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Landing page changes from domain name and then adds /en/search
MJ_C posted a topic in General topics
I don't know if anyone can help. Our website was functioning quite well. Prestashop Last night I noticed that when I went to it actually appears as We use Panda as a theme and that all appears fine and the categories still list within the thems but I can't get to the normal domain landing page. I have checked within PS setting and been in to most settings that display the domain and they all show the basic domain. I have checked the database and nothing I can see indicates the domain has changed. I was messing with a module that remove the products code from Urls but this is sturls by Sunnytoo and purchased 4 years ago. He kindly looked at it and said it was a server issue. I tried letting ps recreate the .htaccess and compared to a previous one which appeared to match. Yobbo or Johnny creator of sturls took a look at the .htaccess and aid it all looked good. The server company whuk have looked for changes within the DB and other places doing a search for eb/search which revealed very little. With many many many hours of searching nothing seems to solve the issue. Does anyone have any ideas, please? Kind regards Simon-
- landing page
- domain
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Ciao a tutti , sono alle prime armi con il coding di prestashop , fino ad oggi mi sono sempre adattato utilizzando vari moduli. Da poco ho deciso di creare una Landing Page in cui dare dei cenni di un servizio e la possibilità di compilare un form. Ho solo il problema che vorrei che l'header e il footer non venissero aggiunti automaticamente alla pagina. Per la creazione della pagina ho generato un prova.php , un provacontroller.php , Tpl , CSS e uno script Java . Ora mi chiedevo come fare per visualizzare solo ed esclusivamente il contenuto di colonna sinistra , destra e centrale , eliminando così il contenuto top/header e footer . Ho flaggato la pagina in tutti i moduli dalla sezione "posizioni" ma continuo a visualizzare elementi sia nella parte superiore che inferiore. qualcuno riesce a spiegarmi dove e cosa sbaglio ? La Landing è
Hi to all ,I Need help to configure my Landing Page... I'v newbie of PS.. My URL Is for a Landing Page , i'd like to have a Page with only contenent +right & left column. I've tried disable evrey module's hook from "position" on My pannel, but as you can see , i still have a navbar + some header component. Is there a way to remove completely header + navbar + footer? And show only contenent of My Tpl file + right and left column? If Yes please guide me step by step thanks !
- landing page
- header nav
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Buongiorno. Avrei intenzione di creare una landing page con qualche tool esterno o meno, ma questo non dovrebbe essere un problema, piuttosto mi servirebbe di sapere tecnicamente come si integra con PS 1.6 (nel mio caso). Cioè, la landing page (diciamo esterna al sito) dovrebbe diventare la nuova index? Se cosi fosse come faccio a renderla la pagina di ingresso quando un utente qualsiasi capita sul mio dominio, e l'attuale Index del sito la pagina non più index? Spero di non aver confuso la logica di funzionamento. Grazie
Hola estoy intentando configurar el css para que la pagina de inicio (home) no aparezca el header y el fotter y tenga un aspecto a una Landing Page He utilizado estos parámetros en el custom css de mi tema y funciona perfectamente con el Id de las paginas que quiero, pero para el home (index) no se que parametros tengo que poner .cms-id-1 #header {display:none;} .cms-id-1 #footer {display:none;} .cms-id-1 .breadcrumb {display:none;} .cms-id-1 .page-header {display:none;} Prestashop
Hi all, In our multistore, the user must first choose which store to visit. As of now, we created another store called "landing page", that contains items in the hook "Home" with links to our other stores. The "landing page" store is set to the base url : Now we would like to use another HTML page as the landing page. This page is now contained in another directory : , but not controlled by prestashop. We have tried different things without any success. I think that our problem comes from the fact that the prestashop index.php script must be called first to instantiate the shop via the Dispacher, so for example pointing the base url to the "home" folder does not work, as after that when we click on a link for a multistore, it does not exist (because the Dispatcher was never called). Is there a way to achieve that? I hope it makes sense! Please do not hesitate to ask for more details. Cheers, Olivier
- 5 replies
- prestashop 1.6
- landing page
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Hi, I would like to implement a landing page in html. on the homepage of my website. From this landing page our customers will have the possibility to go the prestashop pages and the prestashop homepage. I’ve tried various solutions, but none worked. When I add an index.html page in root, I can see the page and access all the prestashop page except the prestashop homepage because I'm redirect to .html. I think this could be a solution but I still have a problem: - I can add a page (index.html) with my landing-page - I can rename the prestashop index.php in home.php - than modify the prestashop homepage setting from in (in "SEO & URL" section) THE PROBLEM IS that prestashop does not make me change the friendly-url for the homepage (see image). I have prestashop v1.6.1.10 multishop (3 shop) Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thank you in advance. vanis
- 4 replies
- landing page
- landing-page
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Good day, I was wondering if it is possible to turn these two banners into gifs? As a test, I tried to just add a plain gif - which still just displayed as a static image. Thank you Renier
- banner
- landing page
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How can I make TopHorizontalMenu only to show the hover menu options and not to respond to clicks. Issue is that once user clicks on a Menu Item, they will get an ugly landing page listing the same Hover Menu Item, so I really prefer the TopHorizontalMenu not to take them anywhere by clicking on the Items instead show them the sub-menu items and let them chose from there only. is there a fix for this? please see in this link and click on "About ELA" menu item and see the ugly landing page, istead I want the page only get clicks on sub-menu items, in this case "Corporate Profile, ..."
