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Showing results for tags 'invoices'.
Prestashop Bonjour, J'aimerais pouvoir générer les factures de chaque commande mais sans que celles-ci ne s'envoient automatiquement au client. Le problème c'est que si j'active l'option "Activer les factures" alors les factures sont envoyées au client mais si je la désactive, les...
PrestaShop version: 1.6.1 Hosting: ionos PHP version: 5.6 MySQL version: MySQL 5.7 Hi, I recently saved new settings in orders > invoices tab but left the invoice number at 0 in order for it to continue being auto incremented. My problem is that since then no invoices are being gener...
- invoices
- incrementation
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Hi When someone buys a product on our site, the invoice does not automatically generate like it should. We are only able to manually generate it even though we have the correct invoice setting in the Back Office. Any ideas please? Thank you.
Hello to everyone, First of all, sorry if this is already answered but i've been lookng for the answer for days with no success. I'd like someone to breefly explain how prestashop works when generating the invoice. What i want to do is to add fees depending on the payment method, and indicat...
Help, i just tried the payment system on my website, but i have not received the orders confirmation to my gmail, how to set up the automatically email for orders confirmation? My prestashop version : Thank you in advance.
- 2 replies
- invoices
- email confirmation
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Hi, I have a prestashop that is configured in multiple languages. It works fine however, when I come to dispatch orders it only prints the invoices in the language of the administrator and not the language that the order was placed in. Is there a way the I could configure my shop so that it au...
- 28 replies
- 1
- translations
- invoices
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hello! I have a problem with the invoices Prestashop generates. The invoices when downloading them are cut, only one product comes out and no taxes or totals. I have a customization module that I think generates this error, but I don't know how to fix it. I want the invoices to be complete so the cu...
- prestashop
- invoices
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Hi, today we put into production our new version of PrestaShop. We have built it up from scratch, without any migration from the previous version. When we were testing the functionalities everything was working fine. But today when swapped it from the old to the new version for production, we discov...
- 4 replies
- credit-slips
- invoices
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can anyone help? We have a problem with our payment modules - it randomly generates invoices with no products listed. installed prestashop 1.609 - installed about a month ago payment modules we use is default cheque and south african bank credit card module the error happens with both mod...
- 5 replies
- invoices
- no products
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Buenas, hemos desarrollado un pequeño módulo para verificar los números DNI/CIF/NIE/NIF que estén en el formato correcto y sean números válidos registrados. No permite continuar el registro si la validación no se realiza correctamente. Hemos visto que no hay ningún módulo que realiza esta...
- 2 replies
- validator
- datos facturas
(and 24 more)
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- validator
- datos facturas
- facturas
- dni
- nie
- cif
- nif
- documento de identificacion
- numero de identificacion fiscal
- numero
- validacion
- validar cif
- validar nie
- registro clientes
- factura con dni
- registro dni
- comprobar dni real
- comprobar nif
- registro nif
- validar registro
- validar datos cliente
- validacion cliente
- identification validation
- invoices
- identification number
- siret
Bonjour, Je viens de procéder non sans mal à la migration d'un PS 1.6 vers 1.7.5. J'ai rencontré pas mal d'erreurs (500, acces denied en BO...) que j'ai pu corriger mais l'onglet Factures reste inaccessible. Je rencontre exactement les mêmes symptômes que décrits ici ->
- 3 replies
- invoices
- autoupdate
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Hello, I would like to ask for a bit of help with one issue I have found out when making an order and followingly generating an invoice. Everything works fine in BO but when I want to download the PDF invoice as a customer in My Account section I get 500. When switching the debug mode...
- 1 reply
- invoices
- pdf invoices
(and 1 more)
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I have a Prestashop I recently updated from . When you click on invoices it generates a pdf but when you open it it says: "error An error occurred while loading the PDF document." The delivery notes if generated correctly. when you go to orders-> invoices and I select...
Hello, I am new to PS 1.7, I have had some experience with editing invoices in PS 1.6 where there was a pdf directory in the theme for the custom templates. I want to know how to include custom templates in a ps 1.7 theme and enable them to override the default ones. Any help would be gr...
- 3 replies
- custom theme
- prestashop 1.7
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Greetings, I have the following case: We have two companies, Company A and Company B. The two companies have their products in the same prestashop, Company A has the categories X, Y, Z and Company B has the categories H, J, K . The products of the two companies are displayed in the fron-office as...
Salve ho un problema come posso eliminare del file invocies la data di nascita del cliente? allego una foto se per caso non sono stato molto chiaro grazie per la vostra disponibilità Sal.
- 1 reply
- dati intestatari
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Ciao a tutti, ho una domanda riguardo l'azzeramento delle fatture dal nuovo anno: ho visto che la nuova versione di Prestashop permette l'azzeramento delle fatture a partire dal nuovo anno. Domanda: se io blocco la fatturazione (dalla back end) alla mezzanotte del 31 dicembre 2015 e poi il 7 gennaio...
- 3 replies
- invoices
- azzeramento fatturazione
(and 1 more)
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Hello. This is my first post so bear with me. I'm helping with my [spam-filter]'s business that uses Prestashop for her website. All her retail sales go through Prestashop and people are directed to use Paypal at the checkout. For her wholesale customers, she creates an Invoice through Paypal an...
How can I change or customize the invoice without buying a module? I already know what I want it to look like. I want to more than a single line of text on the bottom of the invoice. Is there a way that I can add various of sizes text and color? Possibly a link to Facebook? If someone can guide...
- 1 reply
- invoices
- custom invoice
(and 5 more)
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Hi, I am using PS and I have been able to print single invoices without problem from orders in Back Office. Yesterday, I generated a list from Invoices -> Generate PDF by date without any problem. Now, when I want to print a single invoice from orders I always get the list of invoic...
- 2 replies
- PS_1.6.0.11
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Hi, I'm using PS and would like to change the name of the generated pdf file when printing invoices. In PS standard version, if I have the order #3567 with invoice #1578 and print the invoice, PS generates a pdf file with this name: 1578.pdf My idea is to get as file name (<invoice...
- 2 replies
- PS
- files
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