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  1. Hi I have upgraded my store to 1.6 all is well except the blocklayered module it won't index (in the configuration area of the module) also when i try to use it on my website it just loads for ever but nothing happens tried to remove it and install it again no luck, be...
  2. Καλησπέρα. Θέλω να βάλω το faceted search στης σελίδες του Manufacturer, του Supplier και του Search page. Ακόμη θέλω να βάλω στο faceted search να κάνει φίλτρο τους Suppliers (όπως κάνει τους manufacturers). Υπάρχει κάποιος που να το έχει κάνει ή έχει να προτείνει κάποιο module δοκιμ...
  3. My products (music records) have 2 kind of features: Artist and Label. For every product, may it be displayed in the product list, or on the product detail page, I'd like to add 2 links pointing to a list containing every other product with the same Artist (1st link) and the same label (2nd link...
  4. Hello, I try to execute one action from the horizontal menu to expand the corresponding selected category in the block layered navigation. When we do it manually this is an Ajax function that expand the category. Is it possible to do it ? Thanks in advance, Jean-Mari...
  5. Hi folks, I want to change the name of my blocklayered module in the FO from 'catalog' to 'product filters', however when editing the template file blocklayered.tpl, it makes no difference at all. from <h4 class="title_block">{l s='Catalog' mod='blocklayered'}</h4> to <h4 class="tit...
  6. Buenos dias, estoy usando el modulo por defecto de navegacion por facetas. Me muestra correctamente los productos que corresponden a cada filtro, pero al pinchar en el filtro, y luego quitarlo, dejan de mostrarse el 100% de los productos que deberian mostrarse. Exactamente, el 100% son 80 y al...
  7. Bonjour, J'utilise la navigation à facettes pour filtrer ma liste de produits (vêtement) avec déclinaisons. Malheureusement le filtre que j'ai mis en place (taille) ne prend pas en compte l'état du stock. Je m'explique : J'ai un filtre "disponibilité" (en stock/pas en stock) et un fi...
  8. I’m work with PS 1.6 in localhost for temp. So far, everything is ok until I’m use layered navigation block in my category. I have created a filter template in the module config and set 3 filters just in one category (for example category "B") for testing only. There are sub-category filter, pro...
  9. Hello I have configured a layered navigation block but it does not show up on my site. My website is called http://www.basementdesignerclothing.com Can some one help me Thanks in Advance
  10. Bonjour, Je me permets de poster ce message pour savoir s'il y a une possibilité de regrouper plusieurs couleurs similaires sous un même filtre de couleur. Je m'explique j'ai des couleurs du type bleu, bleu roi, bleu clair... Cependant, je ne souhaite pas surcharger la navigation à facettes...
  11. This is regarding Block layered Navigation module in prestashop 1.6.3 well i want to include a custom filter "discount" into layered navigation block that should take value dynamically from uploaded value from CSV.(CSV IMPORT PRO -module) I want to display it in "%" and "amount" format. It w...
  12. Bij het openen van een categorie verschijnen eerste x producten op het scherm, bij het klikken op een volgende pagina geeft PS de foutmelding Er zijn geen producten Nu ben ik er al achter dat het te maken zou hebben met de layered navigatie. Is er al een fix gevonden voor dit probleem? A...
  13. When I open a category in my webshop the first x products are shown. Next set of products are available by clicking on next page (or pagenumber). After pressing that I get error that there are no products. But there are.... :-( I found out it has something to do with layered navigation activat...
  14. Hi, Subcategory links in my layered navigation don't work. Right now they look like this and they don't redirect to subcategory pages: www.mydomain.com/lighting_26#/categories-ceiling_lights www.mydomain.com/lighting_26#/categories-wall_lights They should look like this: www.my...
  15. morning! i have problem with layered block navigation at my store tehnika.euroval.hr . old store was also on subdomain in older version of prestashop and it worked. on new subdomain is clean installation (PS i try to install old layered block nanivagtion module version 1.8.3, but it...
  16. Hi I have set up the 'layered navigation block' and all appears OK on the front end, however when I try to use it to filter then it just sits there with the spinning wheel and never updates or filters the products. In the backend I have a template but notice that I cannot build any index. I get...
  17. Is it possible to remove hashtag "#" in the url when enable layered navigation ? (pretsahop 1.5.5 clean install) Ex. Now when select layered navigation the link is www.mywebsite.com/en/9-bags#/brand1 I would to like remove "#" then show the link like this www.mywebsite.com/en/9-bags/brand1 Best...
  18. Bonjour, juste une question, en testant le module à facettes avec un filtre sur les couleurs, je m'aperçois qu'il affiche bien les produits en fonction du choix de la couleur, mais l'image du produit affiché (dans la liste et dans la fiche produit) reste celle marquée par défaut, et non pas l'im...
  19. Bonjour, Je rencontre un problème avec la navigation à facettes, ce n'est pas le premier mais j'ai trouvé des solutions aux autres. Problème résolu : - Liste déroulante ne fonctionne pas : http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/360781-block-layered-navigation-facette/?hl=%2Bfacette&do=find...
  20. Hola hice copy paste de mi tienda para actualizar a la version 1.6 y probarla antes de ponerla en vivo y la navegacion por facetas no se muestra. intente reinstalar el modulo y tampoco me permite reindexar los precios ni nada. Indexación de los precios fallo mi url es http://beta.drot.mx...
  21. Hello community! I got a small problem: I want to re-order the filters in the Layered navigation block (v1.10.5). It does save it the right way, but every time I go to edit it again, all filters are back to their initial position, not the one I set them up! I then have to do all the work again.. :...
  22. I'm searching for a module or customization to include the "tags" filter as part of the layered navigation block. Have looked to "Live Filter Pro", but the asked the developer and still hasn't answered if it's compatible with versions 1.5 of Prestashop. Any help will be appreciated.
  23. Hi all, Is there any way of stopping the layered navigation block from automatically scrolling to the top of the products? Since it happens after each filter, it becomes a tad irritating. I've had a quick sift through the blocklayered.js file but nothing is immediately obvious. Thanks
  24. Muy buenas a todos. Como todos sabemos el "Módulo de navegación por facetas" te permite crear "Filtros de Plantillas". Dentro de estos "Filtros de Plantillas" puedes seleccionar que filtros se muestran en determinadas categorías. Por ejemplo podemos asignar dos "Características de Productos" para un...
  25. I have the module working but with error: I think a feature, add presets (this works well and looks in the front of the store). I think a feature (not add presets), I go to product configuration and add the value manually (Custom value) ... These filters do not appear in the module. Indi...
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