- 11 replies
- Top horizontal Menu
- Landing Page
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Buenos días, Tengo una duda que no sé si me podréis resolver. Resulta que quiero crear una tienda prestashop solo para distribuidores, por lo que me gustaría crear primero una página como "carátula" tipo landing page como esta en la que como información inicial aparezca pues "quienes somos", "trabaja con nosotros", "catálogo" (una muestra en imagen) y por último una zona que pusiera "Distribuidores" con acceso de usuario y contraseña que ya sí, llevase a la tienda prestashop. No sé si esto es posible hacerlo dentro de prestashop, con alguna plantilla como la que he puesto o de alguna forma con módulos. Espero podáis ayudarme, muchas gracias. Un saludo.
Change Add To Cart Button Behaviour.
Mixa_RU posted a topic in Addons, modules and themes developers
Hello everybody! I am going to use Prestashop as a cataloge with receiving requests via e-mail (no cart, no checkout). Visitor chooses product, press button , fill the form and send it to me nicely. Relatively simple and easy to use system. So I need to change add to cart button behaviour or switch to catalog mode and add another button to send request from each product. Is there any easy and clear way to do it or I have to make it hard way myself after reading docs, code and forum? I feel like I can use some hooks and controllers but I am not very sure. Please point me to the right direction! Thank you! P.S. I use Prestashop because of native multilingual catalog support and e-mail sending features out-of-the-box.-
- catalog
- add to cart
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Hi, I am running GT metrix to see why my webshop is slow. I have following advise: To speed up page load times for visitors of your site, remove as many landing page redirections as possible, and make any required redirections cacheable if possible. is a non-cacheable redirect to is a non-cacheable redirect to is a non-cacheable redirect to is a non-cacheable redirect to How do i change this and where? Is there a step by step guide to do so? Thank you! Hans
Witam, mam pytanie czy istnieje jakiś moduł do tworzenia landing page dla presty? Chodzi o landing page: 1. Produktowe (czyli wybieramy kilka id produktów i możemy dowolnie zrobić stronkę z tymi produktami o unikalnym nagłówku, tytule itd) 2. Kategorii (czyli możemy wybierać kilka id kategorii i dowolnie zrobić stronkę z produktami z tych kategorii o unikalnym nagłówku, tytule itd) Dzięki z góry za odpowiedzi.
A lot of people are landing on my page on "pagenotfound" the links they are landing on are invalid.... why is this happening
- 6 replies
- searh
- pagenotfound
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Buenas. Tengo una tienda online de productos de diseño personalizables para mascotas: Ahora mismo está dirigida a particulares, pero se me ha ocurrido hacer una sección para empresas, pero no dentro de ésta, si no como si fuera una segunda tienda con el mismo estilo y tema, pero con otros productos. Hace unos días pregunté en otro tema cómo podría hacer una especie de "portal" previo a la tienda donde escoger si eres particular o empresa, como en la página de "La Caixa", por ejemplo. Me respondieron que quizás creando una landing page, pero no sé cómo se hace ni si sería la solución ideal para lo que quiero hacer. Otra duda es, cómo hacer otra tienda igual en la que pueda subir y vender los productos para empresas. Y si puede ser en el mismo dominio, que no tengo ni idea de esto... Gracias de antemano. Un saludo.
