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  1. Hey everyone! Just like I had done with countries in the orders list, here is a video tutorial on filtering by manufacturer in the product catalog in the back office http://nemops.com/filter-products-by-manufacturer-prestashop-back-office/#.VvJ6MOIgvmg Fabio
  2. Afficher le nom du fabricant/fournisseur et l'image dans la page du produit v1.5 - added friendly URL v1.6 - Options de mise à jour avec le menu de sélection, et peut désactiver l'arrière-plan v1.8 - organiser des URL amicaux et des images dans PS 1.5.2 v2.0 - compatible ps 1...
  3. Hello ! I'm trying to modify Manufacturer query for admin page in presta 1.7.6. For this i use this hook in order to alter $params['search_query_builder']. public function hookActionManufacturerGridQueryBuilderModifier($params) Its easy to add something into the query , but i'm try...
  4. I've read many posts asking this: How to show product manufacturer and reference in mail that alerts from product restock. None has been solved. Can anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance, PS. Version 1.5.5
  5. Não consigo fazer buscas pelos itens que compõe o título da peça. Por exemplo, "Sapato de couro BO.BÔ". Se eu colocar apenas BO.BÔ (que é o fabricante e está no título, a pesquisa não retorna nada. E eu tenho 41 produtos dessa marca. Alguem tem ideia do que fazer ? PS www.le...
  6. Hello everyone! (Prestashop I have a problem with backoffice product list, i want to add 'manufacturer' field and be able to filter and serach by this field. I tried a lots of things but unfortunately without any success so far. If someone know how to solve this case please share your...
  7. Hi, we are able to find link to single manufacturer or brand page with all their products but we can find the url of its "root". We are looking for the url where all brands are shown or all manufacturers. Thanks, NicholasIT
  8. Hello, I have posted in several forums, but I have not gotten any replies. I really need to figure this out for my new shop so please can anyone help me with this issue. This is the problem I have: The product count shows in the manufacture list in the back Office, but it will not show...
  9. Hi, I'm looking for displaying brand name, logo and description on my product.tpl page. I managed to display these information : <h2>About {$product_manufacturer->name}</h2> {if isset($manufacturer_image_url)} <img src="{$manufacturer_image_url}" class="img img-thumbnail manufacturer-lo...
  10. Bonjour, Je suis sur un projet Prestashop et j'aimerai ajouter un système de pagination pour les marques présentes sur mon site. Dans celle-ci j'ai plus d'une centaine de marques recensé et j'aimerai donc en afficher 12 par page pour que ça soit plus agréable. Je n'ai trouvé a...
  11. Bonjour, Voila mon soucis, j'ai beaucoup de produits importés sur un prestashop en 1.7.2 qui sont pour l'instant rangés par marque. J'aimerais faire en sorte que tous les produits d'une marque aillent dans une catégorie. Selon mes recherches je ne pense pas qu'il soit possible de le f...
  12. Hi, Here is my issue, I have a lot of product in a 1.7.2 prestashop which are all in a manufacturer. What I want to do is to select all products from a manufacturer and put em in a specific category According to my research I don't think there is a way to do it in the BackOffice, I th...
  13. Prestashop Documents says that the sort of the manufacturer list can not be changed. In the classes/manufacturer.php I see that the list is set to sort alphabetically. I want to sort the list by the number of products associated with each manufacturer. Can I do this in the smarty tags in the m...
  14. Καλησπέρα. Θέλω να βάλω το faceted search στης σελίδες του Manufacturer, του Supplier και του Search page. Ακόμη θέλω να βάλω στο faceted search να κάνει φίλτρο τους Suppliers (όπως κάνει τους manufacturers). Υπάρχει κάποιος που να το έχει κάνει ή έχει να προτείνει κάποιο module δοκιμ...
  15. Hi! Prestashop 1.6 developer here. I created a section where it shows the Manufacturer's logo on the product page (product.tpl). If there are no uploaded logo files uploaded for a manufacturer, I want to hide that section. Is that possible? This is my code. {if !empty($product->id_manufactu...
  16. Salut à tous, Salutations du jour. Une URL conviviale est une adresse Web facile à lire et qui comprend des mots décrivant le contenu de la page Web. Ce type d'URL aide les visiteurs à se souvenir de l'adresse Web et à décrire la page aux moteurs de recherche. Une bonne structure peut aide...
  17. where is the manufacturer in ps1.7.4.2 Thank you in advance.
  18. Hi, Why is there no complete path for breadcrumbs on Brands and Manufacturer page? On both pages it's only HOME Should be HOME > BRANDS HOME > BRANDS > MANUFACTURER Best regards, Robert
  19. Bonjour, Suis-je la seule à voir le bug sur les paginations (les boutons Next et Previous fonctionnent, mais les numeros de pages comme 1,2,3, etc non). J'ai vu que c'est dû au module Faceted Search qu'il faut mettre dans le hook displayLefColumn. Mais celà ne change rien. Quelqu'un a...
  20. I discovered today that if I search my domain by the "manufacturer" keyword, google get a list of all my manufacturer by indexing the "List product by manufacturer" pages. I managed to disable the pages by disabling the manufacturer from the backoffice, but the question remains: How can...
  21. Hi, I need your help again. This is my situation: I need a grouped list of manufacturers with links to their websites. In the backend there should be an additional field called 'Group' where i can define the group (one for each manufacturer). There should also be a field for website to def...
  22. Hi! I'd like to see the name of manufacturer in the product list page. I've made a similar change for the product page, adding an override for the ProductCore.php controller. This not work for product-list.tpl. I need to override another controller?
  23. Hi, i'm here to find a solutions to my problem. In prestashop i've added manufacturer in the proper way, but in front end i can't see img and everytime print the dafault img of prestashop. That's the line of tmmanufacturerblock.tpl: <img class="img-responsive" src="{$img_...
  24. Im using knowbandmarketplace module in a prestashop 1.7 shop to allow users to add their own product. There are some basic infos such as EAN, Title, etc...i need to edit this code <input type="text" class="kb-inpfield" name="manu" value="{$manu|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" maxlength="12" /> <sel...
  25. Hi, I would like to add a SHOW MORE button after I truncate the full description so it shows all the text. I actually use this code in my manufacturer.tpl <div class="desc"> {if strlen($manufacturer->description) > 200} <p id="manufacturer_description" >{$manufacturer->descriptio...
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