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  1. I have installed a fresh PS and noticed that some tables have different encodings: 230 with utf8mb4_general_ci and respectively 49 utf8_general_ci. Which is the default enconding for I want to perform a manual upgrade and concerned about the migrated tables. Which encoding should...
  2. Buenas tardes! Me gustaría saber si existe alguna posibilidad de organizar manualmente la posición de los productos en grupo. Hasta ahora, solo puedo hacerlo uno a uno, al ser una gran cantidad de productos, es una tarea muy lenta hacerlo de esa manera. He buscado algo de información por...
  3. In the Prestashop Manual 1.7.X you will find the information you need to start from scratch with your e-commerce and launch your business on the web. Link : https://amzn.to/2va6VNh Tank you
  4. Hi everyone! I'm creating my first prestashop e-shop, and now, among other things like theme customization, I've learned in practice the basics of module development, including settings page, front- and backoffice hooks and so on. But I still cant understand how to create an Admin***Controlle...
  5. I tried to use 1-click-upgrade and other documents to upgrade from to 1.7.x but all my efforts failed. now I think I have just 2 option: manual migration. use 3rd party tools like "MigrationPro" which is comercial module. I prefer to do it manually. here...
  6. I made a fresh install of Prestashop with Softaculous and Manual, and have the same problem, The installation process is all normal and sucesfull, and the website loads, but when i try to go to backoffice i get: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE, from all browsers i tried, cleared all cache, still the same...
  7. Good evening everyone! New to the presta community, so a big greeting, you've all been proved extremely useful to a full amateur on presta platform and ecommerce projects generally like me. I recently set up my first project from zero to a complete eshop. It was bilingual and the main language w...
  8. Os habréis fijado que el backoffice busca por separado las palabras, haciendo de una búsqueda que debería ser más restrictiva y concreta, obtenemos resultados más generales, justamente lo contrario de lo que cabría esperar. Este tutorial es aplicable a backoffice y front office, al fin y al cabo sol...
  9. Aquí post mejorado --> https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/517757-tutorial-mejora-de-las-b%C3%BAsquedas/ Saludos!
  10. Hi, does anyone know how or if there is a module already made to create a product by entering the ID manually? When you import from csv through force ID you can assign the id. I want to do even when I create a product from the backend in classic mode ... I need this opportunity because I have a php...
  11. Whenever someone buys something from my webshop and payment is recieved, prestashop sets "Payment accepted" but does not send the payment accepted mail with the invoice. However, when I go into the specific order and change the status to anything else and then back to "Payment accepted", then the pa...
  12. Buenas, me gustaría saber si es posible actualizar PrestaShop a una versión determinada (, no a la ultima, no se si esto es posible, pero he buscado y no he sido capaz de encontrar nada, solo he encontrado con respecto a actualizar a la ultima versión con el modulo 1-Click Upgrade. Salu...
  13. Hi Folks, I'm trying to integrate a XSD/XML Schema into my prestashop but I can't seem to find a suitable module to assist with the installation and with my limited IT experience i'm unsure how to make the installation manually. Can someone please help? Would be truly grateful. Thank...
  14. Hi Version When I am manually entering an order I would like to alter the price as I add the item. It will let me do it but does not record the change. Just looks to give a random figure Is this normal? Thanks in advance. G
  15. Hi, I am trying to manually install fresh Prestashop I unzipped prestashop files on my local machine. I created a new directory "Prestashop" in subdomains directory - as I want it to be on subdomain. I copied all unzipped files into it using Filezilla. I created a database and a user. I v...
  16. Hola a tod@s, Por favor, alguien me podría recomendar un manual, o varios, que contenga toda la información que se necesite para controlar prestashop tanto a nivel usuario como para desarrolladores. Muchas gracias y un cordial saludo.
  17. Hello, Following a refused credit card payment, the administrator has validated the payment manually in PrestaShop as remote payment. Unfortunately validated 2 times the payment. The customer has paid once but 2 payments are recorded in PrestaShop. How can I correct? thank you
  18. Hi guys, I would like to ask you if there is chance to set up one delivery method only for manual orders? I´ll explain my case : returned goods, customer was not home. I want to send it again but now with extra fee. From this reason I have created new product that is not visible for others only...
  19. Hi folks, Does anybody know how to add a new theme in the "theme configurator" and how to set a different color theme manualy? I mean new theme in the admin/my shop (right top corner)/theme configurator (displayed on the left). There is a choice from 8 color combination. I'd like to ad...
  20. Hola, he estado intentando por todas las opciones que encontré en el Foro, cambiar el titulo del modulo "marcas" por "Bodegas" y no lo consigo. Quisiera saber como lo cambio de forma manual, ya que es la única opción que me queda... La opción traducción de modulos es imposible, me aparece este mens...
  21. Buenas soy nuevo en ps y estoy empezando a programar, pero no encuentro ningún manual ni ninguna referencia de las funciones que más se utilizan. Por ejemplo: Tools:: Validate:: Mail:: Aunque muchas de ellas son bastante evidentes, no encuentro ningún lugar donde estén todas y por ejemplo los p...
  22. Amigos, gostaria de saber como encontrar material de treinamento do usuario final [Administrador, Vendedor, Expedição, ...] Quando entregamos uma loja para o usuario, ele tem dificuldades iniciais de todo usuario que se depara, pela primeira vez, com um novo programa. Muito embora com o trei...
  23. Estoy siguiendo el tutorial oficial de actualización manual : http://doc.prestasho...?pageId=3506389 En el paso "Mover la carpeta “prestashop” a su servidor FTP" no se que hacer exactamente, si borrar lo que tengo en la carpeta "public_html" (donde tengo todo de la pagina) y pegar la nueva versión...
  24. It happens almost every time after I have tried to update translation manually. Request denied by WatchGuard HTTP proxy.Reason: IPS matched signature "WEB-MISC Hashtable Collisions", id='1056078' Method: POST Host: grandcoralaustralia.com.au Path: /psadmin/index.php?controller=AdminTranslat...
  25. Hello, One click upgrade failed, due to MD5 checksum error. So I'm doing a manual upgrade to on a server which is not running it's personal MySQL. I'm following this guide: http://doc.prestasho...ortheNewVersion - Made a backup (FE + BE) - Unpacked the zip in temp folder - Cop...
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