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  1. Hello PrestaShop Community, I attempted to create an exact copy of my PrestaShop 8 store on a new domain, but I encountered multiple issues. Despite following the standard migration steps, I can no longer access the admin dashboard after logging in. The frontend works fine, but the backend logi...
  2. Bonjour, Lors de la migration locale de ma boutique PrestaShop vers la version, j'ai rencontré les erreurs suivantes : [INTERNAL] E:\laragon\www\parakech\classes\PhpEncryption.php line 116 - Error: Call to undefined function openssl_get_cipher_methods() #0 E:\laragon\ww...
  3. We are a small company that sells websites online through Flippa. Recently, we built a website for one of our clients. Here’s a brief overview of the website: - It is focused on gold rates in Qatar. - The website was built using the Kadence theme on WordPress. Now, our client wan...
  4. Bonjour à tous. J'ai besoin d'un conseil. Mon prestataire de maintenance/hébergement m'a fait un devis pour 3 j de prestations pour migrer mon site de en 8.1. D'après ce que j'ai lu ici et sur les commentaires des modules de migration payants ou pas, tout le monde a l'air de s'en sortir...
  5. I migrated my shop from ps to ps 8.1 (using migration pro) and everything seemed to have worked, apart from this one thing - all the past orders show this warning and the wrong currency (see warning photo attachment). You can see in the attached screenshot the order was placed in peso but is...
  6. Bonjour à tous. J'ai besoin d'un conseil. Mon prestataire de maintenance/hébergement m'a fait un devis pour 3 j de prestations pour migrer mon site de en 8.1. D'après ce que j'ai lu ici et sur les commentaires des modules de migration payants ou pas, tout le monde a l'air de s'en sortir...
  7. Bonjour , j'ai copie les fichier de mon site avec la base de donnée pour l'installer en local sur wamp j'ai suis tous les étapes nécessaire 1-copie les fichier du site 2-exporter la base de donnée 2-changer les information dans le fichier settings.inc.php le nom de la base de donnée et le...
  8. Hello, We are looking for a reliable and experienced company or developer to perform the upgrade of our multi-store Prestashop for version 8.1.1.. We intend to apply version 8.1.1. Basic edition that contains the Prestashop marketplace module, comes with the new look of the black and wh...
  9. Salve, come purtroppo capita di consueto, durante un'ennesima migrazione da un PS 1.6 ad una nuova installazione 1.7(.8.7), qualcosa deve essere andato storto. Non mi fa accedere ai moduli se non in debug, l'errore è questo (scusate per le censure ma è il sito di un cliente): Compile Error:...
  10. I have a question about the Cookie key and the question of password generation of the platform. 1. I currently have version, now I am upgrading to version, in a new installation / host, I know that a new key to the cookie is generated when installing this new installation, I wo...
  11. Hello everyone: I am having an error when I access the modules section in the prestashop control panel. When I do so, I get the following message: Compile Error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/###/public_html/"OLD FOLDER USED FOR WEB DEVELOPMENT"/modules/statsbestcategorie...
  12. Hello After migration to another server my dashboard looks like missing css etc. Prestashop PHP 7.2.34 (same) Any idea?
  13. One Click Upgrade + Update or Migrate PrestaShop to 1.7 Pro We present you the update PrestaShop module in 1 click: Upgrade your old version shop to the latest version of PrestaShop in one click with One Click Update or Migrate to 1.7 Pro. It's the best module to transfer your products, categ...
  14. Bonjour, Je me permets de solliciter votre aide, car là je bloque. Depuis la migration de mon site Prestashop de la version 1.7.6.X vers, je n'arrive plus à créer de nouvelle commande depuis mon back-office. Je ne peux pas rechercher de client pour ma commande, car j'ai une erreu...
  15. Dears, I'm looking for someone able to re-install a clean PS version and: -install the modules - migrate the modified files - Import products and associated data to the new version from the old one? Please send me your time and price estimation? Kr, M.
  16. Hello community, I have used a dev version of Prestashop for the development of my store's custom theme and modules. I also happen to have added a lot of content into the database. What are the steps required to convert the development version of Prestashop into a production one? So that...
  17. Hello, I haven't found in the forums a way to migrate only customer data from PS 1.6 to 1.7. I would like to start using PS 1.7 without messing up the database too much and that's why I am willing to start everything from scratch. I only would like to transfer the customer data from my existin...
  18. Hello, everyone! I recently picked up all my files from remote server, got my SQL dump files and tried to set up a local environment to develop new features and to simplify the development process for the team. We are also planning to create a QA server, but while this issue persists locally...
  19. Hello Presta-Community! I have finally taken the plunge and did the unthinkable - an upgrade 😱 The new version is up and running fine, I started moving the data from the current shop to the new version via the database (so all IDs are exactly the same). I have successfully moved Addresses...
  20. I have installed a fresh PS and noticed that some tables have different encodings: 230 with utf8mb4_general_ci and respectively 49 utf8_general_ci. Which is the default enconding for I want to perform a manual upgrade and concerned about the migrated tables. Which encoding should...
  21. When i go to the new url: http://calcemi.com it redirects in some way to localhost/prestashop. I think it is not a server error but somethinh on the prestashop files, i looked the db from top to bottom and i don't see any configuration beside the one which mentions the prestashop migrating tutorial...
  22. Hello all, First of all, wish you a wonderful 2021. I am planning a migration to Shopify for a client, an important ecommerce with +14k customers and +13k orders. This morning, I succeeded to download customers and products csv files thanks to a Shopify module. But, when I tried it f...
  23. Bonsoir à tous, J'ai acheté le module de migration de WooCommerce en un Prestashop (Module MigrationPro: WooCommerce to PrestaShop Migration Tool). J'ai donc installé le module sur ma boutique Prestashop destinatrice, et le plugin connecteur sur le site WordPress. Or lors de la configurati...
  24. Bonjour, Depuis La mise à jour de mon hébérgeur cloud (infomaniak qui est au passage au top pour moi depuis mes différents migrations et tests) qui m'a passé automatiquement de la version à j'ai une erreur dans le backoffice. Dans les fiches produits je modifie une...
  25. Bonjour, Voila j'ai effectué une Migration de client + commande avec Cart2cart de mon ancien site WIX a mon nouveau Prestashop (actuellement www.jorianshop.com) en Cela fait 5 jours et je vient de me rendre compte que mes ancien client (+ ou - 1500) n'arrive pas a se connecter et d...
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