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  1. Hello, I need to edit the pictures in my slideshow, but when I try to upload a new one, nothing happens. it only displays this message: If you cannot update image. Please set permissions 755 for the folder ...
  2. Hello, On one of our websites, the link in the submenu cannot be clicked on a mobile device. Unfortunately, I can't find the solution. I would like to ask you for help and advice. The website: munkaruha-munkacipo.hu Theme: LeoTheme PS.1.7 Thank You!
  3. Witam serdecznie. 1. Czy ktoś się orientuje jak zmienić kolor tych "+" po wskazaniu na kategorie w menu? Chodzi o to, że one nie są widoczne po rozwinięciu menu, tylko dopiero po wskazaniu, podświetleniu danej kategorii. Utrudnia to rozwijanie subkategorii w wersji mobilnej, gdyż widget subkat...
  4. Hi everyone, I am quiet new in using Prestashop so it's maybe just a little thing but... I'm from Czech Republic and I'm doing Czech localization (language translation) of Presta theme and widgets. But I have a serious problem - I dont know how to change text in my widgets. I give you an ex...
  5. Hi guys, I am using the leo_michael theme and although my images seem fine in the preview for english, the slideshow seems to ignore all other images except the first one and loads it indefinitely (at about 500 speed althought I set the speed to 5000. What is strange is that the slideshow...
  6. The thing says lastest on the blog page, I can't find it in the template or db. Where can I find templates?
  7. hi, i'm using leo theme mega menu. i want to add slide down & slide up effect on dropdown menu. i'm using bootstrap solution but it's not working on very first hover.and second hover slide down work. but slide up not working on few time hover over on the same menu item. $( '.megamenu li.dropdo...
  8. Hello everybody, I've started a new webshop on https://modern-knight.be. I'm planning on adding blog content to improve the all over website experience and add to the customer experience. I've recently added my first blog post: https://modern-knight.be/nl/blog/detail/8-redenen-...
  9. hi i am using the Leo Furniture template on my shop . www.littlefriend.dk when ever the page is viewed on mobile devices, it shows the frontpage without the dias show in the top. i would like to hide other modules when it's shown on mobile devices. the modules i would like to hide is the on...
  10. Bonjour, J'ai acheté un theme sur addons, mais je n'arrive pas a trouver les fichier .CSS dans le dossier presta shop alors qu'il y a bien le default-bootstrap, j'ai exporter le theme que j'ai acheté mais malgres les modifications rien ne change. voici le chemin que je lui ai donné. C:\Prog...
  11. PrestaShop: Templatka: leo shopping Hosting: Home (niestety) Adres wersji roboczej: http://veronaobuwie.com.pl/ Witam serdecznie, Mam problem dotyczący atrybutów. Po stworzeniu atrybutu (na przykład lakierowanie na kolor + 200zł) i wybraniu tej opcji na karcie produktu, cena się ni...
  12. Hallo Leute, Ich benutze das Template: leo_vanis_fashion. Seit Kurze habe ich das Problem, dass ich die Bilder im Slider nicht ändern kann. Bei mir wird immer das gleiche Bild angezeigt, egal ob ich den Slider ausschalte oder ändere, das Bild auf meine Homepage bleibt immer gleich. Ich habe a...
  13. Hello, I have just installed a theme on my Prestashop, and suddenly, I notice that all Slider Modules available (Leo slide image using camera or Minic) do not show up. Also, any smoth transition effect by the theme does not work at all. Any idea can could be causing such an error? It...
  14. Hola buenas tardes, uso el tema Leo Flowers en mi tienda e intentando configurar los enlaces de las redes sociales y el módulo de newsletter, ahora no aparecen en el footer ni el botón rosa para introducir el email y suscribirse a la newsletter ni los botones de las redes sociales. Os pongo una...
  15. Hi All, I have hopefully a quick fix issue with my theme. Somewhere I've accidentally changed something (probally global.css ??) in the title footer background, there now appears a duplicate below the original. It is below the line that reads: FREE SHIPPING & CALL US!. The 2 images attached sho...
  16. Hello I've done some modifications on this theme, and now, when I stop the mouse over the CART, the dropdown appears very high and I would like to lower it a bit. See here the problem. Regards (SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH)
  17. Bonjour à tous, Je rencontre une difficulté sur un module trouvé sur le net. Je sais qu'il n'a pas été mis a jour dernièrement, mais il fonctionne sur ma version Prestashop actuelle. Présentation du module : http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/2122[spam-filter]module...
  18. I have a problem with Leo Top Menu module, i cant change the items on it, tried changing in the configuration the items (added or deleted) nothings changes i still have the same 3 items, the module works because if i disable it dissapears
  19. Hello Dear.. I'm using leo bootstrap megamenu and when i want to edit some items, it show me an error " Menu could not be updated".I turn on debug but prestashop doesn't show me an error except it
  20. Hi, I am using leo sportshoe theme. I would like to change images on this slide. /themes/leoshoe/modules/lofcustomtop/images I went to above location and upload the image i want , but for some reason image would not displayed. This below is the html code inside lofcutomtop module...
  21. Hello, I am using Leo Tshirt template and I have a problem with manufacturer list. As I have added new manufacturers and in the list the images are not shown but in the back office I can see that they are uploaded, the same with server .../img/m/xxx.jpg Here is the link to the page: http://...
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