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  1. Gentlemen, good afternoon. Would someone help me finding the problem that, unfortunately, disables my zoom function on my page? Already tried another zoom module, caused other conflict. Chrome Console only accuses 3 errors that seems not to be connected with my problem, i guess....
  2. Bonjour, Comment faire pour activer JQZoom au clic plutôt qu'au survol ? J'ai essayer de faire des modification dans jquery.jqzoom.js le problème est que je ne connais pas du tout JS et donc je n'ai pas réussi à résoudre mon problème... Merci de votre aide
  3. Bonjour Je rencontre un pb sur le jqzoom j’ai tenté des dizaines de configurations mais je n’arrive pas a obtenir de zoom plus grand avec l’option jqzoom. j’ai modifier la taille de l image thickbox défaut comme thickbox du thème et modifié les valeurs dans le fichier product.js du thème....
  4. Hello, I'm using prestashop and i installed the module JQZoom Evolution to show zoom effect on mouse hover in product page, but the module shows the following problems : - On descktop : On hover the zoomed image moves out of the original image frame due to the fixed position...
  5. I have a problem with JqZoom on the product page. When I have multiples images for the product, wether JqZoom is enabled or not, gets me a JS error "this.options.step.call is not a function". It works fine if I only have one picture. I use Prestashop with the default JS.
  6. I want to Disable jqZoom from Product Page but i am not getting Any module to disable Jqzoom. Please help
  7. Bonjour à tous, Sur mon, JqZoom fonctionne bien sur mon Mac. Mais sur iPad & iPhone, il n'y a pas le curseur carré, l'image agrandie est bien dans le cadre, mais elle est impossible à déplacer. Avez vous eu ce souci ??
  8. Hi, I increased the jqZoom size, but after it the jqzoom moved to the front of the of image, so wasn't working properly, but, i went to "js\jquery\plugins\jqzoom\jquery.jqzoom.js" and i added some values, i got the help from a post that i saw in the forum. this is the change I did: $(this).h...
  9. Hi, I use the bootstrap-default theme. I have jqZoom enabled in my shop for the product page. I need the Fancybox zoom box to pop up if the product image is clicked on. Alternatively, I have some static text below the product image. It would suffice if clicking on that text launched the Fanc...
  10. hi, i am using jqzoom but i do not want it to be used at mobile or ipad version, so is there any way i can disable it and use a click function to open the product image in another window. Thanks in advance
  11. Ciao a tutti, vorrei sapere come aumentare "la potenza" dello zoom. Ossia, modificando il file \themes\default\js\product.js questi parametri: $('img.jqzoom').jqueryzoom({ xzoom: 500, //zooming div default width(default width value is 200) yzoom: 500, //zooming div default width(default he...
  12. ho aumentato a 2048px il lato della foto della thickbox ora jqzoom non riesce a "vedere" tutta la foto. in pratica se mi sposto verso a destra dopo un po' di ferma. c'è un'opzione per fare in modo che lo spostamento del mouse risulti in uno spostamento più ampio dello zoom in modo da riuscir...
  13. Hi - using Prestashop v1.5.5 jqZoom appears to use the ALT tag to hold the name of the image to be zoomed in, as opposed to proper descriptive text of what the image is: <img id="bigpic" alt="http://www.corido.co.uk/843-thickbox_default/ascot-curved-back-teak-garden-bench-1-5m-5ft.jpg" class="...
  14. We use Thickbox for images on product page. In full size, there is no problem at all, but when they are in normal box size (328 x 328 px) images getting blurred. You can only see this when you have a good screen or change the max. viewing angle of your screen. All in all, pictures are not top qualit...
  15. Dzień dobry, Jak zupełnie wyłączyć Thickbox / JqZoom na stronach produktów? Z góry dziękuję.
  16. Llevo unos días tratando de combinar jQzoom y Thickbox en la página de producto, pero no he tenido éxito. ¿Alguien puede darme unas indicaciones? En estos momentos estoy bastante perdido y me he quedado sin ideas.
  17. Hi here, We need on version 1.6 on product page on image jqzoom thickbox together, is it possible? Because in administration there is jqzoom or thickbox, but not bouth together. Do anyone know solution? ​Thx
  18. Hi ! I'm hardly preparing the release of my art website, but I have, since the installation a problem with JqZoom. On my product page, the product images can be switched (as i wanted to) thanks to the thumbnails. The only problem is that the JqZoom doesn't switchs, and stays only on the cove...
  19. Ich habe folgendes Problem. Artikel die keine Eigenschaft wie Größe oder Farbe etc. haben, kann man nicht in den Warenkorb legen. Auf der Artikelseite erscheint stattdessen "Produkt in dieser Ausführung nicht verfügbar. Bitte wählen Sie eine andere Kombination." - obwohl der Lagerbestand ausreichend...
  20. PS 1.6 Buenas! Veréis, tengo activado el jqzoom en mi tienda y realiza bien la función ya que hace el zoom de la foto principal dentro de cada producto. El problema es que aparte de que haga zoom en esa foto quiero que al hacer click en la foto se habrá en grande (con thickbox). Esto recuer...
  21. My products are patterns for lace making (www.merletti.si) and so I shouldn’t show their images in too good quality, otherwise customers would print them instead of buying. I changed thumbnail size to 160 x 160px and jqzoom to “reverse” so that only part of image is shown at a time. My question is...
  22. Hello, I have activate JqZoom on last Prasta but it show the large_default picture instead of thickbox_default. The code seams to be correct but it show the wrong picture also if in the html code il load the big one. Probably there is somenting wrong on the preload js function. The tes...
  23. Boa Noite Galera ! Gostaria de saber como faz pra aumentar o zoom da imagem, não o tamanho do quadrado do zoom. Obrigado.
  24. Buenas tardes comunidad, tengo un drama con el jqZoom en al momento de visualizar un producto, y es que no carga nada ni siquiera un cuadrado en blanco, no sé que hacer en realidad, he buscado por todos los medios y soluciones que han habido por acá y sigue sin funcionar, les dejo el link para que p...
  25. Buenas tardes comunidad, tengo un problema con el zoom al momento de querer visualizar el producto en cuestión, compré un tema que viene con aquel zoom y cuando lo activo a través del panel de administración no funciona, no carga nada ni siquiera alguna ventana en blanco. llevo días tratando de...
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