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  1. Hello everyone, proud to announce the launch of Seller Assistant app - available for free on #Apple #app #store! And #Google #Playstore! Seller Assistant is an intuitive tool that helps PrestaShop sellers quickly manage customer communications, keep an eye on their orders and banking infor...
  2. I have looked all most every inch through in Chrome console, to find the bug. I also have searched google empty for informations regarding this problem. I can't find any error, so I hope there's someone here there could help me. The site is: https://shop.hjortsmykker.dk and the problem occu...
  3. Bonjour à tous, J'ai un problème d'affichage sur iPad, car mon menu est trop long. Je voudrais que mon thème se mette en mode responsive à partir de la taille des écrans tablette à savoir 768 x 1024, et ceci dans les 2 sens, donc en clair à partir d'un écran en 1024 que le menu et tout le he...
  4. I tried hours to figure out why the apple-touch-icon does not work when adding a normal bookmark into favorites. There apprease the famous "question mark" instead of the icon. However it works finde when saved to home screen. Prestashop Version There are no 404 messages in the...
  5. Hola, Versión: Tema: Deafult Bootstrap (por defecto de Prestashop) Me pasa una cosa muy rara, y llevo todo el fin de semana viendo que puede ser, consultando foros y no doy con nada, y estoy un poco desesperado porque es bastante grave el error. Resulta que en mi tienda, si la veo...
  6. We have a recurrent problem with customers attempting to order using an iPad. Specifically they do not see a field to enter their postcode which is required & so they cannot proceed with their order. We are running Prestashop version 1.6.09 at http://paddockplants.co.uk . Any advice much appreciated...
  7. Hi Forum, Do anybody knows whats the problem is when iPhone and iPads mess up many modules? I have more then one shop where the are problems. One in a responsive theme as I got from addon, another in a module that I have from code canyon. Everywhere else it works like a charme but really mes...
  8. Teléfonos celulares (móviles) y Tablet PC son un mercado creciente y cada vez más personas utilizan para navegar (3 millones o así y esto crece día a día). Pero la gente necesita sitios adecuados para sus dispositivos. v1.2 - Ahora se puede probar en pc de escritorio v1.3 - popup para seleccion...
  9. Witajcie, mam problem z homeslider na iPadzie. Jego wymiary nie dostosowują się do rozdzielczości po załadowaniu strony. Po zmianie orientacji urządzenia, kiedy strona się już przestawi, jest już poprawnie. Nie znam za bardzo Presta, ani nie znam się zbyt dobrze na web dev, ale wydaje mi się, że d...
  10. Hi I have recently installed v, and have put on a product with 4 thumbnails. This looks fine on a large screen, but if I view it on an ipad, or smaller screen only 2 thumbnails are displayed. It looks to me like a media query css problem, but maybe it's more simple than that? I w...
  11. Hola buenas, tengo una duda que a ver si alguien le pasa. Tengo instalado al prestashop 1.6 y el slideshow, no se ve bien en las tablets e ipad de 9 y 10 pulgadas. La imagen se descuadra.(ver imagen) En los probadores de resolucion estilo screenfly tampoco se ve bien para esas resol...
  12. For some reason my logo won't display on ipads and mobile (cell phones). I'm using the default bootstrap theme and Prestashop V It just displays a Question Mark image. http://www.cmsbitz.com/presta/ I have tried uploading the image as logo.png, logo.jpg, and also changing the...
  13. Bonjour à tous, J'ai un problème sur mon site. Le module featured product ou produits phares fonctionne bien sous Windows, Android mais lorsque je vais sur le site avec Ipad ou Iphone les produits ne sont pas cliquables et donc il n'est pas possible d'aller sur la page du produit en question....
  14. Hi I was wondering if anyone with an iPad could test something for me. I have a client that says, that when they touch a product on http://smoke-it.dk, they have to keep the finger on the product for 4 seconds before it reacts? Can anyone confirm that issue?
  15. Telefoni cellulari (mobili) e tablet sono un mercato in crescita, e sempre più persone usano per navigare (3 miliardi, o giù di lì e questo sta crescendo ogni giorno). Ma la gente ha bisogno di siti adatti per i loro dispositivi. v1.2 - you can test on desktop pc v1.3-popup to choose m...
  16. hi, the new slideshow has support for touch devices like ipad, iphone or android. Is there any possibility to get this feature for the fancyboxes? bye Martin
  17. Hi I have been developing a theme for my own webshop by modifiying the.CSS and some .TPL files until a desired layout is achieved. I've continuously been testing the results in 4 broswsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE and Safari All 4 is looking good. But when I go to my Ipad the whole site moves t...
  18. Salut, Le but de Appixia est de laisser les boutiques en ligne construire leurs propres applications mobiles professionnelles, qui sont aussi bon que ce géants de la distribution comme Amazon / eBay ont. Notre intuitive app-Builder vous permet de faire exactement cela sans réellement être un...
  19. Ciao, Lo scopo è quello di far Appixia sito online a costruire le proprie applicazioni mobili professionali, che sono buono come quello che giganti del retail come Amazon / Ebay hanno. La nostra intuitiva app-builder ti permette di fare proprio questo senza essere un programmatore cellulare...
  20. Bonjour, Je suis confronté à un problème bien étrange. Sur mon site, lorsqu'un client est sur ipad dans le tunnel de commande , quand on clique sur suivant après la sélection du transporteur j'ai une page introuvable mais seulement sur ipad. Sur Iphone,Internet explorer,opera,firefox pas de soucis...
  21. Hello! I am about to launch my shop but I noticed a critical error just by coincidence! Everything (my shop) works fine on my PC, but when I decided to check it with iPAD I realized that I cannot navigate! For example, when I try to swipe in order to go at the bottom of my shop page it doesn...
  22. Hola chicos! Verán tengo mi página ya alojada y el bloque de "contacto" se ve bien en mi pc pero cuando lo visualizo en IOS (ipad o iphone) se ve feisimo como recortado en donde se ven los telefonos de contacto. Gracias! MODIFICO EL TITULO DEL TEMA
  23. Halo master, mohon bantuannya ya, ane punya masalah nih, mungkin simpel sih, tapi ane bingung gimana. ane pake versi, template fashonbird. ini web ane http://www.makeupbybeauty.com/ masalahnya ada 2: tampilan di tablets gak sesuai dengan layar device, tetep tampilan web (jadi terlal...
  24. Ponsel (mobile) dan tablet pasar yang berkembang, dan semakin orang menggunakan untuk menavigasi (3 miliar atau lebih dan ini berkembang setiap hari). Tetapi orang-orang membutuhkan situs yang cocok untuk perangkat mereka. v1.2 - you can test on desktop pc v1.3-popup to choose mobile or d...
  25. Hi, I am working on my first site on presta and have a problem with the background. I have made the background image fixed and it works perfectly on computer monitors but when i use a ipad or a smartphone the background fixes on top center and is minimized... I have made the page wider u...
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