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  1. I'm trying to install prestashop on my Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server(with nginx) But the installer always times out when installing the templates.
  2. Hi, I am learning hot to create an online shop and I have bought a hosting recently. I tried to install PrestaShop on my computer using FileZilla program and watching tutorials. I transfered PrestaShop install files to my server files ( following every step from the video I found). The next step was...
  3. I'm really at a loss for what to do next; I've resolved numerous errors with PHP versions, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin, and now this has happened. I'm also unsure how to search for the error.
  4. he solucionado ya varios problemas tanto con php como con MySQL pero este no se como buscar o solucionar
  5. Hello I'm trying to install clean install (for test purposes) and getting lot of errors. First problem was that installing modules at 63% failed, the reason was missing getSwiftmailer_EmailSender_ListenerService.php. I can not recover from this error , even when very similar topics are ava...
  6. Hello I want to make a test installation of a prestashop website I made a copy of all the folders without the "cache" folder I made an sql backup and retrieve of the database with some changes in the parameters.php config file when I want to try this new test site, I obtain the cu...
  7. I'm trying to install Google Analytics API module as it appears to uninstalled itself at some point in the last month, but when I click install I get an error: You do not have permission to configure this module. Anyone know how to solve this? I saw a few other topics saying to uninstall an...
  8. Hej. Hvordan tror I man kan lave en lign site som kombinerer vores info-site med vor web-shop? https://artipoppe.com/ Jeg kan godt li at det er samme tema og at man kan lægge i indkøbskurven i PrestaShop og blive informeret i WordPress, uden at føle man bliver dirigeret til anden plat...
  9. [Thu Oct 15 16:20:50.457460 2015] [:error] [pid 672:tid 1072] [client ::1:59528] script 'C:/Servers/Apache24/htdocs/prestashop/install/sandbox/anything.php' not found or unable to stat, referer: http://localhost/prestashop/install/index.php Well, that's the error I'm facing when try to install prest...
  10. Hi I am running PS 1.7 and was busy installing free modules. After one of the modules completed installation the BO gave Error 500: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the serve...
  11. Hello Friends, Greetings of the day. I have created some video tutorials regarding how to do the below tasks in PrestaShop versions 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 These video tutorials help to understand, complete tasks, and easily work with PrestaShop. [1]. Prestashop how to set a 10% discoun...
  12. Hello community, I've been trying to install PrestaShop locally on Mac OS for several hours with MAMP (PHP 7.4.21). The first steps of my install go smoothly until I get to the store install, where an error occurs 67% through the install. This error: "HTTP 500 - error -"...
  13. Hello, I feel ridiculous, but I'm getting 500 error on two different hosting companies while trying to install Prestashop and The error log is: [Mon Oct 08 13:11:48 2018] [warn-ioncube] mmap cache can't open /home/..../var/cache/prod/appParameters.php - Permission denied...
  14. Bonjour la communauté, J'essaie d'installer PrestaShop localement sur Mac OS depuis plusieurs heures avec MAMP (PHP 7.4.21). Les premières étapes de mon installation se déroulent sans problème jusqu'à ce que j'arrive à l'installation du magasin, où une erreur se produit à 67% lors...
  15. Bonjour tout le monde, je suis nouveau dans la communauté prestashop et je ne connais pas php. j'essaie de créer un nouveau thème pour un magasin donc j'installe prestashop dans localhost via composer en utilisant la commande suivante: composer create-project prestashop/prestashop pu...
  16. Hello, i'm trying to install Prestashop on a custom docker container, but every time i try, i get a 500 error during addon module install, my docker image looks like this : FROM php:7.1.33-apache RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo_mysql RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install...
  17. Hola a todos. Tengo un problema con mi tienda en Prestashop al momento de querer instalar un módulo. Sucede que cuando adjunto o arrastro el archivo comprimido del módulo, después de unos segundos me aparece un error en pantalla que dice "Server responded with 500 error code." He estado buscand...
  18. Buenas tardes, necesito ayuda en la instalación por favor , me da error en la extensión zip de PHP tengo activada la extensión en PHP y Paquetes PHP PEAR, utilizo cPanel , a ver si me podéis ayudar por favor... ( adjunto imágenes )... Gracias
  19. when i install prestashop , the time when installation at install addons module its given error. please provide any solution very appreciated attached error screen
  20. Hello, I get the follow error when trying to install prestashop At 56% installing modules Se ha producido un error durante la instalación... Puede utilizar los enlaces que se encuentran en la columna de la izquierda para volver a los pasos anteriores, o también reinicia...
  21. Bonjour, c'est ma première installation de presta et j'ai une erreur, le soucis c'est que je ne sais même pas d'où elle vient. sur phpmyadmin j'ai bel et bien créé la BDD "prestashop" je suis en local comme vous l'avez vu sous xampp merci d'avance pour vos réponses. sur
  22. El dia de ayer instale prestashop en mi Hosting el cual me lo provee NameCheap, en este hsoting tengo dos dominios ya que me permite tener hasta 3 dominios uno de los 2 dominios que tengo es para un proyecto personal que tengo pero en la carpeta raiz (public_html) del hosting tengo instalada la tie...
  23. I am building a new website/store - on a new host - for a friend who wants to keep their current store and host intact until I switch things over. SiteGround is the new host and I used their one-click install for PrestaShop, which worked fine. But there's an obvious problem now: how do I access and...
  24. I've seen many people were having problem with "Error: 'install' directory is missing" in prestashop. I also had this problem atter domian change (server change) and none of instructions helped me. I solved this by myself. Problem was solved thanks to changing domain settings from "Website wit...
  25. Cześć, od dłuższego czasu napotykam problemy z instalacją prestashop lokalnie na macbooku. Próbowałem zainstalować preste lokalnie przez Xampp'a, jednak podczas instalacji pojawia się problem z plikiem INTL (Intl extension is not loaded), na komputerach z systemem Windows jest to proste, bo wys...
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