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  1. hi, Im using PS 8.1.0 and PHP 7.3 When im importing a CSV file i cannot load a custom data matching configuration which i have previously saved. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have tried to change import.js at js/admin/ at line 78 from $('#type_value\\['+i...
  2. Hello, I would like to share with you my brain teaser as follows: My shop is on 2 dedicated high performance servers (1Web Apache 2 & PHP-CFM 7.2.17 + 1Mariadb & CDN) all the caches are activated which gives me profiling a load time of "Unicorn" (40 to 80ms) The site is extremely fast, b...
  3. My main logo is not loading on my demo site. Its hosted on AWS and I am using cloudfront with CDN to increase loading time. The main logo is problematic and I am fighting it. I have resized it and have copy on CDN. htttp://acmeandcompany.com/index.php is the site. This is demo site and its w...
  4. Bonjour, Je me permets de vous partager mon casse tête que voici : Mon shop est sur 2 serveurs dédiés hautes performances (1Web Apache 2 & PHP-CFM 7.2.17 + 1Mariadb & CDN) tous les caches sont activés ce qui me procure en profiling un load time de "Licorne" 🥰( 40 à 80ms) Le site est d'...
  5. Hello ! When i change the size it take 2 or 3 second before changing the size. Do you have any idea how to make it faster please ? Thank you. .
  6. Hi i need some help. I just downloaded prestashop latest version and installed it, after installation is done it do not show my frontpage. i tried to do a new install and it happend again, tried to delete catche and that do not work. Have used prestashop before but newer had theese is...
  7. Hello there, So i recently got my hand on this website, and there is some type of bug (i think) that i cannot find what it is. The images seem to load twice (althought i think its just a weird animation). Any of you have found something like this? Thanks in advance, Pedro Santos
  8. I'm trying to get a list of child categories with their respective products inside them. The code works if I have 50 products and 3 categories. The problem is that: if I have more than 1500 products divided by 6 categories, my code returns an error page for the necessary waiting time for loading (I...
  9. Hello everyone, I'm new to prestashop theme development and I'm trying to load css and js libraries that I've chosen to work with but none of what's mentioned in the documentation seems to work. I'm working with the StarterTheme and I've tried these two solutions but none of them work....
  10. Bonjour tout le monde, Je suis nouveau au développement des thèmes Prestashop et j'aimerai bien charger les libraries css et js que j'ai choisi. Sur la partie Asset management de la documentation j'ai vu qu'il faut enregistrer les librairies sur le theme.yml comme ceci assets: css:...
  11. I have added items to my presta store, however I have recently ran into an error which I have tested on multiple devices. I have tried to clear cache but still didn't work. The Error: Loading products works fine, I can click on them etc. however when I click on a product on page 2 for ex...
  12. Hi, I've updated prestashop to the latest version (, but I get an annoying issue. The product page never stops loading. Through Inspect Element I can see the following: [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (admin-theme.css.map, line 0)...
  13. Hello, we have an issue on our website: www.ozdobnepolstare.cz - Time to first byte is too slow (about 7 seconds, sometimes longer...). Server info: http://ozdobnepolstare.cz/php/php.php Cache in configuration is ON. Can somebody help us? Thank you for reply
  14. Hi there, I hope you can help me with this big trouble... I'm afraid is quite complex I'm trying to upload sellers to my prestashop where I have a multi-seller component. I was able to upload all the data and they appear properly in the Sellers List, but now, when I try to show their de...
  15. Hi, I think this is an interesting thing witch has to be resolved or answered. I`m working on a module and i use .tpl for the configuration page. Yesterday when i built up the html structure, wrote the php witch process it fine, but i received an error "Cannot load module object". I spen...
  16. #ASK mau tanya gan, saya ada masalah sedikit sama prestashop jadi gini, back office prestashop saya loadnya lama bingit, mau upload modul baru, pop up yang buat browse file modulnya itu ga muncul, pas mau nambah gambar di modul slider juga ga muncul, kira-kira kenapa ya? untuk ads modul...
  17. i want to load images of different sizes for products. i am downloading images through rest web services in xml format i want know the links to thumbnails of products which i can download through xml format. i am aware that there various sizes available depending upon image type "image_types", b...
  18. I have added 12 images for this product and they are not being displayed.This is happening for all my other products as well. in fact on repeatedly clicking on add files also there is no response. I did not have this problem earlier. I could see all images earlier and even add more images. Now it js...
  19. SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) AS quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, image_shop.`id_image` id_i...
  20. How to increase the time for query killing so as to prevent crowding in increase page load time. I have been facing these queries which are crowding my server as reported by my server assistant. Thu Jun 18 09:56:15 +0000 2015 [info] killed_thread_id:11508142 user:pres102 host:localhost db:pre...
  21. hi everyone i've recently set up a shop using prestashop 1.6, and there is a problem which i can't imagine why occurs. i have dozens of categories, each containing some products. when i try to access some specific categories, the browser will keep loading and finally i receive a timeout error (...
  22. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone could offer advice... we are on a dedicated rack with low traffic as we've only recently opened. However, the front end of the website is soooo slow and the back end even worse. It takes upwards of 20 seconds for a product to finish loading and allow editing...
  23. Buongiorno, informiamo che la nostra azienda sviluppa moduli ad-hoc per il caricamento delle informazioni relative a categorie e prodotti tramite file esterni (come csv, xsl e xslx), molto utile nei casi di inserimento/aggiornamento di una grande quantità di prodotti e categorie. In base all...
  24. problem that the page is not getting refreshed properly for shop selection dropdown I have attached the screenshorts
  25. I have installed prestashop it is a site selling books and nothing else. i dont need to have stats about visitors, who is coming from where using which browser, etc. (i get all that stats in cpanel) so i can uninstall following modules - Visits and Visitors v1.4 - by PrestaShop...
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