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Found 23 results

  1. salve ho un sito in joomla e su un menu devo mettere iframe del mio ecommerce esclusivamente in prestashop. non ci riesco. eppure se per provo cambiare indirizzo del iframe con qualcosa altro lui me lo apre, ma di embeddare prestashop non ci pensa ! ma ce un "blocco" per non embeddare un s...
  2. Devo trasferire il mio hosting e il mio template, che all'inizio erano stati programmati per l'utilizzo su joomla, su prestashop. il template impress per joomla si puo' installare su prestashop ?
  3. Bonjour, J'ai actuellement une boutique qui tourne sous Joomla 1.5.26 et Virtuemart 1.1.9. On est d'accord que le support de vente actuel est complètement obsolète et qu'il faut y remédier. Je souhaite donc basculer sur une boutique Prestashop (, étant donné les retours sur la ve...
  4. Buenos dias,tengo una duda,puedo pasar mi pagina web de joomla a prestashop? Mi pagina web: http://reformas-baratas-mad.com/ Gracias Sorry. Good morning, I have a question, I can translate my joomla website to prestashop? My web: http://reformas-baratas-mad.com/
  5. Hi all, I have to convert one joomla module to a prestashop module. It's a personal module If there is someone who want to work on it.. Can I upload the joomla file? thanks
  6. Just vote in order to give the results to dev team. It's vital. And I think it's not only me wanting another cms out of Wordpress! p.s. when you want to leave comment, leave ONE comment for your entire vote, don't post for every question! Thanx in advance, Prestashop addict located in Greec...
  7. Ahoj, máme e-shop na Prestě 1.4.9 a rádi bychom rozběhli i blog k tomuto e-shopu. Rádi bychom využili Joomlu 2.5 a umístili ji na subdoméně. Vytvořená subdoména nás ale vždy přesměrovala zpátky na e-shop na hlavní doménu. Setkal se někdo s něčím podobným, případně, uměl by někdo poradit? Děkuji...
  8. Hello, My first post here so please be patient. Can you tell me if the new Prestashop will integrate with Joomla 2.5? I am waiting on PS 1.5, and will begin to build my website (blog, forum, image gallery) in Joomla2.5, adding in the online store once PS1.5 is ready. Most Importantly: Wi...
  9. Hola, Tengo una tienda montada y funcionando en Joomla y me gustaría pasarla a la fantástica plataforma de Prestashop! hahaha Alguien sabe la forma mas rápida y sencilla de hacer esta migración? Es que no tengo ni idea de como va Joomla (no es mía esta tienda) y no se como hacerlo He buscado...
  10. Hello Everyone, it is my first post on this forum ! I am new in Presta. Before I use VirteMart and I would like to know what is a simplest method to migrate all data like categories, products to PrestaShop. CSV export/import is the only one method? Thanks for all replies!
  11. Bonjour, Je me permets de faire appel à la communauté des Prestashoper avertis pour savoir quelles solutions pour mettre en oeuvre un site avec de la gestion de contenu et une partie e-boutique. Dans un souci de simplicité, une seule base de donnée utilisateurs sur les 2 solutions concomitantes...
  12. Hi i am looking for a way to integrate the two. I cannot find anything that helps. I found this; http://www.prestasho...with-joomla-25/ I like to have something that create a user in PS when a user in Joomla is created. e-mail, and password should be synced. Anybody any experienc...
  13. vorrei importare uno shop attualmente attivo su Joomla con virtuemart! attivato il modulo per importazione poi è presente solo il modulo per os-commerce.. ho provato a cercare ma non ho trovato il modulo per virtuemart eppure avevo letto della possibilità. qualche aiuto?!? grazie
  14. Hi, I need to create an ecommerce with Prestashop. Furthermore I need also to create several article in a sort of Blog, so that Google can index in a better way my website. My doubt are concerning the blog: 1) Create the blog directly within the prestashop e-commerce or 2) Create the blog separately...
  15. Good morning, I work for an italian haberdashery taking care of their online shop. I built for them an online shop made with Joomla Virtuemart with no expenses. I have spent many years working on it, adding thousands of products and customizing it. But now I was starting to consider to switch to Pr...
  16. Bonjour, Nous souhaitons migrer les données d'une boutique Joomla (Virtuemart) vers Prestashop : - Références - Titres - Descriptifs - Catégories - Prix / tva - Caractéristique au choix, poids, quantité. - Photos - Stocks Pouvez vous nous contacter si vous réalisez ce genre de pre...
  17. Salve, ho un negozio su joomla 1.0 con virtuemart. C'è un modo non molto complicato per la migrazione a Prestashop 1.5 conservando: a) dettagli dei prodotti (descrizione, prezzo,...) immagine dei prodotti c) categoria/e di appartenenza dei prodotti d) gerarchia di categorie dell'intero neg...
  18. Dear Users, NSquareIT is an engineering team with a specific focus on the PHP Website. NSquareIT has been working in PHP since its inception. Web Development Platforms PHP/MySQL, Wordpress, Joomla,Drupal, Magento,Zencart, osCommerce, HTML, CSS Application and We...
  19. Hola, somos una agencia de Diseño Web de Madrid, y buscamos un programador web Senior. - Experiencia y competencia incial suficiente en PHP, JS, SQL, HTML y CSS. - Inglés (capaz de leer documentación técnica) Otros conocimientos valorables: - Otros lenguajes de programación relacionados co...
  20. Ciao, sono un nuovo utente che ha sempre utilizzato Virtuemart (plugin Joomla per e-commerce). Al momento il mio shop online ha circa 1000 utenti e 9000 prodotti, per questo prima di prendere in seria considerazione un passaggio a Prestashop volevo sapere se è possibile un trasferimento facilitato,...
  21. I need to display ads from my prestashop site into other sites Needs list require that I can call specific categories or sub-cat ads to display on pages on some of my other sites such as an RSS feed or better I currently have some Joomla sites with extensive front ends and 100's of pages Exam...
  22. Bonjour, J'ai intégré ma boutique Prestashop dans un iFrame sous Joomla 1.7. Tout fonctionne correctement sauf au moment de payer avec PayPal. Je clique sur le bouton pour confirmer le payement et rien ne se passe. Comment régler ce problème ?
  23. Hola Estoy buscando un hosting para Prestashop y Joomla, y que me permita tener varios dominios en el propio hosting. He buscado pero no encuentro alguno donde especifiquen que pueden trabajar tanto con Prestashop como con Joomla, y ademas me permitan varios dominios. Encontré uno lo mas parecid...
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