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  1. Hi, Imagine you want to use your prestashop system to generate invoices of other products or services you want to offer. Products that doesn’t exist in the catalogue. I was wondering if it is possible to create an order in the backoffice with a custom description, price and tax rate. In th...
  2. Hi all, i have a strange problem. For b2b sales in the EU i need to add the customers VAT number on the invoices. I already selected in Localisation --> Countries --> Adress the vat_number. Now the strange thing: On the delivery slip the VAT number is there, but on the invoice it isnt......
  3. Hello everybody, I couldn't even find an issue similar to mine, so I'm turning to you and crossing fingers. For some orders (large ones), the invoice and delivery slip are missing some products. Invoice is in 2 pages, page 1/2 and page 2/2. But the client ordered 39 products and the...
  4. Hello, I want to add a delivery time to the invoice PDF, I've tried to code it but without success. What I think what must be done is add on invoice.summary-tab.tpl an extra rule 'delivery time' and an extra rule with information in it. I've tried to add $carrier->delay but the result in the PD...
  5. Hi, We have a requirement where a specific group of our customers needs to be integrated with a completely different invoicing system, separate from the standard Prestashop invoicing system used for all other customers. Therefore I want to disable the default invoice creation for this particula...
  6. Hi there I got this error and i am not sure how to resolve please help thanks, i am using prestashop Describe the bug Error 500 when I click on the invoice item in the backend menu. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: in backend Click on invoice item menu:...
  7. Prestashop Bonjour, J'aimerais pouvoir générer les factures de chaque commande mais sans que celles-ci ne s'envoient automatiquement au client. Le problème c'est que si j'active l'option "Activer les factures" alors les factures sont envoyées au client mais si je la désactive, les...
  8. I'm trying to add to the PDF Delivery Slip the Message that a customer send during checkout. Table `ps_message` field `message` selecting the message for that `id_order` with the earliest date. The query look like the second code here, but I dont know how to make it into a usable variable for t...
  9. Hola buen día, quería saber si alguien sabe que campos se pueden añadir para poder programar en la factura los días de crédito y la fecha de vencimiento de la factura Es decir, conforme a los días de crédito o los días limite que se le dan al usuario para pagar, poder dar la fecha de venci...
  10. Any possible chance to get order invoice pdf from using webservice ? (pdf download link)
  11. Hi All, So I have this problem - I've imported a Polish localisation package in International > Location settings. I've later selected which fields should show up in delivery address form and added things like VAT number ("Numer NIP"). In the shop it all looks fine: The challange st...
  12. Hello, We have been having this problem where companies outside of the Netherlands should be exempt from paying tax. Customers can make a professional account and can go to checkout where they don't have to pay taxes. With the help of some modules this all works like a charm. The only thing t...
  13. Witam, mam problem potrzebuję exportować faktury do programu Comarch Optima. Czy ma ktoś jakiś moduł/sposób jak to zrobić?
  14. Hi, I present to you a recent development to manage customers and addresses with a VAT number valid for intra-community operations and to be exempt from paying VAT. The module is Advanced VAT Manager in sale in Prestashop addons. The Advanced VAT Manager module is the most advanced m...
  15. Hello Because of the physical storage system I need delivery slip or/and invoice to have sort order by product's reference. These documents are going to be printed out and products are collected from the storage in certain order. So, either or of these documents need to have sort ordered by pro...
  16. Hello, Im trying to transform the generated invoice- witch is pdf to be an excel file. I need this for faster import to other program. I know there are a lot of addons but they all export all orders and i need them to be separaded and exported order by order with specific filters. I have...
  17. Salve, ho necessità di far sì che il logo nelle fatture PDF cambi in base al gruppo cliente di default dell'utente a cui è attribuita. Nello specifico, se il gruppo clienti è il 4, mostra il mio logo alternativo, altrimenti mostra quello di default. Ho usato la stessa logica che ho usato per...
  18. Hi, I have a really strange issue and i dont know where to start looking for a solution. So this behavior started yesterday. We did not change or update anything. But somehow prestashop started by creating orders with a strange (not the normal id which i configured in the beginning but o...
  19. Après avoir cherché longtemps , dans cette galaxie... j'ai crée une caractéristique Garantie pour mes produits. j'ai créé dans le thème que j'utilise un répertoire pdf ou j'ai copié dedans le fichier invoice.product-tab.tpl qui se trouvait dans la racine du site/pdf/ je l'ai modifié c...
  20. Hello Friends, i'm using this code below to generate some data to a barcode in invoice.tpl using TCPDF method "write1DBarcode" and it works perfectly, but i want the phone number to be in the barcode and i don't know how to call it : <tr> <td style="width: 17%"></td> <td style="...
  21. Hi, I have an issue on the last part of the initial setup! We're looking to go live over then next couple of days, but this will slow us down a bit until I find out why... When sending an invoice to the customer, or a delivery note, the business is shown as: babe-care United States...
  22. ✔️ PrestaShop Invoices - generate all types of invoices in store Handle invoicing yourself. Generate all types of invoices directly from your store: for store orders and sales from other channels: phone, or email. Generate any type of invoice, send it to your customers and finally integrate ge...
  23. The invoice of an order is always in the language of the admin, not in the language the customer ordered in. I had this problem since forever I started using prestashop, but I could always change the language in the admin quickly an get the right invoice language anyway. I'm testing
  24. Hi, I try to add price with tax included in product tab. Can someone help me?
  25. How to get delivery address state id variable in pdf/ invoice.tpl file, I have tried State::getNameById({$addresses.invoice->id_state}) but it is not working ... I want to check the customer's delivery state I am using PrestaShop version: ----------------------------------------...
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