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  1. Android and iOS Mobile App Builder Module for PrestaShop The module “Knowband - Android and iOS Mobile App Builder” helps you to upgrade your PrestaShop store into a mobile app. This PrestaShop mobile app maker is the easy, robust and cost-effective solution to launch the mobile app for your o...
  2. SmartBanner A PrestaShop module to promote your Android or iOS app with a customizable SmartBanner, allowing easy app promotion from your online store. This module provides a back-office interface for full control over banner content, including app details, images, and links to your app on both...
  3. Bonjour, Je suis confronté à un problème qui se produit que sur safari et sur les dernières mise à jour de IOS. Quand je vais sur un page produit je reçois automatiquement un message d'erreur que je n'arrive pas a corriger. Je ne trouve aucun spécialiste PrestaShop qui me réponde ou qui pu...
  4. Launch a pair of Flutter-based Android and iOS Delivery Boy Apps for the PrestaShop store and offer seamless order delivery and management. The Delivery Boys can be added from the admin panel and simultaneously get login credentials to access the mobile app. More Info and purchase here: Deliver...
  5. Gérer votre boutique Prestashop 🛒 depuis votre mobile n’a jamais été aussi simple grâce à l’application 🏆 prestAdminApp™️ En plus de la gestion de votre Prestashop, des fonctionnalités inédites sont disponibles: ✅ Lecteur code barre ✅ Imprimer stock produits faibles par fournisseur ✅ Partage...
  6. Hi, I have recently modified some of the email templates such as the order confirmation email. The thing is that in some Mac and iOS versions, these emails take forever to load in the Mail app (in Gmail they work just fine). In my Macbook (Catalina 10.15.7) and my iPhone (iOS 14), they load with no...
  7. Sei stanco di dover accedere al backoffice per controllare vendite, clienti, prodotti, stati delle spedizioni? In pochi click installi l’app mobile iOS dedicata ai possessori del modulo e per sempre gratuita PRESTASHOP MERCHANT ASSISTANT Maggiori informazioni YOUTUBE VIDEO...
  8. Hallo, aus einem mir nicht erschliessbarem Grund, kann Safari (OSX und iOS) weder Frontend noch Backend laden (siehe Screenshot 2). Es kommt weder ein Timeout oder sonst was. Der Ladebalken bleibt stehen und die Seite daher einfach weiss. In den Apache-Errorlogs ist kein Eintrag, aber die OS...
  9. Mobile Pack - Mobile Login, AMP, Mobile App Mobile commerce is on the rise and most of the customers prefer to shop using Mobile devices. In order to offer better customer experience and improve the ranking on the SERP, it is mandatory for the store admin to opt for the latest trends in the dig...
  10. Bonjour, J'aurais aimé savoir si vous avez la connaissance d'une application mobile Prestashop qui permet de suivre ses ventes (en direct) ? En effet je suis à la recherche d'une App qui permet de recevoir une notification lors ce qu'une vente viens d'être effectuée. Et si possible, pouvoir...
  11. Hi Team, I am iOS developer I want to implement PresatShop in ios. How can i implement API in ios can you please suggest me? Thanks & Regards, Ashish
  12. Hallo, Al een hele tijd probeer ik een app te vinden om producten te fotograferen en direct in Prestashop te uploaden. Ik zie door de bomen het bos niet meer en kom telkens uit bij vage apps uit de Oekraïne en omstreken. Zou iemand mij een goede tip kunnen geven voor een goede degelijk app? Ik...
  13. Hi, I am trying to make a web request to a site made with Prestashop (v.1.7.3 with dummy content) in order to show the list of products and the product details (including images) within a table view of an iOS app I am currently prototyping using SWIFT 4. No intention so far to put new pro...
  14. Ciao a tutti, sto cercando di mostrare i prodotti con i dettagli di uno shop Prestashop (v.17.3) in un table view su iOS con SWIFT 4. Non devo né aggiungere, né modificare prodotti, ma solamente mostrare i prodotti dello shop nell'app. Ho controllato la documentazione ed ho abilitato i Web...
  15. Hello good people, As I am almost done with my PS e-grocery website, I started doing some research about creating the mobile app implementation. Would be great to hear any suggestion of modules/platforms that can easily convert the website to IOS and Android apps, based on your best prac...
  16. Hello fellas, Does anyone know if it's possible to wrap an existing e-commerce shopping mall site built with Prestashop in order to develop an app with it? As you guys know, even default theme that comes with Prestashop is responsive one, so I'm wondering if it's possible to wrap it to make...
  17. Hi, I'm currently building an Android application that must connect to my Prestashop website. Here are the functionalities that I must develop : - Make the users able to login into my app using the same credentials as they have created on the website - Make new users able to create an acco...
  18. I am trying to figure out why some pages on PS 1.5.6. do not load completely with an iPhone loading mobile theme. According to my tests, a complete new prestashop 1.5.6. installation also fails to load the completely with an iOS device and mobile theme. Since I don't own a Mac I would ask for a...
  19. Hello! I noticed that The Stats module doesn´t make a difference between Mac OSX and the mobile Version iOS. Only at the Bowsers section there is "Safari iPad" and "Safari", but not "Safari iPhone" At the OS Section there is no difference between the Desktop OSX and iOS. I think all iOS Devi...
  20. I am working on creating a app, where ebooks will be sold on my website and will be automatically available to read on the iOS and android app, custom created by my company. While talking to Developers they mentioned webservice, I said my cart provides that feature, however when I showed them, the...
  21. Bonjour Sur mobile android ou ios, le bouton catégories de la page d'accueil de mon site www.aquabike-nldistribution.com est inactif. Aucune des catégories s'affichent. Merci pour votre aide Philippe Thème default-bootstrap
  22. Teléfonos celulares (móviles) y Tablet PC son un mercado creciente y cada vez más personas utilizan para navegar (3 millones o así y esto crece día a día). Pero la gente necesita sitios adecuados para sus dispositivos. v1.2 - Ahora se puede probar en pc de escritorio v1.3 - popup para seleccion...
  23. Saludos a todos, recien cree una pagina para bienes raices a partir de una plantilla de ropa que me puso como default prestashop. Sin embargo la pagina solamente la puedo ver correctamente en Firefox, en Internet Explorer o en algun dispositivo movil con Android, pero la visualizacion no es correcta...
  24. Hola a todos, este error es muy raro, en ios (iphone) navegando por safari (en chrome si funciona) no me muestra los métodos de entrega, he intentado habilitar en pago en un solo paso y tampoco no funciona, me sale el error "Error: No hay operadores disponibles que entregar a esta dirección" adjunto...
  25. Ciao a tutti, ho ancora installata la versione PS funziona bene e per ora non sento la necessità di passare alla vers. 1.5 o 1.6 L'unica cosa che manca e la scarsa navigabilità negli smartphone e tablet Ho trovato questo template http://addons.prestashop.com/it/mobile/6165-prestashop-mob...
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