- 3 replies
- landing page
- clonar
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hi. I've created a page called index.html (as the landing page for my site) and put it into the root of my prestashop 1.6 site. and when I typed my website address, open index.html Within this file(index.html), there is a link to index.php(my shop). but when I click on this link, Re-opens the index.html(i want to open my prestashop). how can i solve this problem? In any case, thanks.
Bonjour, Je cherche un module qui permet de configurer spécifiquement selon le terme de recherche tapé par l'internaute (moteur de recherche ou comparateur) un background personnalisé. Genre un internaute click sur google sur un de mes liens reférencé apres avoir une recherche sur le mot "tonnelle", Quand il arrive sur une ma page web cela lui présente un background spécifique lui presentant" "La semaine de la tonnelle" Cordialement
Hello everybody, I run a Prestashop and when testing the page speed with Google Developers I get some warnings, with a 80/100 points result. One of the warnings is to avoid the landing page redirects. According to PageSpeed I have these: Is there any way to avoid these redirects in index from backoffice, or should I touch the code? If so, what and how should I touch? I have forced SSL on all the pages and I've already disabled Automatically redirect to the canonical URL under Preferences > Seo & URLs. Before doing that, a fourh redirect appeared on the list, but it does not anymore after disabling canonical URLs redirect. Thanks!
- 2 replies
- seo
- landing page
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I have bought hosting and a template and do not wish to switch hosting is possible. I have two problems: First running a speed test I'm getting a 4-7 sec wait time on my 1st bite on the main URL. I have been reading Godaddy is horrible with prestashop so I emailed them and they say its something with my site naturally. I do not wish to switch now if I can come up with a alternate fix. Which is my second problem. I would like to create a landing page where the customer will come to a basic HTML page with my logo and a loading pic and have that viewable while the rest of the site loads for that 4-7 secs. Right now it just shows a blank white page and could make customers think the site is not live or broken. Can this be done without moving the shop to a subdirectory? Website is:
- 7 replies
- Landing page
- godaddy
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Bonjour à tous, Aux manettes d'une boutique comptant plus de 80 000 références, je constate un peu soucis de chargement de ceux-ci lorsque je créée un nouveau produit. En effet, après l'enregistrement de ce dernier, Prestashop me renvoi vers la page de mon catalogue produit (ce qui est assez long à charger). Je souhaiterais arriver sur le tableau de bord après avoir enregistré un produit. Je cherche à gagner en rapidité au niveau de l'affichage, ma BDD et le paramétrage de l'hébergement étant déjà effectué (sql privée). Cordialement Prestashop Thème Electronues
- produit
- chargement
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Hello guys! I have my custom page to use as a landing page. I did creating PHP files, Controller, php (root) and tpl. Now, I need to get the products at this page, either a category or a single product. The questions are: how do I get the products from this site? There are some tutorial or documentation for the handling of products? PD: Im using PS 1.6 Thanks!
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- custom pages
- products
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только сегодня узнал про такую вещь как landing page бывают ли страницы приземления на престашоп? я не нашел. много html шаблонов попалось, и для других cms. или как нить можно прикрутить html landing page на престашоп. з.ы. для мне это ново, прошу простить за тупые вопросы
I have my stores in different cities of my country, which handles local deliveries and local stock management. Now, I want when a user comes to my website, he or she would be shown a prompt to choose which city store they want to shop from. Accordingly, he should be redirected to that city store. Products are common to all shops, but with different stocks for each store. Also shipping is handled by each store locally. Please help ! I am new to prestashop
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- multistore
- landing page
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Hello rockstars! I'm a newbie in PS, please be gentle Here's the issue, I know how to set the 'under construction' mode, Preference > Maintenance > Tick the 'No'. Okay done. But the default under construction landing page is kinda 'cute', so I made a customize landing page myself and the problem is: How do I link to the new 'under construction' page?
- 6 replies
- customize
- under maintanance
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