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  1. Our PrestaShop module allows you to easily synchronize your store's customers, products and orders with Mailchimp, the most popular email marketing tool on the market. Thanks to this integration, you will be able to create targeted, and personalized communication campaigns based on your customers' d...
  2. Hello, I get this error while trying to install mailchimp for Presta 1.6: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/var/www/****/public_html/classes/module/Module.php(1361) : eval()'d code: syntax error, unexpected 'use' (T_USE) Tried to write a support ticket to mailchimp a...
  3. Salve, ho collegato il mio negozio prestashop a mailchimp con il modulo ufficiale (versione 2), e la sincronizzazione con i clienti funziona correttamente. Tuttavia non vengono importati gli utenti che si iscrivono con il form nativo fornito da prestashop, per cui risultano nell'elenco degli iscritt...
  4. If you have this problem "PaymentModule::validateOrder - Secure key does not match" and you have installed the mailchimp module, this is what creates the problem. Let's go in order. the mailchimp module sends an abandoned cart, to the customer, the customer clicks and proceeds to orde...
  5. Hi! I am interested in using Mailchimp retargeting and advertising features. I installed official Mailchimp module, but as a result some of the customers ended up with blank payment page? Has it happened to you? Is Mailchimp module working well for you? Have you used some paid module instead th...
  6. Hi, I connected my prestashop store to mailchimp with the official module, and the sync with the customers works properly. However, users who sign up with the native form provided by prestashop are not imported, so they are on the list of my backoffice subscribers but not among the customers. I d...
  7. Salut , pour le module mail chimp , j'ai ajouté en BO du module un champ pour le listing customers , il s'affiche bien . au niveau interface du mail chimp , je trouve le champ ajouté mais sa valeur est null pour un client donné par exemple , même j'ai fait la synchronisation des customers ....
  8. Bonjour, J'ai un problème dans la traduction de langue sur les emails de relance de panier abandonné. Par exemple pour l'allemand, j'ai tout bien configuré sur mailchimp (vu avec le support) mais la traduction allemande des produits n'apparaissent pas bien (voir en PJ). Pourtant je me suis log...
  9. Hi there. i was uninstalling mailchimp module from module list, sudenly this msg appears now module and service is not working and same msg appears how can i solve this problem?
  10. Hi there! Any of you using mailchimp on a multilingual shop? I have a shop with two languages EN and ES. I want to use mailchimp to deliver the Order Confirmation emails, Refunds, Shipments, etc. I can't find a way to tell mailchimp when an email needs to be delivered in ES or in EN. Has a...
  11. Buen ida, requiero apoyo para poder sincronizar mi tienda prestashop con Mailchimp, por medio del modulo o bien conectar mi sitio con el codigo HTML insertado dentro de los <head>, agradezco su apoyo http://www.doblefe.com.mx/mx
  12. Hola compañeros, cada vez que un cliente se registra como cliente, aparece en mailchimp, como un contacto mas y tengo que ir archivandolos manualmente. Me gustaria quitarlo para que solo lleguen los contactos que están suscritos. ¿Como puedo configurarlo? Gracias a todos de antemano.
  13. Hola compañeros, cada vez que un cliente se registra como cliente, aparece en mailchimp, como un contacto mas y tengo que ir archivandolos manualmente. Me gustaria quitarlo para que solo lleguen los contactos que están suscritos. ¿Como puedo configurarlo? Gracias a todos de antemano.
  14. Bonjour à tous, J'ai réalisé la mise à jour du plugin Mailchimp, et depuis je ne peux plus me connecter à mon back office (HTTP ERROR 500) Je peux rentrer sur ce backoffice en mode debug. J'ai désactivé le plugin mailchimp, mais toujours une erreur, et en mode debug, je ne vois pas vraimen...
  15. Hola, Cambiamos el tema de nuestra tienda hace unas semanas (a Movic de Leo Theme) y desde entonces no consigo que aparezca el pop up que tenemos configurado desde mailchimp para suscribirse a la newsletter. El módulo de mailchimp aparece correctamente integrado con la web, tanto en el bac...
  16. I think this is related to the following post: I am in the process of upgrading to try and resolve but I am currently on I have not noticed new contacts in my prestashop account but noticed them on my mailchimp account. On further review it appears that each new valid order I re...
  17. Bonjour à tous ! Actuellement sur PrestaShop 1.7.6, notre client souhaite utiliser MailChimp pour ses newsletters. Et quelle bonne surprise de voir qu'un module officiel gratuit existe ! https://addons.prestashop.com/en/newsletter-sms/26957-mailchimp.html Sauf que soit j'...
  18. Hello, i use Prestashop 1.7 with Mailchimp connection. I setup mailchimp module and it works right. There is a BIG problem... at checkout, mailchimp send email for newsletter subscribe confirmation also if customer not check "I want subscribe newsletter". This happen also if user make ord...
  19. Hola a tod@s! he comprado el módulo paypal con recargo pero no funciona del todo bien y los desarrolladores me dicen que el problema lo tiene el hook de Mailchimp en el hook actionValidateOrder. Me dicen que desactivando este hook funciona perfectamente. Sabrían decirme si al desactivar este hook se...
  20. Witam, Zintegrowałem Mailchimp z Prestashop 1.7. Widzi listę, dodaje nowych klientów, ale niestety przy zamówieniu nie wysyła maili. W mailchimp mam włączone wszystkie akcje (zamówienia, wysyłka, anulowanie itd.) w PrestaShop mam wyłączone wszystkie zdarzenia związane z wysyłką maili....
  21. Bonjour à tous, J'essaye d'importer le module mailchimp (https://addons.prestashop.com/en/newsletter-sms/26957-mailchimp.html) sur mon Impossible, voici ce que j'obtiens : Fatal error: Call to undefined method Language::getIDs() in /home/xxxxx/www/modules/mailchimppro/src/PrestaC...
  22. Dear All, I had install the Mailchimp addon but after that I can not access anymore the modules page and I'm getting this error: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/var/www/vhosts/strabuono.it/httpdocs/classes/module/Module.php(1331) : eval()'d code:Can't use function return value in...
  23. Hello everyone, I do not speak English well, I apologize in advance for my translation Prestashop version Here is my problem I recently wanted to install "Mailchimp" on my shop. Once installed I see that my automatic email that sends after a customer performs an action on my shop...
  24. Hi, I today desicted to try out the official mailchimp module. I install it on my shop and can connect to my mailchimp account. I can see the list on the module page but when connecting I get "Store Creation failed: The resource submitted could not be validated. For field-specifi...
  25. Hello PS experts, RE: trying to put an email list from Prestashop into Mailchimp I've opened the page showing my 2000+ emails, hit the export button, and tried to put the resulting CSV file into Mailchimp to start my first email campaign. It won’t l...
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