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  1. Hi I am running PS 1.7 and was busy installing free modules. After one of the modules completed installation the BO gave Error 500: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the serve...
  2. [MODULE] Advanced Product Tags Pro | SEO internal link promotion Module Overview Display the product tag on the product page, which will help customers filter the product, increase the search engine spider crawl and thus improve the site SEO ranking, background support custom product tag U...
  3. Hi, when loading my webshop page www.bengelenspetter.nl i get the HTTP 500 Internal server Error. This page is under construction but worked fine, now i only can enter the backend. When i enter the "products" page i also get the same error. I altered the define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);...
  4. Hi! I'm creating a lot of content in my category pages (in the text editor of the BO of Prestashop) and in the texts that I mention keywords that match the other categories of products I have on my website Im adding a link to these categories. Today I have realised that prestashop Automati...
  5. Hi, when in the back office I choose CONFIGURE / settings Shop Parameters / General ... , I get the following: "Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occur...
  6. dupa upgrade-ul la versiunea 7.4.6 in BackOffice cand accesez clientii imi apare urmatoare eroare:
  7. Witam Mam problem z wysłaniem żądania do API PrestaShop 1.6. W momencie gdy mam wyłączony tryb debugowania (define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); w pliku /config/defines.inc.php) i próbuję pobrać listę zamówień to otrzymuję 500 internal server error. W momencie włączenia trybu debugowania (define(...
  8. Cześć, wyrzuciło mi 500 internal server error, po tym jak wyłączyłem cache, po czym go wyczyściłem w Backoffice. Po włączeniu error reporting, wywala mi: Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/cache/prod/appParameters.php' (include_path='/vendor/pear/pear_exception:/vendor/p...
  9. Hi everyone, guys. I have a problem with the site's internal search engine. I have a Prestashop. Since I have migrated from the internal search for the products is wrong. Before it was much more precise in finding the results. Addition in addition to the article that...
  10. Ciao a tutti. Ho un problema quando apporto modifiche in un file tramite FTP. A volte, quando apporto una modifica a un file importante, salvando e mettendo online tramite Filezilla, il sito Web va in crash. Per esempio: Cerco di installare il pixel di Facebook su header.tpl....
  11. When I try to access my modules and services I am getting this error: Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for a...
  12. Bonjour à tous , quand je veux faire une modifications dans mes pages CMS , une page d'erreur s'affiche " Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request..... Pouvez vous m'aider svp ? ya t'il possibili...
  13. Like title says, can't access to front or back office. 500 Internal Server Error occurred at Tab title of a browser. Then: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator...
  14. Hi there, i am a new prestashop user and i try to get familiar with this great shop system. Now I have a problem i could not find any solution for. I want to ad internal information to our products. This information should not be shown in the front end. It is only for internal usage. Here is an...
  15. Hi, I'm having a problem with the watermark module, when I activate him the site gives the "500 Internal Server Error". I need to change the .htaccess to get my website up again. I comment the follow line and all work well. "Options +FollowSymLinks" The code from my .htaccess:...
  16. Hello, since some days, I have more and more problems working with orders in my Prestashop with PHP 5.3 (currently but have had as well 5.5 and MySQL 5.5.40, hosted on STRATO. I am using the magnalister module to work with eBay and Amazon (but I am not sure whether magnalister is par...
  17. Hola! Soy novato y me siento frustrado por no poder solucionar el error mencionado en la referencia. Instale Prestashop y me abre correctamente el Back office. Al querer ir a la tienda, ésta me arroja el desconcertante error: Internal Server Error. He probado con todo. He restaurado mi h...
  18. Hola, Actualmente tengo una tienda online funcionando en un servidor compartido. Pero finalmente me he decido a hacer la migración hacia un VPS por los diferentes problemas que ocasiona en la importación de más de 100 artículos. Estoy realizando pruebas de importación a través del csv en el VPS...
  19. Buenas! Hace dos días hice una actulización de una tienda de la 1.4 a y sólo he tenido un par de problemas. El que me está dando más guerra es uno al tratar de regenerar miniaturas, ya que me acaba dando error 500. Algunos datos: La versión de PS como digo es, plantilla d...
  20. I just backed up and upgraded from to and not I CAN'T LOG IN to /psadmin/. It just displays a 500 internal server error message. Here's what I've done: -backed up everything -disabled store -made sure upgrade checklist was green across the board -Used 1-click upgrade module...
  21. Hello Prestashop Forum, i'm comming from Typo3 world and have general question about internal linking in Prestashop. In Typo3 i'm used to have the option to decide between "internal" and "external" pages. While linking to internal pages Typo3 takes care about the correct generation of URL's. By...
  22. This morning, my site was working fine, now suddenly, it has an error; 500 Internal Server Error The page cannot be displayed. This displays when I try to log into the back office too, so I'm helpless. Why did this suddenly happen? (I didn't change anything) How can I sort it as...
  23. I installed Prestashop on Webuzo server and installation was one-click, but I get internal server error to the Gfashion Responsive Prestashop Theme I uploaded to the installation directory. Any advice ? Did I miss something ? Any modules ?
  24. I have last paypal update with all things compiled bus paypal keep sending me the 500 internal server error. What should i do?
  25. Hello, I have just uploaded the Prestashop files ready to install it on my server, however I am now getting the dreaded '500 Internal Server Error'. I have removed the .htaccess file and still get this error, I also have tried uploading the files to a different folder and still I get this error...
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