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Warianty produktu wyświetlane w listingu produktów
rkonik posted a question in Wsparcie i pomoc użytkowników
Nie wiem jak to nazwać i przez to nie wiem jak szukać. Dlatego opiszę problem i liczę, że ktoś zrozumie i naprowadzi mnie jak rozwiązać problem. Chodzi o to że w produkcie ustawiam warianty. Co jest ważny nie jeden wariant ale kilka. Dla celów rozmowy powiedzmy że jest to kolor, rozmiar i kszta... -
Hello, I was coding my custom listing products in a front controller, i got stack in the sort function this code is from my controller : public function postProcess() { $this->setAuctionOrder(); $this->setAuctionsData(); if (Tools::isSubmit('from-xhr')) {...
- 2 replies
- frontcontroller
- products
- (and 4 more)
Hi community members. I was trying to override a listing controller from this path `controllers/front/listing/CategoryController.php`. As you all know you just need to copy and paste this file with the relative path into your custom module like this `modules/mymodule/override/controllers/f...
- 1 reply
- controller
- listing
(and 3 more)
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Salut @all j'ai un prob au niveau du prix des produits côté Listing Produits ; ils ne sont pas conformes au produits niveau fiche produit . côté BD , pour un produit donné je vois au niveau ps_product le champ "price" n'admet pas la même valeur que au niveau ps_prodct_shop . je voulais savo...
Bonjour, Je cherche comment ajouter plusieurs colonnes dans le listing commande BO de Prestashop j'évolue sous PS, j'ai déjà réussi à ajouter deux colonnes via deux tutos trouvés sur le net (le logo du transporteur et la ville de livraison). Je souhaite ajouter le nom du code prom...
Hi, I'm new to Prestashop and struggling since a couple of days with a basic task... I just would like to list the products of each category into my header (header.tpl). I don't know how to do it. I know how to list products : {if $listing.products|count} {block name='product_...
Hello everybody, I have the following problem: I have added a self-defined property (boolean) that can be maintained per product. The aim should be that visitors (not logged in) shouldn't see all the products. That means: If the property is true, then the visitor of the shop sees the p...
Hi, I want get new products from category. So i tried change controller. In prestashop 1.7 is NewProductsController.php, And inside is function protected function getProductSearchQuery() { $query = new ProductSearchQuery(); $query ->setQueryTy...
Hi, im looking for info of how can I customize my product listing at category pages of my prestashop 1.6. Exactly what I want to do is to show an image between products at category page. For example. if products are listing as 3 per row, I want to show a banner at the second row, so that r...
Potrzebuję ukryć listing produktów w kategoriach które mają podkategorie... obecnie będąc w kategorii wyższego poziomu widać w listingu wszystko w głąb przez co wyświetla się wielki bigos :/ da się to gdzieś ustawić ?? czy jakimś modem trzeba ? ktoś przerabiał temat ?
Prestashop - hurtowe zamówienia (kastomizacja listingu)
dawidt posted a question in Wsparcie i pomoc użytkowników
Witam wszystkich, Interesuje mnie wykorzystanie PrestaShop jako panelu hurtowego. Głównie chodzi o możliwość dodawania wielu produktów do koszyka, z możliwością określenia ilości, bezpośrednio z listingu produktów. Listing powinien pokazywać nazwę produktu, cenę netto, cenę brutto, pole "ilość... -
Hi, Have just been looking to see if I could get a column showing whether a product is "Available for order" next to the active column. I looked at the following thread which saw this done on PS 1.5:
- 2 replies
- available for order
- column
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Cześć, od razu zaznaczam, że nie mogłem rozwiązać mojego problemu w googlach. Chciałbym, aby na miniaturkach pojawiał się napis "produkt nowy". Coś w tym stylu: Czy istnieje jakiś moduł, który by mi to umożliwiał? Pozdrawiam
Hello all, I just started to use this module last week and now it works fine even if it doesn't get all my ebay shop categories (just the first one of the list) but the first time that i tried to sync my products,it ended up loading 45 actions with no pictures or description. Because of that i...
- 3 replies
- listing
- ebay module
(and 1 more)
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Bonjour, lorsque j'affiche la liste des produits d'une catégorie, il faudrait pouvoir afficher uniquement les produits dont le id_category_default est différent de 94... Or je ne sais pas ou placer cette exception. Quelqu'un a t-il une idée? Merci d'avance.
- 12 replies
In Stock Management, Listing Page, I just want to know, from where you are calling from 'stock'? For me it shows '--' like this. Quantity is not showing. so we cant able to remove or transfer stock. Please help me. i am new to prestashop.
- 1 reply
- stock
- stock management
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Version Using PrestaShop™ I require help in the way the pricing is shown on the product listing. Currently it shows it without VAT. But it doesn't say 'Excl. VAT'. I require that to be shown on each product listing. I also require the RRP price to be shown. When adding a product, I hav...
Hi people, Hope someone has come across this problem and can offer some advice. I have listed some items to eBay, but the Catalog Price Rules from Prestashop have been listed in French instead of English(UK). Do you know where these can be edited? I'm assuming it's something to do with t...
- wrong language
- french
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#1 - How do I go about adding manufacturer logo in the product page and also on the product preview? #2 - How do I add manufacturer into product page and preview as well?
- 4 replies
- manufacturer
- logo
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I want to disable pagination in manufacturers list. So when I click "Manufacturers" all of them to appear. How can I achieve this?
- 18 replies
- manufacturer
- listing
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found a solution
Bonjour, Je suis en train de faire des modifications dans le code de : /themes/[mon_theme]/product-list.tpl Pour rajouter, en-dessous de la description courte, le nom de la catégorie. Si l'on ne met pas de conditions, le nom de la catégorie devrait s'afficher dans tous les cas : - listi...