). Errors in console: rocket-loader.min.js:1 A preload for 'https://website_url.com/js/vendor/d3.v3.min.js' is found, but is not used due to an unkno...
  17. Ciao, se abilito il multishop, cosa succede agli addons installati? ad esempio l'addons "All-in-one: fedeltà, multi livelli sponsorizzazione, affiliazione, Facebook..." funzionerà anche sugl'altri negozi? Grazie
  18. Hallo, leider finde ich zu diesem Thema im Internet nur jede Menge unbeantwortete Forum Einträge, daher versuche ich es einfach mal direkt selber in der Hoffnung, dass jemand ein ähnliches Problem hatte und es gelöst hat. Ich habe einen zweiten Onlineshop im Backend eingerichtet über die M...
  19. Salve, ho un'installazione di prestashop, in multistore. Li uso per le lingue ma anche per prezzi e gestione separata utenti. Ne avevo già un paio di funzionanti (es, fr), e adesso devo aggiungere aggiunto il de e l'en. Il problema è che inspiegabilmente ad es. sul de, mi viene aggiunta in...
  20. Hi, I have a prestashop 1.6 installation. I have multistore configuration. I have some stores already ok, but now I created a 'german' store with /de url, and have the following issue: - the shop url is something like www.myexample.com/de - when I navigate to www.myexample.com/de, automatica...
  21. Hello, I have a problem with product indexation on multistore. When I save a product in one of the shops the product is shown in the search results in that shop but not in the all others shops. If I save the product in root shop the product is displayed in the search results in all...
  22. Bonjour à tous, J'ai configuré mon Prestashop afin de faire une multiboutiques. J'ai déposé les deux noms de domaine de mes boutiques. Je possède donc une URL de boutique dite "principale" et une seconde URL qui me servira comme site de façade. J'ai acheté la template Worldwide Footwear en...
  23. Hello everyone! I was asked to check one interesting issue in PS_1.6.1.17 store: in ps_order_detail table for one order some products have id_shop value = 1 instead of 2. Some facts that I checked so far: 1) multi-store option is on, shops are separated (i.e. not sharing carts,...
  24. Hello guys , hope someone can help me. I'm running prestashop(1.5) with multistore configuration, the default currency is EUR but I set some additionnal currencies for each shop everything is working fine. The only issue I have is that I want to keep all currencies enabled on the back offi...
  25. Hallo Berechtigungen Ist es möglich, im Multi Shopsystem Berechtigungen so zu vergeben, dass Nutzer nur auf das Backend von einem Sub-Shop und die entsprechenden Artikel Zugriff hat? Abrechnung Kann der Besucher im Multi Shopsystem Bestellungen aus verschiedenen Sub-Shops in einer Best...
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