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Bonjour, depuis quelques jours les commandes de mes clients n'ont aucun statut je suis obligé de les mettre en paiement validé manuellement. De plus je ne reçois aucun mail de confirmation de commande en tant qu'admin, par contre en tant que client c'est ok. J'ai passé une commande pour vo...
I've read many posts asking this: How to show product manufacturer and reference in mail that alerts from product restock. None has been solved. Can anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance, PS. Version 1.5.5
- 10 replies
- mailalerts
- manufacturer
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Hi ! I have a website on Prestashop I installed mailalert module to receive new order and low stock alerts. No problem for the new orders alerts, but the low stock emails are not sent correctly : - Both emails (new order and low stocks) must be sent to the same email A - I set A...
- mailalert
- emailalerts
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Hola, Tengo un conflicto que no consigo resolver en prestashop 1.7.5. Espero que podáis ayudarme. El caso es que tengo un conflicto con el formato de fecha... necesito que en los emails de pedidos que se envían desde mailalert se muestre la hora del pedido ... para ello, en Internacional > Loca...
- mailalerts
- fecha de nacimiento
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Salve a tutti. Come da titolo, ho installato il modulo mail alerts per ricevere notifiche tramite e-mail di tutto ciò che riguarda il negozio. Registrazione nuovi utenti, ordini effettuati ecc.. Ho provato a cercare la soluzione e nel forum inglese, alcuni, hanno trovato una soluzione aggiungendo la...
- 1 reply
- mailalerts
- moduli
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Tak jak w temacie - mailalerts zainstalowany, ale maile do sprzedawcy nie przychodza - tylko do klientow. Co zrobic?
- 29 replies
- powiadomienia
- mailalerts
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Zainstalowaną mam wtyczkę mail alerts w sklepie, która odpowiada za wysyłanie powiadomienia klientowi kiedy produkt jest dostępny. Wcześniej musi on wpisać w pole tekstowe swój mail i zgłosić chęć takiego powiadomienia. Tyle że cokolwiek nie wpisze w pole tekstowe wtyczka i tak daje komuni...
Hello, I'm having an issue with the mailalerts module. I have a order state (ID: 8) indicating "error on payment". In BO, the state has checked the option: "Send email to customer when an order change to this state". Then I have a payment module (realexredirect - addon payments). Everyti...
PS Hi I'm trying to create an override for the mailaerts module to display the product description on the confirmation email. It doesn't seem to work. When I put the same code into the core code, it works ok. Code placed in /overrides/modules/mailalerts. The method is "hookA...
- 2 replies
- mailalerts
- override modules
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Hejhej, Czy ktoś z Was wie jak można prztłumaczyć tekst na stronie modułu ps_emailalerts? Sam nagłówek da się przetłumaczyć bez problemu, natomiast nigdzie w tłumaczeniach nie widzę fragmentu "You don't have any email alerts yet" (ale jak zmienię oryginalny tekst w pliku, to na angielski...
Hi, ich würde gern die Attribute eines Artikels die in der new_order Mail angezeigt werden, auf eine Zeile pro Attribut ändern. Habe schon versucht in der maialerts einfach ein <br> an unterschiedlichen Stellen ein zu bauen aber dann geht die Datei nicht mehr. Das wär mein eh schon et...
- 6 replies
- items
- mailalerts
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Hello everyone I have a problem, I recently installed the PrestaShop MailAlerts Module in my Store version 1.6, where an incident is happening to me, when a client registers and accesses his account and the "MY ALERTS" section shows this: When I select it, it opens a window with my comman...
Hi all, I have PS 1.6.16 with Mailalerts 3.6.1 and I get the following behaviour: New order mails are sent to the merchant OK. Customer notifications (product availability, order change) are not sent. When a customer creates a product availability alert then it cannot...
- mailalerts
- alert
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Hi I have been searching in vain on how to attach the invoice pdf to the email generated when the product is shipped. I see a lot of suggestions on Prestashop1.4, but no working suggestions on how is it possible for 1.6 I would like the invoice to be sent every time the order status is set t...
- 19 replies
- order status
- shipped status
- (and 5 more)
Hi friends, Have a lot of posts because this problem with module mail alert (prestashop official), about as show only product out of stock: Insert this code in line 450 more or less: <!-- Out of stock hook --> {if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) OR !$product->available_for_orde...
- 5 replies
- oos
- out of stock
(and 4 more)
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Hi, I have Prestashop with default theme, with customized css and a few modifications in tpl files and translations. A big problem is, that order confirmation, it means between push of a confirmation button for example in bankwire and the final confirmation page, takes always around 30...
- 10 replies
- performance
- postProcess
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Hi, I'm a complete newbie to PrestaShop and OOP and would appreciate some help. I am trying to write a override to the mailalerts module to be able to send a notification email to either the supplier or the manufacturer of the product which is ordered. I know you can add a merchant email but th...
- 14 replies
Hola a todos Estoy modificando un proyecto donde el cliente quiere que en el correo que recibe como correo de comerciante, aparezca en la tabla del listado de productos una columna más de descuento por producto. Por un lado, entiendo que en modules/mailalerts/mails/es/new_order.html y txt te...
- 2 replies
- mailalerts
- descuentos
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