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  1. Hallo Allerseits, nachdem erhebliche Anomalien im Shop-Frontend auftraten (internal Server Error nach Klick auf eine Produktkategorie), schien ein Datenbankproblem wahrscheinlich. Derartiges teste ich im lokalen Testshop unter Ubuntu 22.04 LTS und XAMPP 7.2.29-2. Das von Prestashop erzeugte Daten...
  2. Hi! I'm getting totally confused because I can't find a solution for long days for my issue already. What we have: A working PS 1.7.5 production MULTISHOP site with 2 shops, VPS (Apache/Nginx, PHP 7.2) and Transformer theme by S-T themes. The items are updated daily and we can't determine t...
  3. Hi, For those, who could encounter Internal server error 500 during the installation of PrestaShop 1.7.0.x A small solution, that was discovered recently on some hosting providers. When you try to install your Prestashop ver.1.7 you receive the 500 internal server error. If it is not connecte...
  4. Installing without errors - all OK. Front office work fine. I don't to enter in admin panel - Internal server error. After enable debug mode - nothing to change. Internal server error.
  5. [PrestaShop] Bonjour, Je rencontre un problème depuis quelques jours. Je reçois plusieurs mails par jour avec ce texte : "Nouveau message d'alerte enregistré Attention : vous avez reçu un nouveau message d'alerte dans votre back-office. Vous pouvez voir ce message dans vot...
  6. Susidūriau su Internal Server Error klaida, po to kai serveriai.lt atnaujinimo PHP versija į 7.1. Visa svetainė pakimba ir rodoma klaida: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Hostingo log'e...
  7. Hola, Llevo unas horas loco intentando resolver un problema. Os pongo en situacion: Uso una version Cuando voy a subir mis productos importandolos, en el menu: Parametros avanzados/ Importar. Selecciono el fichero ha subir y cuando le doy al boton de Siguiente paso.Adjunto...
  8. JOSSm

    Error 500

    Hello, When I try to enter some sections of the backoffice (products, modules, SEO and urls ...) I get the following error: "Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned to "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred...
  9. Hallo ich benötige dringend Hilfe. Ich habe heute morgen drei Module geupdatet. Leider weiß ich nicht mehr genau, welche da zur Verfügung standen. Auf jeden Fall gibt es eine Logdatei: "Ausnahmefehler im Modul ps_facetedsearch bei upgrade: Failed to copy \"/mnt/web403/a0/84/5719984/ht...
  10. I am trying to load some products using a xlsx file. I get varyingly far into the import before I receive a generic error on the import screen. In Chromes Network Tools I see its a 500 error underlyingly. I have tried to import in smaller chunks but the point in which it fails continues to change. S...
  11. Hi forum, When trying to transplant a module from Design>Positions>Transplant a module, we are receiving the following error - Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server admi...
  12. Hola, Me sale este error cuando intento actualizar y ya probe de todas las maneras, archivo local, directorio local y el metodo normal. Alguna idea de por qué pasa esto? Gracias Analyzing the situation...Shop deactivated. Extracting files... [Ajax / Server Error for action u...
  13. Hi, lately , when i log to my backoffice it's taking too much time loading!! This morning, i can't log to my BO, it's loading and loading..Then i have this error : Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Pl...
  14. Bonjour, Je suis entrain de finaliser mon site e-commerce https://kit-beton-cire.lesbetonsdeclara.fr mais je rencontre un problème lors du choix de livraison... Le module Colissimo Simplicité a été correctement paramétré (confirmation par la hotline) mais lors du choix du mode de livraison,...
  15. Hello everyone someone would have an idea about this bug ? Thank you for your help. jquery-1.11.0.min.js:4 POST http://boutiquecoeurgrenadine.com/modules/urbit/ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error) send @ jquery-1.11.0.min.js:4...
  16. I am trying to do a 1 click upgrade from to the final 1.6 version. When it gets to backing up the databaseI get this error: Database backup: 206 table(s) left...[Ajax / Server Error for action backupDb] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:"Internal Server Error " jqXHR: " " it se...
  17. Buenos días. Puede alguien ayudarme?? mi programador se ha ido de la empresa y hoy cuando intento entrar en mi tienda online, me da un error: Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server adm...
  18. Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à accéder aux modules et services. J'ai l'erreur internal server error et jeton token invalide : accéder à ce lien peur entraîner un éventuel problème de sécurité. Que puis-je faire pour y remédier? Merci de votre aide
  19. Hello everyone! I have an issue trying to work with some options from back-office menu ("Modules" and "Payments" from Modules menu). Everytime I select any of them, after some minutes I get this message: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration...
  20. I apologize upfront because I know this issue has been posted before. However, none of the existing threads have helped me. I am trying to import a large number of products into my brand new installation of Prestashop. I have tried several means of getting this import to work, to no avail. No...
  21. As title, Even I have changed the folder permission to CHMOD_775 and file permission to CHMOD_644. And run the index.php to unzip the prestashop.zip with zip extension
  22. Dear Prestashop Experts, I am Vivek, From India. I have been working on Prestashop for a long time now and have created stores for my clients using prestashop since 2013. I am having a strange problem and need your help. When I am creating multistore in prestashop version 1.5 (all sub versi...
  23. Bonjour a tous, Au secour, j ai naivement cru que ce serait a ma portée de créer une seconde boutique en multi. j ai donc créé : Default fripie grandes tailles ( seconde boutique) PrestaShop fripie.com/ ( boutique principale) Pour la seconde boutique " fripie grandes ta...
  24. Bonjour, j'ai un site prestashop (v installé sur mon hébergement mutualisé ovh. Lorsque du côté client on veut envoyer une image pour personnaliser un produit, on a le message : "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to c...
  25. Sveiki, Isirašiau naujausia PS ir būnant backofice pastoviai meta tokią klaidą. Puslapis guli serveriai.lt, gal kas esas susidūre ir kažkaip išsprendėt šitą žiauriai nervinančią problemą? Man idomu ar čia prestoi problema ar su serveriu kažkas netaip.? Internal Server ErrorThe server e...
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