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Found 22 results

  1. Hi, Greetings of the day. The module helps to show Facebook as a widget sidebar on all pages of the website to increase likes on the store's Facebook page, customer engagement, and relationship management. This module helps to increase exposure to potential customers lower marketing e...
  2. Bonjour, Salutations du jour. Le module permet d'afficher Facebook comme une barre latérale contextuelle sur la page d'accueil pour augmenter les goûts de la page Facebook du magasin, l'engagement client et la gestion des relations. Ce module permet d'augmenter l'exposition aux client...
  3. Social Connecter, Like, Share, Widget, Comments Règlement général sur la protection des données (GDPR) - Compatible avec le module de conformité GDPR officiel de PrestaShop Le module combine presque tous les plugins disponibles de Facebook : -Facebook Connect -Le bouton...
  4. Module guarantees: - Help installation including: There is a detailed user guide with examples even for tiny addons. - Constant updates: Careful in-house testing ensures you get robust applications. Multiple stores support. Custom themes compatibility. All included. - Usability and perform...
  5. Hi Techies, I am using PS version I need quantity up and quantity down as in shopping cart page. The quantity up and quantity down is available in 1.6 version. But I need in version Here with attached my requirement as image with circled red. Thanks in advance....
  6. Hola amigos, actualmente tengo una tienda en funcionamiento y dentro de ella hemos implementado un blog, con el cual vamos a hacer una campaña en las redes sociales y compartir contenidos de interés para nuestros seguidores. El problema es que cuando trato de compartir mis enlaces en facebook, s...
  7. hi I would have an especial request. is possible create a script for like button that like two pages by clicking only one "Like" example: i have fb page for my online shop (Called: A) and another personal FB page also relative at my shop (Called: i want if go in my store and...
  8. salve, vorrei aggiungere un tasto like per ogni prodotto, ma non per mandare il like sulla pagina fb, ma per il singolo prodotto. ho provato ad aggiungere l'iframe sul Product.tpl, ma cosi facendo viene creato un pulsante like per la pagina fb scelta, ma non è ciò che vorrei fare. un es...
  9. Hello, Customising the standard theme. 3 questions about the footer. 1) In Modules positions I have the module: "Fanpage like box free" in displayFooter. It does not show? How to show it on the right hand side of the footer? 2) How to remove "Lettre d'information... Saisissez votre adresse...
  10. Bonjour à tous, C'est terrible que facebook génère des boutons J'aime qui ne sont pas valides W3C, alors que c'est important pour le référencement d'un site qu'il soit valide W3C. Pour cela je viens de publier une solution afin que vous puissiez rendre le bouton J'aime de Facebook valide W3C sur...
  11. Bonjour, Je viens d'installer le module Google Rich Snippets sur la boutique d'un client. Celui-ci trouvant que le bouton Facebook affiché sous les commentaires est trop visible, j'ai essayé de le réduire, notamment en supprimant le texte qui ressemble à "Soyez le premier à partager ceci"...
  12. Hola a todos, estoy teniendo problemas con un módulo de Facebook situado en el footer, el cual no me muestra las caras (thumbs) ni el logo del perfil. ¿Alguien sabe a qué puede deberse? Tampoco muestra los logos de los métodos de pago... la web en cuestión: http://www.renattandgo.com...
  13. I want social (facebook, twitter, google+) button with show the counting in header right area. I am not finding exact code or module. Can any body help me about this. This is my site. http://www.realamberjewelry.com/ Here is the exact picture what I want in this topic. I mark it in r...
  14. Hello, I am using PS 1.5.4 default theme, and I am adding a facebook "Like" button, and I want to display different buttons for differnet languages. Official facebook page says that I just need to change a one liner. I have tried adding {if} inside the javescript, but it did not work. I have...
  15. Hello, i have a problem. I need to create main category at same level like "home". Or some alternative solution for fixed this problem. For example i upload this photo. I apologize for my English, and thanks to all who will post some solution for my problem. Have a nice day, Erko
  16. I have seen many Facebook Like implementations but none seems to be perfect. I just want a plain simple Like button on every product page which not only gives a URL but also a product image and product title on the facebook page. Who knows a free module which implements this feature? I don't wan...
  17. Hi there Prestashoppers, I've installed the following module: http://www.presto-changeo.com/nl/prestashop-free-modules/45-facebook-like-button.html It places a FB Like button on each product page, and i've also added that same button (with a hook) to my menu. However, i'd like to link th...
  18. Bonjour, Je rencontre actuellement quelques soucis lors de la mise en place du bouton like de facebook sur nos pages produits. En effet, lorsque je like mon produits, l'image que facebook récupère sur mon mur n'est pas du tout l'image du produit concerné. En fait ce n'est même pas une image pro...
  19. Dear everyone, I just installed the facebook like button module that I got from presto changeo.com, but somehow it doesn't seem to work right. When you click on the button to like it, a screen pops up, but you can't really see it. I have attached a photo so you'll see what I mean. Does an...
  20. pour resumer le le probleme au quel je me trouve confronté voici une capture d'ecran Comme il est claire ni l'image ni la description ne figure sur le post, juste l'URL de la page de produit. le probleme est similaire quand je click sure "j'aime". pour info j'ai installer le module "Fac...
  21. Hi all, I'd love it if someone could help me with this one. I'm trying to add a Facebook 'Like' button to the top right of my page, similar to this example - http://www.boogtique.com/store/en/ - this is my site at the moment http://www.lauriemcc...com/prestashop/ I'd like to...
  22. I have tried searching to see if this has been mentioned before but the search feature isn't particularly great so here goes. I get the following error when trying to Like a reply: Action failed: {"status":"ok","rating":1,"likeData":{"names":[{"name":"You","seo":"digital_essence","id":"20620...
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