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  1. Hello j'ai une boutique e-commerce Prestashop 1.7.8 Je me demande si c'est intéressant d'installer un module LiteSpeed (ou autre similaire) si j'ai un CDN de configuré. Peut être je confond complètement et la question est bête ... En tout cas j'ai activé le cache de base de PrestaSh...
  2. Hello, There is litespeed on the server where I have all the websites, so I decided to install the litespeed module for extra speed and performance. The problem is that after installing and activating litespeed the home page is no longer displayed correctly, has anyone encountered this problem?...
  3. Buna ziua, Pe serverul unde am toate website-urile exista litespeed asa ca m-am hotart sa instalez modulul litespeed pentru un plus de viteza si performanta. Problema este ca dupa instalarea si activarea litespeed home page-ul nu mai este afisat corect, a mai intampinat cineva probl...
  4. Hi folks, I have installed Litespeed cache on a fresh PS and it works fantastic, so fast. But there is a problem I can not understand how to configure, when you add a template for example LEOTHEME and a few extra modules it will get much slower. I also tried to install litespeed on...
  5. I have installed litespeed cache in prestashop, but when I am going to add a new block it does not show me the addon I want.How can I make it show in the addon's list?
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