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  1. Bonjour, J'ai configuré mes mots clés à partir de la fonctionnalité qui se trouve dans le back-office Recherche -> Mots-clés, puis rentrer mes mots clés et attribuer ces derniers à mes produits. Malheureusement, mon site est introuvable dans les moteurs de recherche et à l'inspection du c...
  2. Hello, I have this error when I'm adding keywords to index in traffic & seo section. [PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Meta\Exception\CannotEditMetaException código 0] I don't know what can be generating this error. Thank you in advance
  3. Hi, excuse me for my bad english but i have the necessity to add the keywords into product page. I know that prestashop has deleted the possibility to insert the keywords because google, however i would want add it. My prestashop's version is with default theme. Can yo...
  4. Hello to everyone, Today i try to put keywords on index page of SEO & URLs After put 10 keywords when insert next keyword the site give me this error: [PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Meta\Exception\CannotEditMetaException code 0] Can you help me??
  5. Buonasera spero possiate aiutarmi, ho un problema con le keywords e la pagina index. Quando provo ad inserirne un po mi appare questo errore: Si è verificato un errore inaspettato. [PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Meta\Exception\CannotEditMetaException codice 0] Non ho usato nessun ca...
  6. Hallo Gemeinde, auf unserer Homepage versuchen wir seit Wochen ein bischen im Google Ranking mit zu mischen und natürlich nach oben zu kommen. Wir haben den Eindruck das da gar nichts geht. Unser Shop hettyrosepatch.de ist ein PS gehostet bei IONIS, wir pflegen ihn selbst. Über un...
  7. Olá pessoal, eu estou configurando o SEO da minha loja, fui em Preferências> SEO& URLS,. Eu já defini Titulo da Página, Meta descrição e Meta palavras-chaves, fiz isso em todas as páginas inclusive na Index , mas o que acontece é que quando eu vou em algum site de diagnostico SEO, como o neil...
  8. Hallo, ich suche nach einer Möglichkeit, bzw. nach der richtigen Stelle, um den PDF Rechnungen Meta Daten oder Keywords anzuhängen. Konkret geht es darum, dass Rechnungsdatum zum Dokument zu speichern, um es später in einem DMS zu erfassen. Da das Rechnungsdatum nicht unbedingt gleich...
  9. Salve a tutti, è la prima volta che mi trovo a lavorare con prestashop: ho notato che mentre nelle pagine "produttori" c'è il campo per inserire le parole chiave, nella scheda prodotto non c'è. E' normale? Qualcuno sa dirmi come funziona in questo caso per inserire le parole chiave?
  10. Ciao a tutti, ultimamente sto cercando di migliorare il mio sito per il Ranking sui motori di ricerca. Mi sono focalizzato adesso su un prodotto esattamente per capire cosa migliorare, per poi applicarlo a tutti gli altri presenti nel mio negozio online. La pagina è questa: https://www.cebsas.it/met...
  11. Hello everyone, I'm moving my old site to prestashop 1.7. My products have a lot of keywords and when i'm putting them in prestashop it seems it freezes for a minute (after loading 10 to 15% of the keywords) Some product have more than 6000 keywords, some more, some less The prob...
  12. Hello everyone, I have an issue with the smartblog module. When i create or update a blog post, my meta keywords don't save. Everything else working great, such as meta description, short description, etc. Is someone have already seen this issue? Prestashop version...
  13. Wie kan mij vertellen hoe ik kan instellen dat ik meer karakters dan de huidig toegestane 255 kan verhogen voor het invullen van mijn meta keywords. Ik heb al even in de seo file gekeken, daar kan ik wel het aantal verhogen, maar niet de lengte, plus de waarschuwing dat ik dit niet moest doen al...
  14. Hi, I increased the size of the name field in ps_tag table from 32 to 50 to meet my requirements, however it seems that PS still trims the tags to 32 characters. Is there any workaround this problem? I use Prestashop Thanks, Max
  15. Hi! I am trying to find a way to increase limit of meta keywords in prestashop but havn't got any success. Could some one help me out. Gratitude,
  16. Please can somebody help!!! I've scoured the forums but can't seem to come up wih any ideas. Under "Stats", Search Engine Keywords always gives the result "0 keywords match your query" I know people have clicked through from various search keywords b ut still nothing showing. How can I solve thi...
  17. Hello, I see some weird keywords in Google Webmaster Tools, things like "&it", "&quot", "&gt" seems to be important in my website. I think that it dosn't help my SEO. Is it possible to know why I have that words and how can I remove them from my keywords? Thank you very much in advance.
  18. Hello, I have a big problem with the search results when I switch on the next pages. When I search with keyword it displays all the results and I see down on the right the total of results but when I go on page 2 it says "Please enter a search keyword" :/. Something is not working well. The l...
  19. I've been going through the many changes and issues on my 1.5.6 to 1.6.05 upgraded test site. I tried editing an existing product and adding a new one but can't find the keywords field in the Product's SEO tab any more? Anyone know what's happened to it?
  20. How would Google Robots see the words / keywords / tags below: Delicious food Does Google Crawler / Robot see the words / keywords / tags as: - Delicious - Food - Delicious food or as: - Delicious food (only) ----------------------------------------------------------...
  21. Hi expert's I have a bunch of keywords that i want convert them to hyperlink . for example a keyword on Feature Tab on products page.or same keyword on CMS pages. for another example i want to Display "Intel" keyword as a Hyperlink on my whole shop. how define this list of keywords (...
  22. Hi, In 1.5 it was possible to give Keywords to each and every product. But in 1.6 under SEO the fielt Meta keyword is taken away.... Why? Does anybody have a tip where and how is the best way to introduce keywords for the products now??? Thanks for your help.... Tom
  23. Just found out that I have the Keywords Field missing in Back office when I create a product under SEO, this has only happened after upgrading to On the old products that where originally on the site it does show the keywords when I go Show Source on the browser, but when you enter that pro...
  24. I'm using Prestashop 6.0 and I'm lost as to why the Google keywords are so off. Below is the list of keywords from Google Webmaster Tools. I'm puzzled that the top 10 all seem to be HTML tags or styles. Any idea if this is a bug or something? How can I fix this? I have other sites, which I...
  25. Hello everyone Im new to this. Im building a website, and ive just done a SEO checker on it, to see whats needs to be carried (quite a lot!!) Its showing that my meta description is - Shop powered by prestashop and my keywords are - shop, prestashop How can i change these to what i requ...
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