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  1. Buenas, Tenemos instalado un Prestashop y hemos notado que cada ciertos minutos (creo que entre 5-10 minutos) la sesión del bakcend se cierra automáticamente, lo cual nos está resultando algo molesto a la hora de trabajar. Ya que, por ejemplo, si estamos escribiendo un artículo para el...
  2. Good morning to everyone, I'm experiencing problems with my Prestashop back office. The problem is when I stay a little longer in the administration and then I try to load some other page, for example, the orders page, it logs me out of my account and I can't log back in, I'm stuck i...
  3. I've just installed PrestaShop version: on PHP version: 7.3.23, using MySQL version: 5.7.32. I access the BO by writing the admin folder name in the address bar like : http://domain_name.com/admin_folder. Even when I logout, accessing BO is simple, I guess Chrome has my login info so...
  4. Buenas a todos. Necesito ayuda. He intentado solucionar este problema y no he podido. El problema es el siguiente: Al momento de llenar el formulario de direccion cuando se realiza una compra, en el carrito de compras, en la parte de checkout, cuando se quiere ingresar la direccion en el formulario...
  5. hi I’m facing a big issue in my website. I cannot logout in my shopping site. after clicking on logout it reload and back to same page but it still show that I’m logged in. when I move to some other page, sometime it show I’m logged out sometime show I’m logged in. on same pages where it showing th...
  6. Hola tengo el siguiente problema hace poco compre un tema (no se si lo pueda mencionar aca) pero me esta ocasionando que cuando una persona compra de manera anónima, es decir no se ha registrado cuando llega al carrito de compra en esa sección se solicitan dos cosas 1: el registro donde se pone usua...
  7. Bonjour, Lorsque je me connecte à ma boutique, le bouton déconnexion ne marche, il est possible de se déconnecter. J'utilise le thème par défault Est-ce un problème récurrent sur la 1.7 car je n'ai jamais eu de soucis avec la version 1.6 Cela peut-il provenir de l'h...
  8. Type d’install (nouvelle/MàJ) : MigrationVersion de PS :ème (défaut/perso) : PersoHébergement : PHPnetVersion de PHP : 7.1.25Version de MySQL : 10.1.37 (Maria DB) Bonjour à tous, Je suis confrontée à un problème seulement sur la migration de mon site. Après 15 minutes...
  9. Hello, I have question is there option in PS 1.7 (by default) which will logout user after for example 30 minutes after last action on the shop? Because now even if I won't be on the shop site for a month I am still logged in and have cart from last visit...
  10. Hello everyone, I've had problems entering the backoffice because my website always see the IP addresses of Cloudflare's reverse proxies, so I had to disable the Cookies IP address verification in DB because its always redirect me automatically to login page. Beside that, I need to put the...
  11. Hello. I have installed the latest version of Prestashop, but whenever I click on certain features in the Back Office like the modules, it just logs out for no reason. I have been reading about this issue and it seems to have something to do with the cookies, so apparently I have to go to Advan...
  12. Using Prestashop version casuses me some problems in administration. All admin controllers shows it's content without any problem, but when I try to go to Modules and Services -> Modules and Services in administration, there is an 302 redirect to login page. IP cookie check is switched off....
  13. Hola a todos. Tengo un requerimiento que consiste en hacer el logout del cliente justo después de confirmar un pedido, es decir, en la pantalla de confirmación, después de pulsar el botón de confirmar se tiene que confirmar el pedido y justo después hacer el logout del cliente. He mirado u...
  14. Hola a todos. Tengo un requerimiento que consiste en hacer el logout del cliente justo después de confirmar un pedido, es decir, en la pantalla de confirmación, después de pulsar el botón de confirmar se tiene que confirmar el pedido y justo después hacer el logout del cliente. He mirado u...
  15. Hello, i am kind of a newbie on prestashop and i would like for your help. I am using prestashop 1.7 I have it on greek language. I configured everything properly i think. I have two major issues. First when i am not doing anything on the backend for a while (like 5 mins) i...
  16. Muy buenas, Tengo una tienda online bajo PrestaShop 1.6 con el theme instalado "Warehouse". Revisando un poco todos los problemas que pueda tener, me he encontrado con que al iniciar sesión me loguea perfecto, pero cuando intento hacer logout o salir de sesión la página no refresca, aunque s...
  17. Hello I need to enable a logout for users in my shop (maybe 30 seconds after inactivity)... I have a site that will be visited in a public stand and I dont want that somebody can order with a sesion that other user forgot to log out. Please help! Thanks!! Sharly
  18. Hi, I have an issue with the logout in my prestashop. For many browsers the user cannot log out anymore once logged in. When clicking on the link, nothing is happening. It is not working for the latest releases of Firefox, IE11, Opera. But is working with Safari Browser on my ipad. I use prestash...
  19. Hi! So we have two shops that are on the same domain. www.domain.com (Shop 1) and www.domain.com/shop (Shop 2). What we want is that when you logout from shop 2 that you also are logged out from shop 1 and vice versa. We got login to work, but logout seems impossible. It works fine on our local...
  20. hola tengo un problema con el logeo e ingreso de clientes. resulta que cuando estoy en el menu de login e ingresar el correo y password y presionar ingresar deberia redireccionarme hacia acá, sin embargo me redirecciona hacia el mismo menu de ingreso , ademas al momento de hacer logout mi nombre y...
  21. Hello, I use AgileMultipleSeller module to allow people sell your products on my store. I would like to make something like, when i click (in the Back Office) logout, the system should logout the seller from the Back Office and Front Office as well. And it should move to the home page. Not t...
  22. I want the customer to automatically be logged out after a certain time period . How do I set the time period to 1 hour for example. I am not a coder please guide me meticulously in which file to make the changes and also which lines of the coded file has to be modified. Basically any person who...
  23. Hello devs, I am new to Prestashop, I want to redirect customers when they logout to a "Thank You" Custom Page. Is there any way to do that? I'm sure there is, just need your help. I'm using prestashop v1.6.0.9, deafult prestashop theme. Thanks a lot...
  24. i have a problem with the login and logout of my clients, when i write my email and my password the page should be redirect to my account page, but doesn't work only stay in the login page, also when i logout my name and data stills in the page when should be close the session. help me please
  25. Hi, i have installed prestashop v can't logout when i pressed the logout button, the page is still in my-account page.in order to make the page logout i have to refresh it manually. how do i fix this problem? thank u
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