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  1. Hola! Actualmente trabajamos con el Módulo My Alerts para que el usuario en el front se suscriba a un alerta de nuevo stock, para productos sin existencias. Nos gustaría recibir también nosotros un aviso cada vez que un cliente se suscribe a la alerta de un producto para conocer el interés...
  2. Hello, everyone! For some reason, the download button isn't appearing in the Prestashop Market Place. When I go to the modules catalog in the backoffice, look for the module and click on the "free" buttom, it redirects me to the Marketplace and I have the same problem. Prest...
  3. Hi, I have some problem with the Mail alert addon from Prestashop. I'm recieving an email that I don't know where it's coming from because I don't know where it's configured from. It generates a discount without having given permission to do so. Someone with the same problem? Thanks...
  4. Bonjour, J'ai un site sur Prestashop sur lequel j'ai activé le module mail alert, pour recevoir les emails de commandes et de stocks bas. Aucun soucis pour les commandes, mais pour les stocks bas les mails ne sont pas envoyés correctement : - Les 2 emails (commande et stock),...
  5. Dear all I have another problem regarding the email alert module. All emails are fine except the customer email about product availability (in case a product has 0 quantity and a user clicks on the link to inform him as soon as the product is on stock again). The email is being sent out, b...
  6. Hello tout le monde! J'ai un assez gros problème sur ma boutique prestashop: tous les mails transactionnels (paiement accepté, commande en cours de préparation, commande expédiée...) ne s'envoient plus. Même en faisant un mail test, je ne reçois rien. Mes clients commencent à se plain...
  7. buenas, he actualizado mi tienda virtual a la ultima versión de prestashop, ya que me lo han recomendado, todo ha ido bien, excepto por algunas configuraciones con el modulo de PayPal y en este caso, el modulo de alerta de correos. El propietario no recibe correo de pedidos realizados, ni la pers...
  8. Bonjour , Sur ma boutique , j'ai deux packs de produits , je voudrais si le client a commandé l'un des deux produits , un email de la part du mail alert lui sera envoyé y compris un fichier xls . j'ai changé le template mail en ajoutant un lien vers ce fichier , le problème que ce lien s'affich...
  9. Buenos días, necesito saber como quitar el número de teléfono (del cliente) en la plantilla de email "New Order" en el módulo "Mail Alert". Tanto en la "Dirección de Entrega" como en la "dirección de Facturación". Necesito hacer esto para que el proveedor no se ponga el contacto con...
  10. Bonjour, Sur Prestashop 1.6, le module Mail Alert permet aux visiteurs de s'inscrire en front sur une page produit pour recevoir une alerte lorsque le produit est à nouveau en stock. Je souhaiterai que l'email d'alerte parte seulement si le stock du produit est > 10. Comment puis-je réal...
  11. At the moment the module Mail Alert send me an email when there is a new order BUT the module send me an email with fields FROM: ; TO: and REPLY-TO with my email. I want to change the email field Reply-To be the same as customer email and when I reply to be FROM: (my email) -- TO: (customer email)...
  12. Hi friends, Have a lot of posts because this problem with module mail alert (prestashop official), about as show only product out of stock: Insert this code in line 450 more or less: <!-- Out of stock hook --> {if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) OR !$product->available_for_orde...
  13. Hi, We have a back end cron job that updates inventory directly to the database. Because of that our customers are not receiving an email alert when a product is available because it never gets triggered on update. I would like to set up a cron job that will run the mail alerts after the...
  14. Hello, We use mail alerts to send out the merchant email telling us when we have a new order. The issue is it sends out an email even if there is a payment error. If the customer writes in a comment then it removes the payment error comment from the authorize.net module. This makes it look like...
  15. Hello All, I am using PS In my shop , Only New order emails are not getting triggered. All other mails are working fine like new customer , product out of stock etc. Translations for all the languages are also available under mail templates. Please help me out
  16. Hi Default text version of mail to merchant, new_order.txt, includes table html for product, billing and delivery address. I have solved that for the delivery and invoice address in mailalerts.php but cannot work out what should replace '{items}' => $items_table, How do we tidy that up to get...
  17. Hii, i just realize my prestashop doesn't have mail alert module, i have tried to re-download it, but i still can't see mail alert module on it. i see these guy on forum has mail alert module on their prestashop 1.6, http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/317602-mail-alert-template-h...
  18. Hi, can you please clarify changing of mail alert templates? I tried to change .html file in folder mail/cs and event trough the backoffice localization -> translation -> email templates, core, cs Even when view of template in backoffice localization is correct real sended mail is alw...
  19. Hi, This has been already asked here, but i still couldn't find any proper answer.. We are using PS 1.4.7, and it's still working properly. And our problem is that even when there's payment error of an order, we are still getting "new order notification" from mail alerts module. Well, this i...
  20. Hi, I would like to customize Prestashop 1.6 in a way that allows to: - send automatic mails to an admin / vendor when a order is placed - except when 1 specific customers' group places orders (this specific customers' group refers to our Point of Sale System, which does not require manual ord...
  21. Hello. I'm going crazy with: new_order.html of module "mail alert" I need to receive the new_order alert with: reference - product name - PRODUCT IMAGE - price - quantity - etc... as image attached. Please, i'm going crazy from 1 week! I use ps 1.6 Thx in advance!
  22. We have prestashop with mail alerts module 3.3 running and faced the following problem. We got an order for product A. The customer later called us and asked to change the product from A to B. We did this change directly in the back office. However, no new mail alert was generated when r...
  23. Salve, dopo aver fatto l'aggiornamento da 1.4.8 a 1.5.6 ho riscontrato il problema che una volta fatto un ordine non arriva l'email di notifica, così ho visto se il modulo era configurato correttamente ed è ok (nella versione precedente andava benissimo) poi sono andato in Parametri Avanzati--> Ema...
  24. Moin moin, mir ist das schon länger ein Dorn im Auge, nun muß ich endlich mal was machen. Und zwar gibt es ja das schöne Modul "Email Benachrichtigung". Ist auch installiert und konfiguriert. Aber es gibt keine Emails ab. Weder benachrichtigt es mich als Admin über neue Bestellung, Produkt...
  25. Hello. Mail alert module v.2.20, send mail "out of stock" every order placed, and totally ignoring the minimum quantity stock configured for alert. Example: Ipod: 10 pc. new order: -1 pc. total stock: 9 pc. Minimum quantity for sending alert: 3 pc. Mail sent (when it shouldn't). How can be fixed ?...
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