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  1. Hi! As the title suggests, I would like to allow customers to only put one product per category into the shopping cart. If a customer tries to add a second article of the same category to the shopping cart, there should be a (customizeable and translateable) popup-message, which notifies the...
  2. Hello everyone, we are trying to create a product that has 400 combinations, the problem is that when we reach about 300 we get the Java error "Maximum call stack size exceeded", the error appears when trying to save or when creating a new combination, we would greatly appreciate if someone has pass...
  3. Hi all, I'm using PS and I'm wondering if there is a way that I can limit the number of products that are displayed when the "New Products" page loads (not the block, the actual page). I'd like to set the limit to 12, could someone help with what code I need? I am assuming that I need to ch...
  4. I just got the "Prestashop Maximum product quantity" module from mypresta.eu. Installation should not be more but to copy the module folder over to the modules folder, correct? I'm supposed to see a new product tab, but that's not happening. The module is supposed to be compatible wit...
  5. Hello everybody, I have a group of clients for which I want to set only one currency. All other customers should be able to choose between two currencies. Is this possible with Prestashop?
  6. I used this tutorial, however, despite the editing of the two classes / search.php and blocksearch-instantsearch.tpl files, I still see 10 products. I try give it less than 10 or more. it's always 10. I removed the cache and disabled the overwritten files. My version of PS: Default theme...
  7. Mam problem z posortowaniem produktów w kategorii od strony zaplecza. W jednej z kategorii posiadam więcej niż 300 produktów (ponad 1700) i chcę część z nich z końca przenieść w inne miejsce, natomiast presta pozwala mi na jednej stronie wyświetlić ich maksymalnie 300. W którym miejscu zmienić...
  8. Version: I would set this cart rule: Insert to cart a free product ONLY for a first order, but the limit "1" in the "Total available for each user" not work. The gift appears in the cart also for subsequent orders. What could be the problem? Thanks!
  9. Hola que tal, soy nuevo en el foro y creo que la pregunta al problema que tengo es en el lugar a decuado. Os comento tengo prestashop y cuando importo productos mediante csv, en el apartado de url image siempre aparece limitado a 200 carácteres, con la consiguiente anulación de l...
  10. Witam, Działam na wersji 1,6,1 i szukam odpowiedzi na moje pytanie. Otóż chciałabym ustawić darmową wysyłkę dla dwóch grup klientów. Z racji tego iż korzystam z modułu hurtowni mam klientów hurtowych dla których przypisałam darmową wysyłkę od 2 tys zł, dodatkowo chciałabym ustawić darmową wysył...
  11. Hello everyone! I have one employee that will do the product descriptions for me but I not want him to see or change prices. Since this all is in the catalog/product category, he can do everything. There is no option to limit an employees permissions further then "product". Is there somethin...
  12. Hi, Full disclosure: I am a newbie on web technologies and Prestashop with a grounding in computer science but one that is a couple of decades old. When I try to upload product images if the image is beyond a particular size (even at 1.5 MB), the upload fails with the following error message...
  13. Hello, We want to start a new store on Prestashop Cloud wtih 26000, which will be imported from datafeed CSV file, BUT we had been denied by the limits of Cloud, so only 304 products were uploaded. Please, could help us how to resolve this? I want to contact Prestashop directly, but there i...
  14. Hi guys, Here I hope to have a real issue for you, I started a smallish website with more customers who will sell on this site. However, as it started to spread, a few of us, here for some time we can not achieve that adding new products, and arrange site. Users who are our customers and to our...
  15. Hi I wanted to create a voucher for a specific customer but the field "limit to customer name" search is not working, and when I enter a specific customer name it disappear when I create the voucher. Any idea on how to check what's wrong in my installation? PS ; all modules up to...
  16. Hi all , How can I limit the number of the showed categories on "categories block module"? I have 500 categories and my home page is too long ! Thanks!
  17. Hola Estoy intentando importar un archivo CSV de combinaciones y aunque no es demasiado grande (tiene unas 4.000 líneas), a los 3 minutos exactos se para la importación y el navegador muestra un error. Sé que hay que modificar algún parámetro para ampliar el tiempo de ejecución y aumentar la...
  18. Hey Guys, i need some help. I want to offer an event, where you can visit a city with a bus, go to a restaurant and have dinner. The seats in the bus are Limited. The three different types of dinner are not limited. Everyone can have the same or everyone can have each of the three. Can you...
  19. Hola, quiero subir 5 imagenes miniatura en una categoria pero no me deja me dice que el limite es 3, alguien sabe como cambiarlo o alguna otra manera de hacerlo? La idea es que en el blocktopmenu cuando pongas el cursor salga un submenu con 5 subcategorias y una imagen centrada con cada subcate...
  20. Hello everyone, I started a website with my brother and it is almost ready to be used. There is one problem tho. We are hitting the memory limit and can't import product images. Is there a way to upgrade and get more memory limit? This is the error code: An error occurred while copying image, check...
  21. Witajcie! Otóż borykam się z jednym problemem - limit kodów rabatowych na jedną transakcję. Zakładam, że może trafić się sytuacja, że klient otrzyma dwa (lub więcej) kupony rabatowe i zechce je użyć przy jednym zamówieniu. Chciałbym uniknąć takiej sytuacji ale niestety ani grzebanie w kodzie ani po...
  22. Hi, I was wondering if there was an option to assign only certain payment methods to each delivery method. It doesn't make sense to display paypal for example if somebody chooses personal pick up from the store. I would like to make sure only relevant payment method is displayed for each delivery...
  23. Hi My shop has several currencies but I have a customer group for B2B. This group should only be able to see prices with USD and no others. All other customers should not be able to see prices with USD or have the possibility to change currency to USD. Is this possible?
  24. Hello all, I'm a litle concerned with a problem I'm having. My host as a limit of 200 http requests simultaneous per IP (for prestashop website, email, etc), if limit is passed he blocks connection and sometimes IP. I have made a video for you see, when I just opening products mades abo...
  25. Hello, I want to set a limit to a number of products that can be created in Back Office. For example I want to allow admin to add only 200 products and not more. I was trying to find a SQL query which handles product creation, but couldn't find this. Any ideas how to achieve this?
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