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  1. Hi, Often, you will read on the Net about SEO tips for your international shops. One of the first things to do is to propose a domain located by country, such as.fr for France,.es for Spain, ... This module will help you make it totally transparent for your visitors who can change sho...
  2. This module allows you to set a domain for every installed language. That means you can set a domain extension for each installed language. No multistore is needed! Have a unique domain for every language (or country) that you are selling your products. Once you set a doma...
  3. Hi I am new to prestashop but I have found the language/country setup confusing. For instance, for Belgium we need to show either Belgian French [fr-BR] or Belgian Dutch [nl-BE], for the same site, the same catalogue, the same pricing, same everything else, just the two different languages...
  4. Hi everyone Is there a way to have the product show it's prices with different taxes based on which language is selected? Iv'e set up correct tax rules, but the tax of the products are only changing when choosing country in the cart. This is not how it should be, cause it will confuse visi...
  5. THIS QUESTION WAS MOVED TO CORE DEVELOPERS! Visit: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/1085114-change-products-tax-based-on-language-selector-when-not-logged-in/ Hi everyone Is there a way to have the product show it's prices with different taxes based on which language is selecte...
  6. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon allows us to automatically change store currency and language as per visitors' country locations. When visitor changes language respective currency changes automatically. Geolocation (GeoIP) Currency & language Redirect Users Automatica...
  7. When I publish a new blog post or change something on the site, sometimes some of the translations that are in Cyrillic suddenly become English again. Mainly the cart and category translations. When I fix the permissions through the hosting it was fine until now. I have no idea how this affects...
  8. Que tal, acabo de comprar un hosting en ionos.mx e instale Prestashop el sitio instaló la versión en ingles, por lo tanto tengo la duda de si una vez instalado puedo cambiar el idioma? o si tengo que eliminar la instalación e instalarlo yo manual? Quiero tener en español el panel de con...
  9. dear community, we are looking for a module how can import/export all text content to make a translation of the site. I mean text like: product category cms mail Thanks to any reply. Balla
  10. Hello, I am having problems with sending order emails from my Prestashop (1.7). The web is in 2 languages, English (/en) and Spanish (/es). - When I place orders from /en, all the emails work correctly. - When I place orders from the English version /en, none of the order emails arrive...
  11. Hello, Here is a simple and effective solution to overcome a shortcoming in version 1.7 of PrestaShop which has a different behavior compared to what we had known on previous versions. Thus, when you deactivate a language it disappeared from the store for customers, but remain available in...
  12. Hi, I want to add translation support for my field in configure area in module and services section. I am using prestashop version 1.6.x and I made change as per other modules and below documentation link. http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Making+your+module+work+with+Bootstrap...
  13. Hi, I have a prestashop that is configured in multiple languages. It works fine however, when I come to dispatch orders it only prints the invoices in the language of the administrator and not the language that the order was placed in. Is there a way the I could configure my shop so that it au...
  14. Hi! Let's see if anyone has suffered this: I have a multisite with two domains and one language for each domain: Spanish and English. In English from "store 1", I import the products and later the variants, everything is fine. Later, I can import the products in Spanish, but when...
  15. Hi there, I am very new and I would like to install prestashop. The problem I have is during stage 6 of the installation which gives me this error. Can anybody please help me. Thank you Create default shop and languages Cannot copy flag language "/home3/makebean/public_html/presta...
  16. Is it possible hide menu items (CMS links) selectively in other languages? example: In english is visible menu items: menuitem1, menuitem2, menuitem3, menuitem4 etc In russian is visible only menu items: menuitem1, menuitem2. In germany is visible only: menuitem1. Thanks
  17. Hello everyone, Has anyone ever encountered this problem on Prestashop 1.7 : In french language (the main one), the loading time is ok, not perfect but ok, but when I switched to english, the second language of the site, the loading time is just... incredible! I mean... In french, it loa...
  18. Salut à tous, Salutations du jour. Le module aide à traduire la boutique en ligne dans plus de 100 langues, facilite les ventes internationales et aide les clients internationaux à comprendre les prix des magasins dans leur langue. Il est très rapide, les charges fonctionnent facilement a...
  19. Hi, I've a problem with a language change of my prestashop When we started our online business, we decided to setup different languages. Now after some month we notice that the effort is currently to high to handle more then one language. So we decided to turn off two of our t...
  20. Hi, some translations of my theme do not show in the translations section of BO (cart, new products, register, add to cart ....) some solution to translate ? regards
  21. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module allows us to automatically change store currency and language as per visitors' country locations. When visitor changes language respective currency changes automatically. Geolocation (GeoIP) Currency & language Redirect Users Automatically...
  22. Hi, im having some troubles configuring my store´s languages. I have a main domain for the spanish version, which is the main language. But I want to associate each language to /fr /en /it and /de, all of them at the same domain as the main one. How should I configure it? I have...
  23. I want to make a link to a CMS page in prestashop, the webshop has 3 languages. How do i make the link autoswitch the language? When you make a cms-page, you can enter the translations for the title of that page. So i have to get that title in the code? This is what i have now (which stays in Engl...
  24. Bonjour, je suis sous prestashop 1.7. En voulant intégrer une nouvelle langue (anglais en plus du français) : Le contenu de ma page d'accueil à disparu... Ma page est vide (reste que la barre de menu et le footer). J'ai supprimé la langue anglais, j'ai désactivé le sélecteur de langue , ri...
  25. Estimada comunidad, Les escribo buscando ayuda, hace unos días estoy terminando un modulo de Prestashop 1.7.x.x, dentro de lo que hice, el módulo tiene la opción de funcionar en español, inglés y un par de idiomas extras, pero me enfrento a la siguiente problemática: EL PROBLEMA es que al...
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